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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I've got hundreds of kindle books waiting to be read. Thank goodness they are not in a pile! I got rid of my fiction books years ago & mostly use my kindle for my "fun" reading.


I've got maybe 2-3 "real" books/novels waiting to be read and a handful of non-fiction books that I'm in the process of reading/rereading.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

[ Edited ]

I had approximately 40 books of my own tbr at one time but once I stopped going to the library after retirement, I am now down to about maybe 20.  Even though the books are "older" (before 2000 and some maybe older), I'm glad to finally get to them.  After reading them, I donate them!  I have never re-read a book (and I've read a lot). 

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Very small.  I am an avid reader and owned a huge number of books, but realized several years ago that they were just taking up space and I was not rereading them.  THEN the kindle entered my life!  Now I can have as many books as I desire, and I can read and reread to my heart's content!  Thankfully, I am not someone who "needs" to hold a "real" book!

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I have very few paper books now.  Ten years ago, when we downsized I sold, gave away, threw away hundreds of books but I also kept a room full,  But over the years, I gradually got rid of most of those books.  It's not like I was ever going to re-read them and the whole world uses Ereaders now.  I don't know anyone who reads paper books.  I haven't seen a used book store in a decade, our church even stopped taking used books years ago.  Even if we gave them a way, there were no takers.  So now I have about 35 or 40 books that I keep for sentimental reasons.  Books they were given to me by people I love.  Now my book stash is on my Kindle, that's how I've been doing my reading for many years.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I have over 3000 books collected over 60 years.  No kindles here. 

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

We have hundreds of books that are "keepers" many are heirlooms.

I have a stack of about ten new unread that I work on.

mr. henny just took stock, and said his stash is about one hundred, new unread.  Just saw a memo from Amazon that he has six more on the way.  He reads about three books a week. Because I can only read now with one eye, it takes me about a week to get through a book.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I gave over 60 boxes of books to my MIL's library at her mobile home park last year.  I have about 700 books left on my bookshelves: books for my grandchildren that I have bought and kept from my teaching days, books on American history and ancient history, books by favorite authors that I reread, and favorite books from my childhood.  I finally gave away textbooks from college, but my husband will not get rid of his engineering books.  I have converted to a kindle and have about 50 books waiting to be read.  I prefer to read from books but the kindle has proven so convenient.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I would not want to count.  I have some in an armoire from all the hardbacks of the 1980's of Danielle Steel I bought with so many other books.  Also I have several different stacks on my coffee table and other piecies of furniture that represent mine and the library which need to be read.   A couple of weeks ago while reading I thought I sure was getting hot for so early in the season when I looked up and one of my stacks was blocking my floor fan from hitting me.  Time to reduce that pile.Smiley Embarassed

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

We have about (approx.) 2,000 books. Have a Kindle but do not care for it. I had thought after DH retired we would clean out  and donate some books but he is so busy cutting wood for the winter ahead (we live in Michigan) it will have to wait.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???
