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@violann wrote:

@Suziqzee wrote:

We know the people who were laid off were hard working and dedicated because Lisa Mason KNEW them and said so on her Facebook post.


Again ? What does Lisa having known them have anything to do with them being hard workers and dedicated?

Don't worry, be Happy!
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I am very sorry to hear of these layoffs. The economy is not what we all knew growing up. There are so many mergers anymore. No one is secure. My kids and their spouses are approaching 40 and I worry what the economy will be like for them. I guess no company is immuned to financial struggles.

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I'll provide a theory (not a fact) because this is a discussion forum where we can share facts and differing opinions.

One thing we do know is that the way QVC senior leadership is running the company from a customer standpoint, they're directly responsible for any layoffs. Isn't it ironic that those that should be fired are making the decisions on who to fire.

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Companies regardless who they are do whatever it takes to keep themselves afloat.  If it means letting employees go to downsize, to save money to reinvest in whomever or whatever, the higher ups do it.  The Q is no different. 


Not sure why LM would post such a thing.  I'm pretty sure she knows it'll be talked about/shared on other fb forums and here.  Did she know all of those people?  Is she that much still in touch with employees at the Q?  She probably better be careful what she talks about & shares or she may never be asked/allowed to come back if she's a 'talker'.  Company higher ups frown on such things - telling tales outside of school.

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PinkDogwood Wrote: "Not sure why LM would post such a thing. I'm pretty sure she knows it'll be talked about/shared on other fb forums and here. Did she know all of those people?"


@PINKdogWOOD  LM posted it because she has a right to post her views and opinions, the same as you.

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@Zefra  You are right, we all have a right to say/post whatever we wish.  However we all need to be careful what we say, to whom, about whatever, as sometimes it comes back and bites us.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@kivahYou seem to know an awful lot about people who were laid off.  How do you know they were hard-working dedicated employees and that there was no reason to lay them Off?  For all you know they were embezzling and pillaging from the company.  They don't have to depend on the largess of small towns; they live in one of the largest metro areas in the US.


You are in no position to judge internal personnel matters.



@Kachina624, how do you know he/she is in no position to judge internal personnel matters?

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@PINKdogWOOD  Very true and we have all exoerienced that painful bite, lol!

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@hopi wrote:

Q is full of


They want larger profits, younger faces , no commitment.  The 1% theory and big corporations are extremely greedy and feel they owe nobody anything.  This CEO will become so wealthy in a short framework and never have worked the way regular people have to. The is no regard for anyone's lifetime of dedication.  it's all about making the most money.  They are waiting for all the old shoppers to die off and hoping to grab the new ones.


Isn't this true for any company?

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I just read Lisa's post and am a little surprised at the angry comments here.  I read that she is frustrated and sad at the loss of jobs and how that will change so many lives.  For her it's personal since she knows many of those layed offf.  Everyone knows in corporate America it's all about profit margins, not the people who helped you get those profits over the years.  Everyone has a right to comment on the Q's decision and then they can decide where to spend their money.