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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?




That is a plan I have never made and will probably never make.


Where I live--no floods, no tornadoes, no wildfires, earthquakes are ultra rare, and thank goodness, no tall buildings nearby.


I have a fire hydrant right next to my house, so if we caught on fire, I would trust the fire department to get here pronto.  Philly gets plenty of rain and we hardly ever have a drought. My house is stone so it would take a longer time to burn.


I have too many pets, too many beloved possessions like photos, antique furniture, art, jewelry, etc. to even make a list.  Of course the living come first!


I prefer to think of my home like one of those English castles--still standing after centuries and full of all the historical collections!


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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

[ Edited ]

That's so easy                MY DOG  (My husband can run with me).

Things out of the safe and my purse.


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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

[ Edited ]

I would need a go bag but it would probably weigh a ton.  Also, would need to grab the laptop (it's 17-1/2") since we don't own a more convenient ipad that we should have bought years ago but never did. 


Also, photo copying important documents so we don't have to go into our go bag since its purpose would be for emergencies only.   


Don't know how one can fill up a go bag with clothes and not be tempted to wear them.  


Would not like to have to repeatedly replenish a go bag but don't relish buying special clothing just for one.  

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

I'd grab my dog, purse and put on shoes. 

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

My home burned down when I was in my 20's and lived with my family. Waking up at 2:10 a.m. to my room filling up with smoke and my mother yelling to get help and get out of the house, I called for help. This was before cell phones and 911. But I knew the call center number for fire and alerted them that we had a fire and needed help.  I grabbed my cat, looked at my finished MA thesis that I was typing for submission ( before computers and digital devices) I never thought that I would lose everything. I got down the stairs, joined my family outside, and watched my house burn down. It was snowing, and I did not even have slippers on my feet. I doubt that I would have known what to grab had I been given more time.  What do I wish I had grabbed if I had the ability and more time? My purse with I.d., check book, and credit cards, my car keys ( I was asked to move my car to protect it from burning debris and could not) , my glasses (I now wear contacts), my thesis ( I needed two extra years to redo it), shoes, and a photo album.  However, I was happy I was able to grab the cat. I realize in some emergencies folks do get 15 minutes. I would be grateful for that time, but I think most important still would be my pets, I.d., keys, and iPad. 

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

I'd grab my handbag and my wedding rings.  If I had time, I'd grab some photo albums.

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

We have "go-bags" always on the ready.


DH also has an extra bag with meds and some other supplies.

I have my purse with meds and of course ID, etc.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

[ Edited ]

@depglass wrote:

This was in the story about another condo in FL that might be unsafe.  At least this group had the time to select something and get out, unlike the poor people that lived in the building that collapsed.  So this is a variation on the what would you grab if your house was on fire?

A hose!


ETA:  Seriously though, I'd better start organizing or I'll be part of the rubble.

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

If you have a grab bag, do you live in an apt., or in your own home. (A single dwelling).  I think for sure an apt. dweller would have one.  You have to hope all those who live in the same building, are as careful as you are.  

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

My Med's, important papers and any jewelry I can grab within reach.


This is a really good idea.  I need to seriously sit down and get those papers packed and ready to go.  I live in a high rise and Thank Goodness we have a sprinkler system.  It took 3 years and millions of dollars but our parking and structure were repaired ... but you never know what can happen.