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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

@stevieb wrote:

@Nancy Drew wrote:

People are just upset that he might have some influence and start people thinking another way. Why else the uproar? 

Maybe because some folks are tired of marginally, at best, talented nincompoops like him and his inlaws being touted as relevant... 

You bet, and that should also include of bunch of other celebrities and nincompoop comedians.....

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Why would anyone spend any time watching this LOSER?

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Wonder if Kanye is just doing this for publicity he has new albums coming out and I think a book too. Make attention for yourself & sell your albums. Who knows.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018



Kris Jenner appeared on Ellen yesterday, Jenner insisted

that Kayne is always acting with good intentions. 


"I know that he will explain himself in his own way. I think

that anything he does… he always does things with really

good intentions. So, I’m gonna let him explain himself

when the time’s ready.”

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

I can tell you racism is not a thing of the past. It is up and running at full speed in my town. DH and I are the odd ones out. 

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Speaking as someone who grew up with Bi-polar and having intimate knowledge of someone (my daughter) who is Bi-polar and having a sister who is Bi-polar I will tell you, in my opinion that is what a manic episode (in my humble opinion) looks like!


What I meant is that, I believe, his intentions are good.  However, (again, my opinion, don't know him at all, only what I (like everyone here) have read and I believe he might have admitted to, due to his manic episodes, he couldn't stay focused and deliver his message in an understandable way.  (Phew!  That was quite a sentence.  Gave new meaning to the word 'run-on'). 


Having seen something like he showed (I watched the entire TMZ show with him 2 times (had it on DVR) all of my life, it sure looked to me like the public was able to see what one looks like.


Instead, the media decided to pick certain phrases or words (or what THEY) decided would sell the most .....and be the most controversial...and run with it.


Hence, his message was lost.  Think about it.  How often does a person of his stance in the popular hip-hop, world dare come out even showing any semblance of 'let's work together' and 'maybe we should listen to BOTH sides'?


I call it 'food for thought'.  

Sorry Annabelle.........I watched the show and it was all it was reported as and more!

I guess we all see what we want to but his reality is not mine or anybody else I know.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

@cherry wrote:

I did read today the creepy head of the crips put a contract out to beat Kanye up. He should be arrested for it


I  don't think addiction and being bipolar is the same thing. I know Kanye was hospitalized  a couple of years ago, in a mental institution


I have black relatives, and I am sorry that this has been said, but as little as I like Kanye ,I don't want to see him beat u,p by thugs like the crips @NycVixen




Typical thug, if a person has a different opinion..

beat it out of him.


Rapper Daz Dillinger issued a “crip alert”

for Kanye  telling members of the notorious L A -

based gang to “ **** Kanye up” whenever they get

the chance.. I saw the video and he seems hardly

a human being. 


L A  officers have since questioned him over the

threats he made. He posted a video about it. 

He also ask whether Kris Kardashian called the

police on him.


In the video, Dillinger says that he’s lucky he didn’t

have any illegal substances on his person when

law enforcement stopped him.


Stupid is as stupid looks...

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

[ Edited ]

"Jenner insisted that Kayne is always acting with good intentions."


The saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" has a lot of meaning behind it. Good intentions don't change bad acts into something of value. For example, I hate how he goes around talking all about loving everybody but doesn't practice it himself. Even when he's given a second chance, been forgiven and supposedly moved on, he turns around and repeats his behavior. His apology is a good intention but his actions don't mirror his words. It's very hypocritical.


Even so, I don't like being totally negative (even about him), so I'll just say I don't think he's as bad as the Crips guy who called for violence. I guess I'm saying that, in comparison, he's not as bad as someone else. Not a ringing endorsement but, hey, at least it's something.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

I don't follow every word from Kanye but did see TMZ.  Whatever one thinks of him I think the Kardashians have been a loving and stabilizing force in his life and having kids too has helped him.  I don't like it when his words are taken out of context or that he hasn't had a chance to really explain himself.  I hope he is not serious though about running for pres.  That would be a waste of time.  



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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018


"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
