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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I now have over 200 books on my Kindle and about 50 hard & paperback books waiting to be read. Wow, when I type it out like this my stash seems excessive!

Books are the one indulgence I feel zero guilt over.


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Re: How big is your stash of books???

It is still large; but less so since I got a kindle paperwhite. I try to buy used books now if available. If I can't find one I want used,I get it on kindle. Every so often I do a purge and donate the books. I keep the signed books,series that I know I will read again,and lots of child good favorites ( Laura Ingalls Wilder,Nancy Drew,etc). It is so nice to free up space in my home with the Paperwhite. 

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Love books, and yes, I do have a kindle.  But the book feels better in my hands.  Of course I have too many.. and am wondering how to get rid of some without regret.  Perhaps I could find someone to just come in and take away. Probably would never know what was missing.  


I do have cookbooks that I never use.  I go to the Internet.  I do have HOW TO Books and I also go to the Internet.  Easier to find and more current.  Oh well, I will get around to it.  

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@bonnielu wrote:

Love books, and yes, I do have a kindle.  But the book feels better in my hands.  Of course I have too many.. and am wondering how to get rid of some without regret.  Perhaps I could find someone to just come in and take away. Probably would never know what was missing.  


I do have cookbooks that I never use.  I go to the Internet.  I do have HOW TO Books and I also go to the Internet.  Easier to find and more current.  Oh well, I will get around to it.  

If I get a recipe off the internet and I like it, I'll put it in my kindle app on my phone.  

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Re: How big is your stash of books???

@deedledeedeedle wrote:

I now have over 200 books on my Kindle and about 50 hard & paperback books waiting to be read. Wow, when I type it out like this my stash seems excessive!

Books are the one indulgence I feel zero guilt over.


Me too, @deedledeedeedle!  i use to think I was alone in the zero book guilt, but I'm meeting more & more of us.  🙂

Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Between 3,000 - 4,000.  Still working on reading them all.  ☺

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@GCR18 wrote:

I don't have any books.  A couple years ago I donated my small collection.

@GCR18,  To me, anyone who shares or donates a book has a kind & generous heart!  🙂

Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Oh my gosh!  They're all over the downstairs closet!  I read series and order three at a time from Amazon or find them at the used book club.


In the spring I gathered up what I had read and took them to the used book store!  I made $20.00 just for parking the car!

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

When I moved from my house to an apartment, I gave away several hundred books. But now, as I add to my collection (there are certain authors whose entire output I need to own), I probably have around 300 books that I've never read.


I love reading, and I want to master my lists!



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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Before I got my Nook I had lots of books.  I always had a stack next to my bed and became panicked if it got low!  I now have only 7 in my Nook with another 5 or so I'm thinking of sampling.   My actual physical book pile is only two and that is because a friend gave them to me.   The past few months I have begun trying new authors and I'm having fun with that.   My newest one is going to be Harlan Coben.   Happy reading everyone!!