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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@viva923 wrote:

hey all

if anyone wants to read about my new worthless glasses i just picked up on saturday please see spring is breaking out all over page 785


no wonder my glasses were dirt cheap,got raked over the coals on this one.


sheet day, all clothes dried outside,folded and put away.


super hot today, later.



How frustrating is that? Woman Frustrated


I've had problems with some pairs in the past and there are few things that are worse.  BH wonders why I don't just order them online, but I have fairly complicated requirements so I keep going where I've gone for over 20 years and hope for the best.


And they still get it wrong! Woman LOL

@just bee 


There are some things I just can't imagine ordering online--furniture, mattresses, and eyeglasses.


What do you do if there is an error?  Where do you go to get them adjusted?  How do you know how they'll fit and feel?


I'm beginning to see why we are having delivery problems in this country.  So many people buying everything online to be delivered.  Isn't that a lot more harmful to the environment than going to a store?



One would think, wouldn't one?


And where are the environmentalists on this?  Cue the crickets...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

I will not buy many things on line. Makeup no and I don't wear enough of it anyway! I will put tinted moisturizer on when I go out and about but I go barefaced around the house.

Clothes,I still buy in person. I keep it simple and comfortable. No high maintenance.

Been digging out a plot in the front yard all day for new plants.Filled up two wheel barrels of dirt and threw the dirt and weeds in the garden.
Now it's time to go to nursery and pick out some new ones. I Have to pick up full sun perennials. 🌞
Big decision! I have to remember not to over buy because they will get larger over the years.

Hope you are all well ....pretty nice day here!
I am blacking out the news and I do feel my mood lightens up🙂
Dare I say the news could actually kill a person🧐
I think I am onto something 🤔
I say turn it off.....stay happy....
Brisk out and waiting for June.....
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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

And I buy very little in person, even groceries get delivered half the time. 🤣

Plants. Plants I buy in person. 🧐

Or Lowe’s if something breaks around the house. Even then I’ve been known to sometimes order if it’s not a rush.
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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

My poor cat had to go to the vet for a physical and her usual *visit*.  I had my husband go in because I didn't know if they were going to draw blood and I just can't watch her if I know she's uncomfortable. 


No blood draws, but her gum was swollen over a tooth, the tooth wasn't loose, but the vet gave her a shot of antibiotic.  If the gum isn't better, I'm to take her back in 2 weeks.  I have never looked in her mouth before!  We can't just pick them up.


But my husband said she was so scared that she didn't make a noise the whole time she was being examined.  Had her nails clipped, too. 


So now I have to take the other one in, she has never been picked up.  This is going to be fun.  And she is overweight and I'm going to get reamed out for that. 


They both eat a patheticly small amount of food, but they get absolutely no excercise.  None.  Afraid of toys!  But they both eat the exact same amount.  That's what I don't get.  The mother was much bigger when we captured her, though.


I'm trying to get everything done that I can now.  I had an appt today, have one tomorrow and one on Thursday.  Missed an appt on Friday because I had to pick up my grandson from school.  I had already confirmed I would go to the appt the day before, so now I'm probably going to get charged.  And I have to re-schedule....ugh.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

hey all

have eye doc check in half hour,see all later

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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

hey all

had eye recheck

all was ok with my new script. doc said it was the new lens material used for the new glasses..doc said there is a huge difference between the brilliant lens material that my new glasses were made from and verilux lens material that i have had since going into wearing glasses some 30 yrs or so. so my glasses were sent back to glasses making place with the new script for VERILUX lenses.


just a call from  a neighbor lady who said she got covid tested positive yesterday from the owner of the small company she works for.she is so sick ,she is boostered up with moderna, i don't see this friend physically we just talk on phone often.


ok guys later.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

hey all

got some shocking news tonight. one of my neighbor lady house burned down to the ground tonight.she had a beautiful house very well maintained. little bit of news from people at fire was,fire began in the gazebo next to the house,house caught fire (wind picked up tonight),and it was a fire cracker.nothing is left. the fire hydrant fire department tried to use when they first got here was wasted time finding a new hydrant that did work.caused the fire to spread quickly. i talked to her animals and her just about every day on my walks.


ok later guys

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Posts: 21,489
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

hey all

did get to see the neighbor lady whose  house burned down briefly today.she was on front lawn while her daughter/daughter-boyfriend (or husband) were salvaging what little they could.firemen saved some of the 3 bedrooms. 


did grocery shop today. parked in my usual spot, walmart is repaving whole park lot/road ways around walmart ,what a mess.i had to walk from the end i park at,clear across to other side of park lot to get in one and only door that was open during renovation of park lot,glad i could walk,got me out and moving and it really wasn't to much of a walk since i do 2.5 miles a day now.


ok guys later.