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I had trauma at the dentist when I was young too.My dentist smacked my face for crying.When my son was two I made his first dental appointment with a really wonderful children’s dentist.I didn’t want him to develope the fear that I had.I told him that the appointment was special business that he must to do to take care of his teeth and I would wait for him in the waiting room.He proudly marched off with the hygienist telling her that it was his special business day.I could hear laughing coming from the exam room and my sons little voice  continually talking.When the checkup was over they called me in to hear the results and let me know that my son was very entertaining..Apparently they asked him at the start if he had any questions and he said you fart.Anyhow my son has never had any dental fears and for that I am grateful.

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@Shanus   Your childhood experience with the dentist sounds awful.  I'm so sorry you had to go through that.  How long did you go to that dentist before telling your parents what he did?  Was a Dental Hygienist in there to see what he did?  I can't believe he got away with that.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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@deedledeedeedle   Don't mean to sound selfish, but he's MY personal butler. Lol

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@NickNack wrote:

@Shanus   Your childhood experience with the dentist sounds awful.  I'm so sorry you had to go through that.  How long did you go to that dentist before telling your parents what he did?  Was a Dental Hygienist in there to see what he did?  I can't believe he got away with that.


@NickNack   We were taken to him when I was 4 yrs. old until I was 12. I don't remember if assistant was there or not. My brother was 3 yrs. younger than me. He said not to tell anyone, so I didn't. At 12, I finally told my Dad who gave him a piece of his mind and found us another dentist. Mom liked the location since it was near her shopping center & she'd drop us off and pick us up outside...shaking. 

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@DiAnne wrote:

I had my first root canal last year.  I had heard so many horror stories about root canals that I was pretty nervous when I drove myself to the endodonist.  He was entertaining and charming - time passed really fast and I drove myself home.  Only anesthesia was some Novocaine.  If I need another one I am definitely going back to the same dentist.  


@DiAnne that sounds like my experience as well.. I do believe I've had 3 root canals and one being done right through my crown..  which they found out was an abcess from clenching (hope that's the right word) from being on Tower of Terror and clenched tooooooooo hard when the elevator dropped...  it was just awful and very painful but my Dentist got me all fixed up.. :-)


Gosh, I sure am sorry to anyone that had tons of pain and a bad experience- ouch!


Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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@Shanus wrote:

@NickNack wrote:

@Shanus   Your childhood experience with the dentist sounds awful.  I'm so sorry you had to go through that.  How long did you go to that dentist before telling your parents what he did?  Was a Dental Hygienist in there to see what he did?  I can't believe he got away with that.


@NickNack   We were taken to him when I was 4 yrs. old until I was 12. I don't remember if assistant was there or not. My brother was 3 yrs. younger than me. He said not to tell anyone, so I didn't. At 12, I finally told my Dad who gave him a piece of his mind and found us another dentist. Mom liked the location since it was near her shopping center & she'd drop us off and pick us up outside...shaking. 



@Shanus   I'm so sorry.  Nine years is a very long time.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@Shanus @Dentistry has come a long way since we were kids.I swear everything is accomplished faster and I never have any pain.I still white nuckle it though and I figure that I burn a lot of calories holding that tense position.I have always had at least nine cavities every six months but as most of my teeth are crowned now I usually get out with maybe a crown needing to be replaced..this last visit for the first time in my life I had no need for any dental work.

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@Shanus  I'm sorry about your dental fears, it can be quite disturbing!

  I'd heard so many root canal stories I requested laughing gas. He complied. After I returned home I called my husband at work crying because my tooth was bad. 
  When he got home he asked why I was crying and called the dentist. He was told the gas affects some people that way! 
  I've had other root canals and a new gentle dentist and NO laughing gas!

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I guess most of our dental fears originate in childhood.  My childhood dentist was a quack!  Due to his lack of thorough examinations and cleanings, which he did himself, no hygienist,  I had to have 2 permanent molars extracted while still a child and teen. .  No nitrous, only novocaine.  


I really would like to be put to sleep for just a cleaning and exam! 

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@this is my nic wrote:

I guess most of our dental fears originate in childhood.  My childhood dentist was a quack!  Due to his lack of thorough examinations and cleanings, which he did himself, no hygienist,  I had to have 2 permanent molars extracted while still a child and teen. .  No nitrous, only novocaine.  


I really would like to be put to sleep for just a cleaning and exam! 

@this is my nic   I over came most of my fears of cleanings/xrays because DD is a hygienist and I went to her practice for over 20 yrs. She knew my fears and worked around them. When she moved to Seattle, I panicked. I've gotten used to a new dental practice here and my new hygienist. She Skyped w/ DD and got the low down. Lol