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Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

hey all

not much today


did normal chores

did flush out hot water tank good for another 2 months.


hung out clothes all folded and put away


turned on air cond. heat hot and turning more humid 


not much else,later guys

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Posts: 21,361
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@Brisky wrote:
While we are talking about aging, did I tell you my little toe that I broke still swells up and hurts after all this time! I think if I lived to be 100 years it would still be hurting. Hopefully I won't live that long! Sounds bad I know....

I would just like to go before my mind and body gives out.

My car is old. I waxed it when new but I never do it now!
Just general upkeep now.

Everybody is still sleeping in my neighborhood....
Brisk out on memorial day and take it easy everybody.....



My broken toe did the same thing for the longest time.  Of course, I broke it twice in two years which may have had something to do with it.  I think it finally quit hurting a while ago.🤞 And I've trained myself to put my slippers/sandals on when I get up in the middle of the night.😉


I've come to the conclusion that fancy cars, houses, or whatever are not for me.  I'm too lazy to keep them up and too cheap to pay someone else to.  And now, you can't find anyone to do any job right for any amount of money.  (Ok, I speak for myself on that last one.)


Brisk, you've got the right idea to go before everything gives out.  Unfortunately, the majority of us don't manage that.  I know a guy a few years older than me that just had a massive stroke a couple of months ago.  All he can do is talk and move one arm slightly.  That's my biggest fear--to be helpless at the mercy of others.  To me, that would be worse than death itself.


But I imagine most of us would feel that way.

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Posts: 36,885
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

Speaking of weird things happening when you get old(er)...


Yesterday I was just sitting and rubbing the dog and all of a sudden the underside of my finger started to itch intensely.  Then it hurt.  I looked at it and it was swollen and black and blue.  Guess something popped inside.  But the weird part is that I hadn't been doing anything stressful.  It quit hurting shortly afterwards and this morning half my finger is black and blue.🤔


I'm becoming one of those old people you see that have bruises all over them.🤕 



I complain about it all the time.  Products we buy are built to fail.


Now I realize we have the same issue.


Planned obsolescence (also called built-in obsolescence or premature obsolescence) is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life or a purposely frail design, so that it becomes obsolete after a certain pre-determined period of time upon which it decrementally functions or suddenly ceases to function, or might be perceived as unfashionable.


That's us! Woman LOL

@just bee 


Well, I'm certain I'm perceived as unfashionable!😆



Unfashionable is my middle name.


Actually, I have two middle names and the other one is Procrastinator.


It's time for me to face the grout.


Later! Heart

@just bee 


Queen Bee and The Great Groutmaster!


Carry on...🫡



Quick break.


Well, this is progress.  The first time I got on my hands and knees to seal the grout, I ended up collapsing on my side and sobbing into the ceramic tile.


Yesterday and today there were no tears.  And I managed to stay on my knees.  And elbows.


If I keep this up, I'll be running marathons in no time.


(Not true.  I gave up running in college.)

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 36,885
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@Brisky wrote:
While we are talking about aging, did I tell you my little toe that I broke still swells up and hurts after all this time! I think if I lived to be 100 years it would still be hurting. Hopefully I won't live that long! Sounds bad I know....

I would just like to go before my mind and body gives out.

My car is old. I waxed it when new but I never do it now!
Just general upkeep now.

Everybody is still sleeping in my neighborhood....
Brisk out on memorial day and take it easy everybody.....



My broken toe did the same thing for the longest time.  Of course, I broke it twice in two years which may have had something to do with it.  I think it finally quit hurting a while ago.🤞 And I've trained myself to put my slippers/sandals on when I get up in the middle of the night.😉


I've come to the conclusion that fancy cars, houses, or whatever are not for me.  I'm too lazy to keep them up and too cheap to pay someone else to.  And now, you can't find anyone to do any job right for any amount of money.  (Ok, I speak for myself on that last one.)


Brisk, you've got the right idea to go before everything gives out.  Unfortunately, the majority of us don't manage that.  I know a guy a few years older than me that just had a massive stroke a couple of months ago.  All he can do is talk and move one arm slightly.  That's my biggest fear--to be helpless at the mercy of others.  To me, that would be worse than death itself.


But I imagine most of us would feel that way.




There's some good news.


A friend of ours stopped by yesterday.  He's been in physical therapy for some time, trying to get full use of his shoulder again.  He has always stayed in pretty good shape.


BH is having his own shoulder issues.  He played baseball when he was younger.  Always been capable of moving.


Me?  I thought about playing baseball when I was younger.


So, for me, this is proof that it doesn't matter if you were athletic.  You still fall apart and it takes a long time to come back from an injury when you get hurt.


I feel so much better now.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,361
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

Speaking of weird things happening when you get old(er)...


