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Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

Out of the blue last night I was sound asleep and woke up with a maddening itching all over the trunk of my body.  No rash in sight, no new lotions, no allergies.  It kept me up for two hours.  Finally fell asleep from exhaustion and now here it is 3:30 pm and it's started again.  I am at work and I can't scratch because I would look ridiculous.  I'm going absolutely insane. 

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

Could be an allergic reaction to something.


I have a liver disorder-- it's not cirrhosis or Hepititis-- and one of the primary symptoms is itchy skin.   


Maybe you need your labs checked?

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

Sounds like hives

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

@Desertdi wrote:

Sounds like hives

But you would see hives.  My daughter used to get them all the time.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

@makena wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

Sounds like hives

But you would see hives.  My daughter used to get them all the time.



I occasionally get small hives as a dermal reaction to something only after it's been itching with no hives, and I scratch and scratch. The scrarching will bring the hives out.


A lot of things can have itching as a symptom. Diabetes is one. 

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

I can't wait until I go home and rip my clothes off so I can scratch it.  It's seriously driving me crazy.  It's mostly my stomach, under my arms and back.  Once in a while my scalp feels itchy too.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

go to the emergency ward. it could be anything. get it checked out, don't continue to suffer.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

Its sounds like some type of allergic reaction.  Could be caused by many things.  Something you ate, new bed sheets, pj's, bath soap, lotion.  Also  could be caused by nerves, stress.  Buy some over the counter hydrocortisone cream and rub it all over.  It also could be caused by any medication you might be taking including over the counter stuff.

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

@makena  Why not call your primary care doctor and ask them whether you should go to the emergency room?  I have no idea what those symptoms would be.  Once years ago I got bad chills in the middle of the night for a couple of hours.  It wasn't from cold air, as I was inside.  They went away and never returned.  I'm not sure what it was.  Ask your own doctor who knows your history.  You might get a medication to help reduce the itching.  Are you wearing any new clothing over the itchy areas?

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Re: Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Strange Symptom

I just thought of something.  Years ago I had a roommate who got a mattress from a family friend for her apartment.  She slept on it and had skin symptoms.  It turns out the woman had sprayed a very strong cleaning solution on the mattress.  That was causing her problem.