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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

@namealreadytaken wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Hi Helen, I hope you're doing well.  Not sure if you're newly diagnosed or if you've been dealing with this for a while. 


There's a book called 'In This Together' by Ann Romney that's about finding out she had MS, the initial devastation and fears and overcoming them.


She's very soft spoken and a very calming person and although I haven't read the book myself, I'll bet she touches base for other's struggles with understanding.


She was at a point barely able to walk and thought she would be wheelchair bound, but was able to run the last lap with the Olympic torch.  She's in remission now. 


I hope you're feeling better and the holidays weren't too much to get through. 


Just wanted you to know you're being thought of here.Heart

It's a great book, she is a great advocate and her story sounded a lot like mine.  In the beginning, just being totally devastated and then through faith and family, moving on to a better place.  I was fortunate enough to meet her on one occasion and hear her tell her story.  I do believe anyone with MS can find encouragement from her experience.

How nice it must have been to have met her! 


She's been on a show at least 3 times that I watch (Hallmark's Home and Family) and talks in depth about MS. 


She has a cookbook and cooks on the show and whlie she's cooking (pretty healthy) has the most delightful stories about her huge family. 


She has like 20 some grandchildren.  I could watch her all day.


She's coming back again soon to talk more about a study she's going to be in at the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at a hospital in Boston.


Maybe you can catch her on Hallmark daytime programming.

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

tomorrow I have to start solumedral IV drip for 3 days.  I am frightened and don't know what to expect.


I'd love to hear Ann Romney talk about her MS.  I never met her but I do know her horse and dressage trainer!

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

@Helen Bach wrote:

tomorrow I have to start solumedral IV drip for 3 days.  I am frightened and don't know what to expect.


I'd love to hear Ann Romney talk about her MS.  I never met her but I do know her horse and dressage trainer!

OMGosh Helen!  I hope it all goes well tomorrow.  Maybe her facebook page?  I have no idea.  Or bloggers with MS?


Yes, she talks of her horses and how she gets physical and emotional therapy from them. 


I wish you the very best tomorrow.  Please let us know how you're doing, when you can.  Sending out positive thoughts to you.  From so many here, too, I'm sure!

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

Thinking of you Helen and hope things go ok with the drip. I remember my friend doing every treatment she could for her MS. Last treatment she did this year was Chemo. I don't see her getting any worse in the last few years thank goodness. Best wishes to you.

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

i have had ms for 14 years. i have a nerologist and for last 6 years i allso have a ms specialist. he does most treatments . he has me taking vitam.0in b3 5000 and b3 1000 and cod liver oil pills every day. it soposed to help out ms plus i am on ribif. i havnt had a reaction in 7 years but i can walk but not as well as before. good luck helen.





s.oposed to h

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

i just wrote about taking vitamins and i wrote b3 5000 and b3 1000 the correct numbers are d3 5000 and d3 1000.

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

I wish there were more posters on here discussing MS. I would like to find out more about MS. Very good friend is dealing with MS.

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

i find if im over heated from ms a gool cold shower and rest for alittle while makes me feel much better.

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Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

[ Edited ]
  • @Helen Bach I do not have ms but I do suffer and am challenged  with fibro, have long terrible flares sometimes for months at a time,   Anyway I always worked out all my life until I was diagnosed with this.  At the time I couldn't hold a cup of tea.  Finally one day I said either I fight Or this is going to kill me. I started off with one pound weights as I sat on my couch.  It was progress,  a few years later I realized my body shape was changing with age and I was not happy.  At that time I purchased the P90x program,  now I don't do all the tapes but I do do 3 of the aerobic workouts and the yoga.  It was the best purchase I ever made.  They have kept me in great shape and I can go without when I'm flaring, it doesn't take me long to get back into shape,  I also do the ab workout which have given me the flatest  stomach I ever had and the arm workout,    You will sweat your butt off, it's great!
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: anyone else with multiple sclerosis?

Hi Everyone,  I'm back!  Since I had the 3 day treatment IV drip,  I can walk again.  It made me super sick at first, and then it was like a miracle.  I can even feel the bottom soles of my feet.  I do not take one minute for granted, I've been hiking and walking outside on flat ground.  Thanks to everyone for their replies.  And Cater, what would u like to know?