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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

@Bubby Mommy One reason for no polish, either than the pulse ox "thing", is that if your nail beds turn dusky it can be a sign of lack of oxygen and it is urgent that they notice that.


I've had 3 surgeries and NO makeup or nail polilsh of any kind whatsoever. Why is it a big deal to remove your clear polish?

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

If a person is having surgery, her nail polish should be the least of her concerns.  Get rid of it now and you won't have to think about it again.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

@arizona babe wrote:

@Shelbelle In all due respect and I being an RN, why are you concerned what your face looks like while in surgery and for a knee no less- no one in the operating room cares-their only concern is a safe surgery and that includes to be natural, no nail polish, no fake nails, no jewelry- your health is very important so a few hours without makeup just really doesn't matter- hope your surgery was a success

I have never left the house since I was 14 with no makeup, I had 2 kids and had full makeup and nails done for their births. Just my way of feeling good about myself. had no choice for the cataracts but to leave home without it. My knee surgery had no effect on my face, and I was told by the Head Nurse at the Surgi Ctr ok to wear makeup and nails done in a light polish, so all I did was follow my instructions. I was also allowed to keep on bra and panties on during eye and knee surgeries, . Also fully made up for my 2 colonoscopies, again nothing to do with my face !!!

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

@arizona babe wrote:

@Shelbelle In all due respect and I being an RN, why are you concerned what your face looks like while in surgery and for a knee no less- no one in the operating room cares-their only concern is a safe surgery and that includes to be natural, no nail polish, no fake nails, no jewelry- your health is very important so a few hours without makeup just really doesn't matter- hope your surgery was a success

I would expect makeup under that lighting would probably be kinda garish.  I would also think they would want to be able to see if your coloring changed.  

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

@Bubby Mommy. Your pulse oxygen levels while under anesthesia are important!!!  The little device used now isn't always accurate.  Having a nurse or anesthesiologist observe any changes to the nail bed is important.  


To me, removing nail polish isn't a big deal.  It can be reapplied afterward.   Good luck with your surgery and recovery.

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

[ Edited ]

My understanding is that the anesthesiologist would check fingernails as another way of determining oxygen levels (saturation?) and that's why nails need to be polish free.  Maybe that's changed. Even if polish is technically allowed, no one in the O.R. cares.  And you will be the under anesthesia so you won't care either,  Go polish free and get a new manicure after your recovery.


And good luck, by the way, 

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

[ Edited ]

@Bubby Mommy wrote:

I'm having surgery soon.  In the past the nurses made me remove my nail polish prior to the procedure.  Other times the nurses didn't seem to have a problem with it.  What gives?  I asked my surgeon and he told me he didn't have a problem with it, but to check with the nurses(??).  My nails are short and I only have a sheer, barely there polish on my nails.  You wouldn't even notice it unless you are looking for it.  I feel clean when my nails are properly groomed so I would like to keep the sheer polish on. 

As you know, you'll be getting a phone call from someone related to your surgery who will give you instructions regarding your health care before your surgery--what to do or not do regarding food and drinks, medications, etc. 


They'll also tell you what kind of clothing to bring to wear home from the hospital, etc.


I've usually been told not to wear any jewelry or make-up of any kind.


I normally don't wear nail polish any more, but when you get this phone call, this would be the time for you to ask any questions that you have that are related to your surgery.


I wish you the best of health! Heart

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

I had a total knee replacement in December.  I could have worn make-up, nail polish and even metal pins in my hair.


I was surprised. It used to be that these were not allowed.


You should receive a guide before surgery explaining meds, food and water consumption and info on make up and nails.


Since when do nurses make these decisions? 

The surgeon and anesthesiologist should make those decisions and nurses carry out their orders.







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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

@Bubby Mommy wrote:

I'm having surgery soon.  In the past the nurses made me remove my nail polish prior to the procedure.  Other times the nurses didn't seem to have a problem with it.  What gives?  I asked my surgeon and he told me he didn't have a problem with it, but to check with the nurses(??).  My nails are short and I only have a sheer, barely there polish on my nails.  You wouldn't even notice it unless you are looking for it.  I feel clean when my nails are properly groomed so I would like to keep the sheer polish on. 

@Bubby Mommy  do you also do a pedicure? Some people are concerned about what their toe nails look like. Some people use nail polish because they don't like the look of their nails.


I would just have a professional manicure the day before, without nail polish. I'm sure they will look clean and sleek.

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Re: Nail Polish During Surgery?

It doesn't matter if you have it or not. And U;ve had enough surgeries.  No one mentioned a thing in pre-op.