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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

@I am still oxox wrote:



I might be wrong I thought preventaive mamograms are given at no cost to the patients

@I am still oxox  Yes but when you get called back it's all on you. 


For me it was $350 minimum each time they called me in to check again and start diagnosing which is more money.  Thankfully it was just cysts both times but after $1000 each two years in a row, I said enough.  I want my HSA account back.      

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

@Hondagirl wrote:

Yes they are free but now the facilities are pushing for a 3D mamo and my insurance does not cover it.  I was asked if I wanted to pay for it out of pocket and I said no...Someone has to pay for this expensive machine...

This is also true!  I had to pay a premium ($75 out of pocket I think) to get the "better" machine and I still got called back.  Smiley Sad  

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

As somebody who is called "the poster child for mammograms" by my gynecologist -- I cannot imagine not having a routine mammogram every year.  Without it I would never have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  There was no lump.  It showed up on my yearly mammogram -- was confirmed on an ultrasound -- and diagnosed as malignant with a biopsy.  Believe me -- I would much rather have gone through the anxiety and worry and found out that it was benign.  Every woman has to make her own decision -- but for me it is a no brainer.

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

@loveschocolate wrote:

@I am still oxox, I am thinking that @Laura14 got the dreaded call back to get a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. 

@loveschocolate  It's like you were in the room with me.  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

@Laura14. I am due soon for my six month diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. 

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

@loveschocolate wrote:

@Laura14. I am due soon for my six month diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. 

Best wishes to you to fly right through it.  Heart

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

[ Edited ]

I am a 25 year breast cancer survivor.  In the years since, I've had 2 call backs. (1 was last week) I have never had to pay (out  of pocket) for the call back tests.

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?




Ouch at one point I needed to have mamo's and ultra sound, at that point 30 something years ago, insurance was totally different, I had no co pay and most things were covered at 100%



Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

I think they can be lifesavers and have been however each woman must weigh everything prior to having one done, or nixing them.


I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis and have had a ton of tests (cat scans/X-rays) and continued having check up X-rays for years.  I have had Mammos but I'm also sensitive to how much exposure I've already had.  I'm even hesitant to get dental X-rays  e v e r y  time I go in for a cleaning.  My former Dental assistant (note the word former) actually was argumentative with me when I tried to discuss this concern with her!   


Yes, I believe in Mammos, but I also believe in knowing as much as I can about my own history and about the technology out there....    

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Re: Your thoughts on Mammograms?

[ Edited ]

I have very dense breast tissue, so when they do one it shows up all white on the screen (kind of like why bother?). They've showed it to me twice now. They also won't do ultrasound for routine screenings. Since they can't make out anything, I've actually had thermography done on my own, for my piece of mind.

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