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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

Thank you @phoenixbrd 

I'm concerned about the dental hygiene (flossing) part of caring for implants b/c I have severe dexterity issues. But that's in another discussion.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@SilleeMee : Thank you. So sorry that you are dealing with so many things. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. One thing that the nurse mentioned at the hospital was use nothing strong like the apple cider vinegar. The new medication for me is 40 mg of Pantoprazole and stressed to take daily.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@Kitty Galore : Thank you. I understand and totally agree.Wishing you continued success.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@SouthernBee @Be sure to find out the type of hiatal hernia you have. You can see some graphic posters of the types under Google Images. 

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@Mindy D : Thank you. I will ask when they call with the biopsy results.

Posts: 30
Registered: ‎06-06-2021

Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

I have GERD (result of 9 months of gastritis, which finally healed but resulted in GERD) and a sliding hiatal hernia. I follow a low acid diet (Acid Watchers group on FB has amazing recipes), take Pepcid in morning and at night and sleep elevated. It's not easy, I miss chowing down on a pizza and stuffing myself at a restaurant. But you adjust. I also try to walk throughout the day, helps with digestion. Hoping someday to not need the Pepcid at all, but I guess it's better than a stronger PPI.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@Qvcchristmas : Thank you. I don't like the stronger medication. The Papya supplement helps a little with the heart burn for me. 

I just finished eating lunch and took over an hour to eat. I had a medium size salad with grilled chicken and cut the chicken in really small pieces and a medium size baked potato. Hoping you will have success with health.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

I've  learned to take any type of pill or capsule with a full glass of water. The last thing one would want would be have have a pill stuck on your throat.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

I had a really bad scary thing with the hiatal hernia . Mine was so big that my entire stomach went up through the opening in the esophagus . They called it " incarcerated esophageal hernia " l had surgery to fix it , the surgery took 8 hours and l was put in the step down unit from ICU , .. The doctor said my stomach was laying up on top of my heart and my stomach was twisting around which is why it's called incarcerated .  That was about 8 years ago and now it's returned . It's not very big but it's still there's, l read that surgery usually fail after 10 years . I take protonix daily , but have lots of the old symptoms , lump in throat , coughing spells , heartburn , stomach sickness and even vomiting sometimes . I don't want to go through that surgery again , it was just so awful ! When I mentioned my symptoms to my primary at a general checkup he kind of ignored it and focused on some other issues .


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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

It may be just me but I find it totally unacceptable that you have to wait almost 2 months for the follow up visit, no matter the outcome.


The podiatrist tried pulling that with my husband with a circulation test.  If there is anything wrong we will let you know right away, otherwise you can wait until your next appointment which was 7 weeks away... This wasn't a free test and good, bad or indifferent the results should be made known to the patient when the test is read.