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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

Didn't get anything, so nothing to :-)
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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

No and I can say that I have NEVER in my life of 50 plus years have returned a gift! As I said before, in our family we make lists each year of ideas of what we would like. Yes, yes we also pick up gifts on our own too but we communicate and know each other so well we know what we like and all sizes etc. So never had a bad gift, never gave a bad gift.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

I got a t shirt that is the wrong size so I'll have to return it.

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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

I would return something if it was the wrong size or a really dreadful color but I have never had to that I can recall. I have received items that are just not me and if it's clothing I donate it.

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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

I got a book for one of my boys which he already owned. Amazon credited me with the return and told me to keep the book!

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

Thankfully, I will not return any gifts; I love them all. Great choices from everyone.

However, we did go shopping this morning. Every year the day after Christmas DH and I go out for a relaxing breakfast and then shop for wall calendars which are 50% off. We got a cairn terrier calendar and a kitchen chef calendar. Unfortunately, they did not have any keeshond calendars in stock. I also got 2 pair of slacks (brown dress slacks, navy corduroy slacks) on sale. I can't pass up a great bargain!

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

A pair of Frye Boots. For almost 450.00 I need to LOVE them and I don't. A wee bit too tall and not 100% comfortable right out of the box. So back they go. And a couple of Anthropologie sweaters . . . same thing . . . for the price I must love them 100% and I don't. Bought by myself, to myself & from myself . . . all online. Between these two stores about 1K . . . so back they go. Wish I could love the Frye boots especially. Smiley Sad

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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

I would much rather donate the gift to my local Salvation Army (or other social service organization) than return it.

And would not need any kind of receipt in return.

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Re: Are you returning anything you got for Christmas?

I was very happy with the gifts I received. However, I did have to exchange a pair of earrings as the catch was defective. I was sad that they had no more of the same kind and I had to choose to another design. Other than that, I was very pleased and glad I did not have to stand in the long return lines!!!!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin