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@Trailrun23 wrote:

Thanks for asking about sepsis. I have not heard BIL mention it before.

This has been a real rollercoaster this week. 
Update: the drs recommended she go to a short-term rehab facility. They sent her home late today instead. It is unbelievable. 

Her spinal fluid was clear. She had a small stroke about two months ago and had trouble with her balance afterwards but it had become much better. BIL said last week, before he called the ambulance, she had quit talking much and speech was slurred;  and was having trouble walking...and her eye and corner of her mouth was droopy; that sounds like another stroke to me but he says the drs never mentioned a stroke...just went straight to the neuro dr and meningitis, etc. clearly she had another stroke. Many tests and drs remain baffled. She is now on an antidepressant and an antibiotic as a precaution in case they missed something. Offical diagnosis: viral pneumonia. She is on a restricted diet and BIL has no idea what to give her to eat. Soft foods, cut in tiny pieces, and low sugar. Any suggestions? I am hopping on my broom and flying there on Sunday evening. Thank you so much for all your prayers. You may want to pray for the health care workers and charge nurses after I get a hold of them....


It could be quite possible she was sent home because her insurance company wouldn't approve a rehab facility.


With regards to your last sentence, what will that accomplish?  You're not on the HIPAA form, you need to MYOB and let her husband handle it.

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After reading your most recent post, @Trailrun23 - I am beginning to wonder if your sister didn't have another stroke. It would be completely incompetent of the medical staff at that facility to fail to do a stroke work up of some kind to rule out that possibility, considering your sister's symptoms and medical history of just having had a recent stroke. Drooping face, trouble speaking, slurred speech?  Why would anyone try to rule out meningitis instead of ruling out a stroke, first? That is truly awful, if that is what occurred at the hospital. I wish you and your sister and brother-in-law the best when you go out to visit.   

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Continued prayers for your sister, and for you to have a better understanding of her condition after your visit.  

My husband does not comprehend medical at all, and anyone who gets an update from him will have FAR more questions than answers!  I have my husband in mind when I think of your BIL processing a lot of medical information in a short amount of time.  

Based on what you've written, once critical factors were ruled out, doctors had no other medical criteria to support inpatient care for hospital or rehab/nursing home.  

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I think her care there was unacceptable according to BIL. They went home with no records of her stay. I will get them, and have  her sign a HIPPA form for me to do that. She is my sister. I do think it is my business. BIL is overwhelmed and she is not able to comprehend or speak well enough right know to express her needs. 
I am happy to report her speech is improving and when I spoke to her on the phone this evening she was able to say a few words in a sentence. God is answering prayers. 

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

I think her care there was unacceptable according to BIL. They went home with no records of her stay. I will get them, and have  her sign a HIPPA form for me to do that. She is my sister. I do think it is my business. BIL is overwhelmed and she is not able to comprehend or speak well enough right know to express her needs. 
I am happy to report her speech is improving and when I spoke to her on the phone this evening she was able to say a few words in a sentence. God is answering prayers. 

@Trailrun23  It certainly is your business and it is encouraging to read your sister has had some speech improvement.


If I may make a suggestion if your sister and Bil have not done so already.


A Medical POA can be drawn up (you will have to see the form online for the state they live in).


Your BIL would be primary and you can be secondary. That way your sister's care can be handled as her loved ones need. Also when your sister is able a Medical POA for your BIL can be set up with your sister as primary and whoever they choose for secondary.


Ours has room for a primary and a secondary and a tertiary.


Our PCP has copies and he said patients need to attend to this.


Of course the Medical POA is in place only should your sister be unable to express her wishes which I pray will not happen.


As long as a Medical POA is notarized and in place HIPPA does not stand alone.


We also have Advanced Directives.


I know this can be difficult but it's important so that we all receive proper care and our wishes honored.


All the best for your sister and to you and your BIL.


Believe me I understand.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Thank you for your kind words and advice. My sister is doing better and after getting here I was able to get more info.  He got a copy of the hospital medical records so I now know the details of her stay and her condition. I would like to see them move to assisted living but it will take awhile to sell that idea. Ideally, skilled nursing would be best for her, but I know that is pure h&ll and BIL won't stand for it until he has no choice. All of their paperwork is in order. 

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@Trailrun23   It is encouraging to read your sister hás improved.


Sending you hope and light. Things will be for the better; I know how all the work and time involved can be tiring.


Be well.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh