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Registered: ‎07-02-2015

Re: Great 14-minute video on/about the American Diabetes Association

[ Edited ]

I agree that encouraging people to induce ketosis is not a new fad.  It's also  not necessarily an ideal state to be in for many, if not most, people over a long period of time.


It can overload the kidneys with too much protein and fat, for one thing.  I like protein foods, but I love my kidneys and rely on them, too.


General nutrition advice broadcast everywhere and in books  is generally  best taken with a grain of salt.   Too much advice appears here from time to time.


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Posts: 4,936
Registered: ‎07-02-2015

Re: Great 14-minute video on/about the American Diabetes Association

[ Edited ]

An interesting resource for studying various nutritional and diet info  (the true and the false) can be found at this website operated by an organization based in Amherst, NY, and Wash DC.


I don't know whether it's  a bogus outfit or the info is any good,  but does put out interesting material on nutrition and diet claims.


"Quackwatch is a United States–based website, self-described as a "network of people" founded by Stephen Barrett, which aims to "combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, fallacies, and misconduct" and to focus on "quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere". Since 1996 it has operated the alternative medicine watchdog website, which advises the public on unproven or ineffective alternative medicine remedies. The site contains articles and other information criticizing many forms of alternative medicine."



From Dr. Barrett, M.D., writing on the website in February 2021...

Quackwatch is now maintained by the Center for Inquiry, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.


Some people wonder whether Quackwatch or my other activities are a “front” for the American Medical Association, the pharmaceutical industry, the “medical establishment,” food companies, or whomever else they might not like. Nearly every week I get e-mails accusing me of this—and worse. Quite frankly, the idea is preposterous.


  • Neither I nor any authors of articles on this site have any conflicts of interest.
  • I have no financial tie to any commercial or industrial organization.
  • My viewpoints are not for hire. Even if they were, none of my imaginary funders would actually have a reason to hire me.
  • Standard medicine and “alternative medicine” do not actually compete for patient dollars. Well-designed studies have shown that most “alternative” methods are used in addition to—rather than instead of—standard methods.
  • The cost of operating Quackwatch and its affiliated sites from 1997 through 2019 was only a few thousand dollars a year. If donations and other income fell below what was needed, the rest came out of my pocket. Since 2020, the sites have been hosted by the Center for Inquiry. I still have modest research expenses that are covered either by donations or by me.
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Posts: 43,707
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Great 14-minute video on/about the American Diabetes Association

@tansy wrote:

@Susan Louise, I understand your enthusiasm for your lifestyle and that you have had very good results, although I don't agree with some your choice of some experts.  

Please stop with these threads.  It mostly turns people off.  Remember the plant-based enthusiast?  Her posts were obnoxious more often than not.






Please refresh my memory .... are you referring to the poster who insisted he/she had a very healthy diet by eating nothing but potatoes?  

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Posts: 15,483
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: Great 14-minute video on/about the American Diabetes Association


@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@tansy wrote:

@Susan Louise, I understand your enthusiasm for your lifestyle and that you have had very good results, although I don't agree with some your choice of some experts.  

Please stop with these threads.  It mostly turns people off.  Remember the plant-based enthusiast?  Her posts were obnoxious more often than not.






Please refresh my memory .... are you referring to the poster who insisted he/she had a very healthy diet by eating nothing but potatoes?  

Yep...a diet of spuds. 😜

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Posts: 4,936
Registered: ‎07-02-2015

Re: Great 14-minute video on/about the American Diabetes Association



That poster not only claimed that entire civilizations had existed on nothing but potatoes (Ireland, for example) but also rice (in Asian countries).


I recall  countering her claims by  posting historical research about food in those areas centuries ago.  She ignored the scholarly research posted and kept on, until  she began  joining other threads and forums and insulting people.


She forgot that the Irish survived on Irish potatoes along with a big dose of lamb and other food sources grown on their green, fertile land..... and Asian cultures thrived for centuries by eating their rice with a large dose of local seafood and probably other foods.

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Posts: 408
Registered: ‎10-08-2014

Re: Great 14-minute video on/about the American Diabetes Association

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

I was both insulin resistant and prediabetic.  Changing the way I eat turned them both around naturally. I'm grateful.  
