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@esmeraldagooch wrote:

I would find it hard to believe any dermatologist would tell a melanoma survivor this was prudent or advisable behaviour.   I have gone to many different over the years and they all say cover up and wear sunscreen.  This person is playing with fire.


Melanoma survivor since 1991


Not really that hard to believe.

Someone can have open heart surgery & their doctors will continue to prescribe meat/dairy/eggs/oils to their patients...the same foods which caused open heart surgery.  Plus these same doctors will say, "everything in moderation."  Ah, you JUST had your chest cut open but yet a change in diet is too drastic?     Doctors will say anything the patient wants to think of it as 'return business.' 

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Thinking that if a person has had issues with cancer and are under a doctors care and the doctor has given this person directions as to what they are suppposed to do and not do then it should be of no one concern on here what this host or any one else is doing about being out enjoying a little sun and fresh air. Their doctor is the one who is taking care of their health issues so we should mind our own business and just worry about ourselves. Worrying about ourselves should be first on our minds not what a host or any one else is doing and we all know who you are talking about  this person you just can't leave alone no matter what they do.

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@lulu2 wrote:

I was from the baby oil and iodine generation.  To date I've had well over 15 basal cell carcinomas and 5 squamous cell carcinomas.  I live at the Jersey shore.  Sunscreen is part of my daily regiment, even in the winter.


I've had a number of dermatologists and none has ever recommended spending time in the sun without protection.

I remember those days, also used motor oil yuck and sometimes Mayo, smelled like a salad. The things we did to our skin is unbelieveable. BTW did you know iodine is now clear?

Sunscreen daily now, no more of the other stuff and no more hours in the sun.

Don't worry, be Happy!
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My cousin went the tanning bed route starting  when she was 18 and at 36 she has had around 7 melanomas removed. She has 3 children under the age of 6 and my heart aches for her. She's waiting to hear if her latest biopsy is positive for cancer.


I'm a fanatic about suncreen for my kids and my husband and me.

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@Lila Belle

@Lila Belle wrote:

My cousin went the tanning bed route starting  when she was 18 and at 36 she has had around 7 melanomas removed. She has 3 children under the age of 6 and my heart aches for her. She's waiting to hear if her latest biopsy is positive for cancer.


I'm a fanatic about suncreen for my kids and my husband and me.

    I am so sorry to hear this, tanning beds are so much worse than the sun. I will say a prayer and keep a happy heart for your cousin for her test to be negative. Heart

Don't worry, be Happy!
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@happygolfcartrider wrote:

What do you think about a person that says they have had melanoma, laying in the sun, even if they have sun block on? 

Who said this? Shawn? I just took a look at her Facebook page and she is sunning herself. None of my business but I hope that is was just for taking a photo and not necessarily actually sunbathing. Surely, she has enough intelligence to know that after having melanoma, there is a strong risk factor involved that it can come back.

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@happygolfcartrider wrote:


@lulu2 wrote:

I was from the baby oil and iodine generation.  To date I've had well over 15 basal cell carcinomas and 5 squamous cell carcinomas.  I live at the Jersey shore.  Sunscreen is part of my daily regiment, even in the winter.


I've had a number of dermatologists and none has ever recommended spending time in the sun without protection.

I remember those days, also used motor oil yuck and sometimes Mayo, smelled like a salad. The things we did to our skin is unbelieveable. BTW did you know iodine is now clear?

Sunscreen daily now, no more of the other stuff and no more hours in the sun.

Lulu2 - no one said anything about a doctor saying you should be out in the sun WITHOUT PROTECTION. The OP specifically said WITH SUNSCREEN. People need to be in the sun - it is vital to good health. In order for your musclkes to properly function , including your HEART muscle - the heart is a muscle - you must have vitamin D and the best source is sunshine. You can not get the same quality or amount of vit D from supplements.

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@151949 Yes the sun is vital to good health, vitamin D is very important.

Don't worry, be Happy!
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@151949 wrote:

Lulu2 - no one said anything about a doctor saying you should be out in the sun WITHOUT PROTECTION. The OP specifically said WITH SUNSCREEN. People need to be in the sun - it is vital to good health. In order for your musclkes to properly function , including your HEART muscle - the heart is a muscle - you must have vitamin D and the best source is sunshine. You can not get the same quality or amount of vit D from supplements.

There are posts on this thread about being in the sun without protection for a daily dose of vitamin D. Apparently some doctors do believe this is okay.



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@happygolfcartrider wrote:

I started this thread because this is an important subject. On one of the spray tan shows I heard a show host say that they had had melanoma and never goes in the sun, they always use spray tanning. This host has a picture of themself in the sun, tanning. Now it is one thing to fib about things to make a sale but to say something like this about cancer and so blatently go against what they said is just not right.


Cancer is a serious subject and nothing to take lightly, I have many kinds of cancer in my family and pray everyday for it to not rear its ugly head.


Making a sale is one thing but to what means do the host's have to go to make them?



Which picture is this? I hope you don't mean the one of Jill where her feet are clearly in the shade while she sits on the beach.