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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

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The other evening watched NetFlix 70's Documentary. Norman Lear creator of many shows that broke through the glass ceiling of racism, sexism, and so on. 


Norman Lear with Alan Alder, Mary Tyler Moore, and others sued to uphold-

First amendment, Thankfully, They won! We might not be having this discussion or openly sharing if they had lost. 


Encourage anyone who is unfamiliar with this, To please investigate.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

[ Edited ]

@NycVixen wrote:

I have extensively studied Ethnicity and Race as part of my undergraduate degree. Kanye West's recent statements have no excuse whatsoever. He stated point blank that slavery for 400 years was a choice for black people. I went to Youtube since I had to hear it for myself.  An African-American employee at TMZ named Van Lathan let him have it in the most educated yet still keeping it real kind of way.


I am angry and deeply saddened by his words. Regardless of whether he's crazy or not, he has a platform and just reinforced ideas that the prior enslavement of an entire people is of their own making; that they are responsible for their past and present marginalization; that they made the choice to be subjugated.


We already have Holocaust, Newtown and other deniers spouting hateful messages adding further insult to injury with their denials and/or victim blaming.


Kanye West and other celebrities were made by their fans and supporters. There is a movement on Twitter called MuteRKelly, who has been accused of being a pedophile for 20 years. It's time we take the platform away from people who spread insidious lies and hate and who are known abusers.

Link to article written today by CNN contributor that echoes my post:


We need to stop giving Kanye a platform to lie

~Live with Intention~
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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Who will be next? 


You ban (kanye West) today, What tomorrow? 



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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

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Gee, I guess it's too much to expect an explanation as to what was inappropriate about it... But whatever...


Restated... in what is hopefully a more 'appropriate' fashion... I'm not interested in anything he has to say, though he's free to say it and I think he's deluding himself by indicating he cares too much what people think... People aren't thinking so much about his weight as they're thinking about his often bizarre behavior... If he's concerned with what people think maybe he should start by cleaning up his act...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

@Sweet_Serenity wrote:

Who will be next? 


You ban (kanye West) today, What tomorrow? 



@Sweet_Serenity I missed something, who is banning Kanye West? 

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Back to 70's Documentary..


Still in awe of Norman Lear! He opened the door in so many ways. 


Hero in every sense of the word. Boldly went where no one previously dared. 




Norman Lear- 2017 Recipient of the Nobel Prize 

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

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@Sweet_Serenity wrote:

The other evening watched NetFlix 70's Documentary. Norman Lear creator of many shows that broke through the glass ceiling of racism, sexism, and so on. 


Norman Lear with Alan Alder, Mary Tyler Moore, and others sued to uphold-

First amendment, Thankfully, They won! We might not be having this discussion or openly sharing if they had lost. 


Encourage anyone who is unfamiliar with this, To please investigate.


Your post in a prime example of the confusion between free speech and defamation, slander, misinformation, lies and now alternative facts.


The first amendment has limits encased in law. Free speech doesn't give people the right to outright lie, slander and misconstrue facts that cause harm. His rhetoric whitewashes history and provides fuel for the continued systematic oppression of African Americans and other marginalized groups when these falsehoods become normalized within society.


African-Americans have suffered enough. Espousing this narrative is continuing the vicious cycle of victim blaming that has become commonplace.


Enough is enough; let's stop using the first amendment as an excuse to rewrite history. It's downright dangerous, reckless and injurious. Free speech is not the right to cause harm for the sake of free speech. The law recognizes its limits.

~Live with Intention~
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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018



No confusion here. When people pick and choose who should have a platform. 

Respect your right to disagree with me. Hope you can do the same with me.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

I just read this


People close to Kanye West believe that some of the wild comments he’s made in interviews published Tuesday, including his assertion that slavery “is a choice,” could be the result of the rapper and professional provocateur going off his prescribed medication, TMZ is reporting early Wednesday. 

West himself said in a scattered, rant-like interview at TMZ’s headquarters Tuesday that he had been shunning doctors who ordered him to take three pills a day, following his 2016 hospitalization for what he described as an opioid addiction.

He said the medication dulled his “vision.”

“These pills that they want me to take three of a day, I take one a week maybe, two a week,” he said. “Y’all had me scared of myself, of my vision.”



I know of someone married to a bipolar man. She really had a tough time. The Drs weren't able to regulate his meds , he tried to kill himself. It is sometimes very hard to get the right cocktail of drugs in some cases


His poor wife was beside herself. He put her though hell. I guess he did get better , they had separated and are now back together. I don't pry because it is none of my business


If he is ill, none of this is his fault