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🇺🇸 Full Staff Flags: Reminder to raise 7/13 🇺🇸

[ Edited ]

As a mark of respect for the victims of the attack on

police officers perpetrated on Thursday, July 7, in Dallas, TX,
a President's Proclamation has been made to 

immediately lower all American Flags to
Half-Staff until Sunset, 7/12 (Tuesday).



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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

I read an article in the paper the other day that questioned whether or not we were "over using" the lowering of the flag, to the point that it does not carry as much meaning.  I won't comment on my feelings, but it was an interesting article, and something to think about.


It seems like every morning we hear of another horrible attack or tragedy that took place.  It is getting to the point where it is hard to live one's own life, and enjoy it, without constant worry of what will happen next to yourself or someone you care about.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

[ Edited ]

@Puppy Lips wrote:

I read an article in the paper the other day that questioned whether or not we were "over using" the lowering of the flag, to the point that it does not carry as much meaning.  I won't comment on my feelings, but it was an interesting article, and something to think about.


It seems like every morning we hear of another horrible attack or tragedy that took place.  It is getting to the point where it is hard to live one's own life, and enjoy it, without constant worry of what will happen next to yourself or someone you care about.

I don't think we are overusing it. I think it's that it does not come to a surprise to us because we see it too much.  Sort of become immune to it (for some).


At times I feel like "is this America I live in?" 

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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)


This is how I feel about the mess... But I don't know what to do about it!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

@LTT1 wrote:


This is how I feel about the mess... But I don't know what to do about it!

I know what I would do about it but I can't post it here because it would be deleted.

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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

I don't think the lowered flag is overused. It is a reminder that when one person is shot for no reason, we are all in harm's way. It is sad that one disturbed man got in the way of a peaceful protest in Dallas and caused unspeakable tragedy for those officers and their families. I just hope that people watch the news reports and see that the machers were in no way responsible. They had nothing to do with it. Peace to all. 

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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

@Puppy Lips wrote:

I read an article in the paper the other day that questioned whether or not we were "over using" the lowering of the flag, to the point that it does not carry as much meaning. 

@Puppy Lips

Yes, I read the same article. 

Piqued my interest immensely...since I've been talking about this subject among my friends quite often...devaluing the importance of this symbol of patriotism. 


The non-government, non-military situations are what is causing the increased lowering throughout the years.


As much as I post here about flags, it's for etiquette only.  

I, personally, feel they should only be only lowered for

the death of a President, former/present.  

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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

No man or woman is more important than another in our country.

There is no greater honor than to be mourned for the ultimate sacrifice of life, contributions to our society or service by a grateful nation.

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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)


I really appreciate your postings about flag etiquette. I came from a long history of military family so it's been important to me my whole life. It's good to see some people, like yourself, take note of such importance as this.

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Re: Half-Staff Flags: Until Sunset 7/12 (Tuesday)

May as well leave them at half staff, it is one tragedy after another lately.  The violence has to end.