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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I have a very small book stash.  I have a few reference books about birds, a few Bibles, a few dictionaries for Scrabble, and a few cookbooks.  I probably only have about 8 fiction books that I hope to read someday soon.  I used to own many more books, but I donated or sold most of them.  I do still own a set of World Books just because they look good on the shelf in my livingroom.  Ha Ha! 

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

My stash is so big, I have purchased 2 table clothes that I have draped over two stacks  sporting me two fine end tables on both sides of my couch...what does that tell ya', lol?  

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

My stash is the waiting list at the local library.  I usually have 6 to 10 books at home at a time.  I walk to the library every Wednesday after yoga class to return and check out more.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

When I decided to downsize and clean out all my things I donated all my books and bookcases.  None left, nada.  Did not want anyone to have to clean up when I am gone.  I do live close to a wonderful library so I am not missing anything.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Maybe 5000

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Big enough that the next big earthquake could pancake me and DH. We are BIG readers...books and Kindle. With all the garbage on tv and movies I thank God I can still read!

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I have about 700 kindle books, about 250 cookbooks in print and I'm not even sure how many other print books I have probably another hundred or two. I still have books in boxes because I ran out of shelf space. I've also purged a ton of print books in the last 5 years. They all went to the local library. I tend to read fiction on my kindle and buy non fiction in print. I do have a collection of favorite print books, some aren't on kindle yet, some are special editions. 

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

We have an actual library in our house with 5,000+ books.  They're pretty organized and are inventoried on my computer.  I'm a bibliophile.  

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Old English major here. I have somewhere under 100 books waiting to be read. They are in stacks on the floor of my library/ computer room. Some years ago my brother made book shelves for me that cover one wall of the room. They are mostly full but I am slowly getting rid of some of them. I take the disgarded books to a used bookstore where I get credit for more books. I keep a log with the books I read, the author and a brief synopsis. Yes, I occasionally buy a book I have already read. My motto is that I can't die as long as I have more books to be read.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I think I have about 50 or so.