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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

Not only has my dentist been doing this for years, my eye doctor has too.

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

Apparently some dentist offices are doing this already in my area. One of my friends was checked and they recommended he go and see his doctor ASAP. it turns out he needed a pacemaker!


Mine doesn't do it but after having that happen, it certainly made me see the value in it. After all, many of us probably see our dentist more routinely than other doctors.

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

As someone who found out my BP was out of control when she had a massive nose bleed even the doctor had difficulty stopping, I'm in favor of any BP checking I can do.  I was 46 and could have had a massive stroke without that nose bleed.  If my dentist had been checking BP, I might have known -  but that was the 1980's and I had never heard of a dentist checking BP.  Too bad -  I didn't see my physician nearly as often as the dentist.



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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

It may have been 10 years back or more the first time mine was done.  Many times they put that thing on my finger before a procedure.

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

I go every quarter.  I would say every-other-visit - yes and it's always been like that.  Definitely before some oral surgery too.

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

My dh just got new glasses at Lenscrafters and they checked his bp.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

The dental office I go to has done this for many years.  Also, the eye doctor I go to and my chiropractor has done this.   

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

@Shelbelle   My dental office started doing the BP check around 5 years ago (or so).  Usually happens for my periodic cleaning and it's the hygienist doing it.

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

My current dentist takes blood pressure, reviews current medications and wants an update on health issues since the last visit.

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Re: BP Checked At Dentist???

All I can say is I'm in shock.  Around here, this just isn't done.  I had no idea......the only place that ever checks my BP is at my doctor's office, or if I would need a medical procedure somewhere like a surgical center.

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