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Re: Facial hair removers Question

thanks for all the great suggestions . I've certainly learned a lot ,  especially the myth of hair growing back coarser.   Just have to decide what is best option for me now.

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

@SilleeMee wrote:

Remember this thing? I still have one and it works. Back in the day I used it on my face and it did a really good job, hurt a little but the hair grew back soft and over time some of the hair didn't come back at all. The new version of the Epilady doesn't hold a candle to the original one.


Full-size item image



@SilleeMee   in the stone age i used to do "fragrance modeling" for a few extra bucks.   an agency sent us, all gussied up, to walk around  with a perfume bottle in the Macys or similar dept store and offer shoppers a "shpritzh" of perfume. for some reason they always gave me Giorgio.  yah that kept them away in droves!


Well, one time the agency sent me to a Cherry&Webb dept. store (small like a Kohl's)


the demo item was the original Epilady.  was not familiar with this device.   got some very sick and disgusting remarks. i walked around the store to show shoppers how the coils vibrated to remove hair (on my arms (ouchie!)   lots off off-color jokes.


oh - i no longer have hair on my arms.

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

I get waxed (I have for 25+ years) & I can attest that hair grows back slower, "softer" and in some areas stopped growing at all. Keep in mind, though, this is from consistent waxing, not sporadic (like some do for "special occasions").

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

I use a razor blade on my chin and upper lip every day. It takes 2 seconds and is so cheap.  No issues

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

@Sooner wrote:

Ever see bald men getting thicker darker back from shaving their heads?  Believe me, if it worked that way we'd know!  Woman Very Happy





That's only cuz now the hair has shifted to their ears, back and...well, you kow where!



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Re: Facial hair removers Question

@RespectLife wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

Ever see bald men getting thicker darker back from shaving their heads?  Believe me, if it worked that way we'd know!  Woman Very Happy





That's only cuz now the hair has shifted to their ears, back and...well, you kow where!



Woman EmbarassedWoman Very Happy

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

Epilady has come a long way. They make a laser hair remover now. I just got it so I can't give a review just yet. This device is for individual hair removal, not for large sections. I am using it to get rid of stray brow hairs and an occasional upper-lip hair which appears once in a while. Instead of reaching for the tweezers I'll reach for this stylus. Hair is permanently gone. It's about the size of a large magic marker.


Epilady Absolute Laser Stylus



Epilady Absolute Laser Stylus


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Re: Facial hair removers Question

Use a disposal razor.  Cheap and they can be easily replaced as often as you'd like. 

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

 If shaving facial hair caused it to grow back blacker/courser, would it even be a thing?  No woman would want that.  I've been shaving my face AND my forearms for decades.  I'm not familiar with the product you're talking about tho.  I use whatever I have and is the closest to me at the time Smiley Happy  I've used the Tinkle shavers (Amazon or WM), a regular razor (VERY gently), Finish Touch Flawless Shaver.  Makeup looks SO much better when there is no peach fuzz, just nice smooth skin.  

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Re: Facial hair removers Question

I think I am going to have to go back to waxing. I have been using Finishing Touch, and while it works fine, I have to pull it out about 3 times a week for my chin hairs.....They also say some medications cause hair to gro faster in women as well.....With waxing I only had to get waxed once a month and in the meantime, pluck the strays....I think I will have to go back to that! Because 3 times a week and the hairs are definitely long already!