Yesterday I was just sitting and rubbing the dog and all of a sudden the underside of my finger started to itch intensely.  Then it hurt.  I looked at it and it was swollen and black and blue.  Guess something popped inside.  But the weird part is that I hadn't been doing anything stressful.  It quit hurting shortly afterwards and this morning half my finger is black and blue.🤔


I'm becoming one of those old people you see that have bruises all over them.🤕 



I complain about it all the time.  Products we buy are built to fail.


Now I realize we have the same issue.


Planned obsolescence (also called built-in obsolescence or premature obsolescence) is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life or a purposely frail design, so that it becomes obsolete after a certain pre-determined period of time upon which it decrementally functions or suddenly ceases to function, or might be perceived as unfashionable.


That's us! Woman LOL

@just bee 


Well, I'm certain I'm perceived as unfashionable!😆



Unfashionable is my middle name.


Actually, I have two middle names and the other one is Procrastinator.


It's time for me to face the grout.


Later! Heart

@just bee 


Queen Bee and The Great Groutmaster!


Carry on...🫡



Quick break.


Well, this is progress.  The first time I got on my hands and knees to seal the grout, I ended up collapsing on my side and sobbing into the ceramic tile.


Yesterday and today there were no tears.  And I managed to stay on my knees.  And elbows.


If I keep this up, I'll be running marathons in no time.


(Not true.  I gave up running in college.)

@just bee 


Maybe your body has just become numb to the pain.


This may be the first time you'll be looking forward to going to work.


Or maybe the pain of that is worse than the pain of sealing grout...🤷‍♀️

Honored Contributor
Posts: 36,885
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



Quick break.


Well, this is progress.  The first time I got on my hands and knees to seal the grout, I ended up collapsing on my side and sobbing into the ceramic tile.


Yesterday and today there were no tears.  And I managed to stay on my knees.  And elbows.


If I keep this up, I'll be running marathons in no time.


(Not true.  I gave up running in college.)

@just bee 


Maybe your body has just become numb to the pain.


This may be the first time you'll be looking forward to going to work.


Or maybe the pain of that is worse than the pain of sealing grout...🤷‍♀️



I noticed last week that I wasn't filled with dread when I went back to work.  I needed a break from crawling around with a headlamp, straining to see if I'm actually getting the stuff on the grout and not on the tile.


There are times I feel like Charles Bronson in The Great Escape.


Hmmm.  Maybe I am numb.  I've been inhaling the fumes from this stuff...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,361
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:



Quick break.


Well, this is progress.  The first time I got on my hands and knees to seal the grout, I ended up collapsing on my side and sobbing into the ceramic tile.


Yesterday and today there were no tears.  And I managed to stay on my knees.  And elbows.


If I keep this up, I'll be running marathons in no time.


(Not true.  I gave up running in college.)

@just bee 


Maybe your body has just become numb to the pain.


This may be the first time you'll be looking forward to going to work.


Or maybe the pain of that is worse than the pain of sealing grout...🤷‍♀️



I noticed last week that I wasn't filled with dread when I went back to work.  I needed a break from crawling around with a headlamp, straining to see if I'm actually getting the stuff on the grout and not on the tile.


There are times I feel like Charles Bronson in The Great Escape.


Hmmm.  Maybe I am numb.  I've been inhaling the fumes from this stuff...

@just bee 


Oh man, those fumes will get you!


And you remember what happened to Charles Bronson in that movie.  BH better hope that you finish before you refuse to go back into that tunnel or he'll be on his own.

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Posts: 9,114
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

Oh, boy. I need a nap. I thought you wrote GOUT not grout. 😵‍💫.

“Why is Bee avoiding dealing with her gout? Why does everyone have swollen toes?” 🧐


I’m losing it. 🏳 *waving the white flag*
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Posts: 36,885
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@bikerbabe wrote:
Oh, boy. I need a nap. I thought you wrote GOUT not grout. 😵‍💫.

“Why is Bee avoiding dealing with her gout? Why does everyone have swollen toes?” 🧐


I’m losing it. 🏳 *waving the white flag*



Don't fret.  I think we're both really tired.


In fact, I'm too tired to drive over to Total Wine.  That's fine.  It'll give me an opportunity to dust my wine rack before I refill it.


Have they started talking about monkey pox at work?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,361
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- May 2022 Edition

@bikerbabe wrote:
Oh, boy. I need a nap. I thought you wrote GOUT not grout. 😵‍💫.

“Why is Bee avoiding dealing with her gout? Why does everyone have swollen toes?” 🧐


I’m losing it. 🏳 *waving the white flag*



I do that kind of thing all the time.  I'm confused enough as it is, I don't need to misread something on top of it.  


I just tried to log in here and it took me three times to get in.  It kept saying my email address was invalid.  I know I typed it correctly--I think.  So I'm doing a "Can you find the hidden object in this picture?" review to see where I screwed it up.  In that case, it was this site that was wrong, not me.  Which makes things even worse because I'm beating myself up trying to figure out what I did wrong and I did nothing wrong!🤬


Perhaps you need more than a nap.  Another vacation, perhaps?  Or that new position you've been considering?


Regardless, glad to see you're still with us.🙂