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How big is your stash of books???

Have decided to clean up my "stash" of books that are piled up in a bookcase (actually are overflowing onto floor, chair, and boxes). I seem to have been getting my books mostly from the library for the last few years and ignoring those that I own. So in an attempt to downsize, I'm now reading through my own books. They are mostly paperbacks & were picked up from yard sales, book sales at libraries, or given by friends who know my addiction. Since I'm a retired English teacher/librarian, I had them sorted alphabetical by last name. Found out that I didn't like many of the books, and put them in piles to donate back to the library or to give to friends who read. Can't imagine getting through the entire pile in a year, so I won't have to worry that my "stash" gets too small (I'd just go to the used book room at the library & stock back up). So, my question is, do you have your own "stash", and, if so, how big is it? Thanks in advance for any & all kind responses.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Bought a Kindle over 2 years ago so not be bothered with books.  I have a collection of cookbooks that my husband wants but I would get rid of them if not for him.  Recipe books seem like records used or two recipes that are good in the whole book. 

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I have a large bookcase with books doubled up on the shelves-the paper backs that will fit 2 deep. Then I have a book headboard on my bed full of books with the books that I am reading, or that are next in line, stacked on top. Then I have my "finished" basket to give away or donate to the library. 

Craft books are on shelves on the bottom of the end tables in the living room & on a bookshelf in my "craft room".
Cook book collection in a china cabinet & a large basket on the kitchen counter. :}

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

Oh, boy, I sure do have a stash of books waiting to be read, @joannecha.  Plus whatever might be on my iPad.


There are about 3 shelves of "to read" & 2 shelves of read, but can't part with just yet or author signed.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

When we moved to Florida our community in PA. was just starting a community library. So I donated every book I thought they would use ,including the entire Father Tim series and the entire Cedar Cove series,plus many others.So now my book stash is small and will stay that way for two reasons , I now have a Kindle and our plan has a small library where we all donate our books we have read.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???



I admire you for trying to organize your stash!


Mine is out of control right now.  The problem is -- I can't say no to a book.  People give them to me and I just can't refuse.  I am always afraid that in one of these groupings will be the "best book ever."  LOL!  


Seriously, it gives me so much pleasure to know that when I have finished one, I can just go down to the "archives" and choose another.  And there are plenty to choose from!!


I have so many, I can't count.  DH will on occasion purchase a book for me and I tell him all the time, I appreciate that, but please don't spend money on new books -- they are so expensive.  I would rather get them passed down to me or purchase them from second hand places.  I rarely will purchase a new book, but only, only, when I see something that I simply must have!!!  

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

I use to have a stash of at least 600 books (maybe more) but since I started Compacting I've given them to the library & Goodwill.  I get my books from the library now.  

Some of the books I had for over 30 years. I've also been donating my cookbooks little by little.  I wanted to keep a few but now I'm realizing I haven't open one in a while so by year end I should donating all of them.

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My son has hundreds of them.  I'm sure he has every book he's ever bought.   He reads a lot.   Despite having an ipad and a kindle he still reads the old fashioned way. 


I've never really bought regular books except cookbooks, I have hundreds of them both on my kindle and bookshelf.

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Re: How big is your stash of books???

A few years ago I decided, at almost 70, I could finish giving away my college textbooks ( esp. The foreign language literature ones ).


I have kept a dictionary, a thesaurus, and my survey of English Literature.  Since I use the paperback exchange, I only have a handful of books on the shelf:  when I have read them, they get exchanged for the next batch.


DH still has his college books, law books, etc.  he won't part with them:  he keeps everything!

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I don't have any books.  A couple years ago I donated my small collection.