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Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

On Wednesday had the endoscopy test. Follow up appointment with the doctor not until 5/5/22. Informed that a couple of biopsies were done but no test results yet. Received new medicine yesterday. I will have a lot of changes to make. Anyone else dealing with this and care to share ?

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

Have you tried Googleing that? Lots of info

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

Welcome to the club Woman Very Happy   You'll learn to cope with this. Going to the doctor was the best thing you could do. I'm sure under his care you'll see good results.


After I had my daughter I developed both conditions and suffered for a few years. I learned to sleep with my head and shoulders elevated with pillows and not to overeat, especially in the evening. Eating small bites, chewing thoroughly and eating slowly helps with the hiatal hernia. Don't wash your food down with liquid, take small sips after you've finished swallowing. Relax and get up and walk around a bit if food "gets stuck".


After trying everything for acid reflux on the planet I discovered Pepcid. It was prescription at that time and my doctor gave me a scrip. Then it went OTC. I took one Pepcid Max 20 minutes before dinner and along with the above copes it gave me good results.


Recently, losing weight and a dietary change due to another health diagnosis have also helped tremendously. Wishing you good luck and good results. GERD and HH are no fun.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@Group 5 minus 1 : I have googled everything. I ordered and received two books and in the process of reading them and taking notes. I know it is best to seek help from the doctor however on several occasions so many kind people on the forms have given help and suggestions when asked.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

I have GERD but not the hiatal hernia.  Last year I lost a significant amount of weight and my GERD got much better. I do not need medication anymore.  I also sleep with my head and shoulders elevated to keep myself from coughing at night.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@candyagain : Thank you. I totally understand and agree. Wishing you success with your lifestyle changes. I am in the process of losing weight. For other issues, have been sleeping in a recliner for several years and keep my head elevated. I am eating slower, small bites and small portions and not eating late. I have reduced eating chocolate but being a woman it is necessary to have a little chocolate once in a while. Thank you for the tip about drinking liquids while eating.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@ninjawife : Thank you. Congratulations on your weight loss.  I am trying to lose weight and get more exercise.I don't want to be on any medication long term. My arthritis medicine causes heartburn and I have no other options on this medication. I have decided not to take the arthritis medication daily but trying like every other day .

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

I have a mild case of GERD but no hiatal hernia. I've got scleroderma so my esophagus and the sphincter muscles are abnormal which causes the GERD. It's progressive, too. I'm not on any Rx meds but recently I discovered that apple cider vinegar taken before or with meals helps me a lot. 


On a side note...

I've lost a lot of my natural teeth b/c of the scleroderma and many are very loose. I'm in the process of having dental implants put in and that whole thing has required me to chop and blend most all of my food b/c I have don't have enough teeth to chew food right now. After eating soft, chopped up and blendered food, it made me realize just how important it is to chew your food well which I was not able to do even before the implant surgery and that caused a lot of my digestive issues.

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

@SilleeMee   I'm glad that you have discovered the natural remedy of ACV.  Sorry to hear about the implants....I have two and it is not an easy process.  The good news is that in today's world there is a remedy and you will be able to eat without worrying about your teeth.  Wishing you all the best healthSmiley Wink

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Re: Diagnosed with Gerd and hiatal hernia.

I also have both ,  plus Barrett's esophagus .  I'm due for another endoscopy. Plus the sphincter muscle has loosened.  I also sleep raised a bit  , try to eat slowly ,  don't lay down after eating and take medication ,  but have found Pepcid otc works very well at bedtime .  It's certainly not a fun condition ,but can be managed pretty well .   Seems most  people i know have reflux issues that run from mild to moderate .  Good luck to you !