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What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

This was in the story about another condo in FL that might be unsafe.  At least this group had the time to select something and get out, unlike the poor people that lived in the building that collapsed.  So this is a variation on the what would you grab if your house was on fire?

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

My husband.

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

@depglass   I live in a one-story building, so I don't anticipate collapse.  But I also .live in a hurricane-prone area.  A few years after I bought here, we had 5 hurricanes within 2 seasons and I remember well when the couple who lived opposite me drove themelves to safety.  They carried a smallish suitcase with meds and a change of clothing and the waterproof lockbox in which they kept their important papers.  


With 30 minutes warning, the suitcase would be easy to assemble, but that case of important papers??  That took me more than 30 minutes to assemble even after I found the right box for them, but having them easily available is high on my list of emergency prep no matter where we live.  



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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

[ Edited ]

 Presuming I'm already dressed...


5 minute notice:

My cat

My purse (I.D./$/keys)

My chemo (and other meds)

Edit to add contents of my safe.



House on fire:

Cat & purse

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?



Purse that order, and the purse is optional

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?


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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

Financial stuff - credit cards, checkbooks, etc.

Sentimental jewelry items that can't be replaced. 

Laptop, phone and their charging cords.

A few changes of clothes

A couple boxes of contact lenses


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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

All my clean underwear, my meds, a jacket and my purse.

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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

[ Edited ]

We have a "go" bag that is packed with extra copies of important papers (insurance, will, physician's directive, passports), prescription medications (rotate these when new refill is received), change of clothing, small sampling of cherished photos, a couple of water bottles, and some snacks. It sits in my office ready to grab and go right next to my computer bag which I would grab after getting computer and charger. Extra phone chargers are already in the bag.


My husband will get the go bag,and I will grab the computer. Wallets are a must as well.


Before our bulldog died, she had her own go bag. These go bags are backpacks.



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Re: What would you grab if you were told to evacuate in 15 minutes?

This is why we need a go-bag, with not only valuables, but some clothing, meds etc.  If  we only have  a short time to evacuate, you can’t waist time looking for things.