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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

That is terrible of your doctor! You need another doctor or at least see one about this issue!

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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

[ Edited ]

A couple of years ago I was having major issues and was ultimately diagnosed with frozen shoulder. 


The pain started under my arm and felt like a pulled muscle.  It only hurt when I stretched my arm a certain way so I didn't think much of it.  Then it started to go into my arm pit and then under my left breast/top of my ribs.  It got to the point where I couldn't even sleep on my left side at night because the pain was unbearable.  From there it went all down the side of my upper torso, into my neck, across my entire upper back. Then I started to get numbness down my entire arm and tingling in my fingers.  When I started to get pain shooting in my breast, I got scared and called my gyno for a breast exam.


Ultimately I was referred to an orthopod who diagnosed me with frozen shoulder and I got a cortizone shot and home exercises to do.  That was probably some of the worst pain I had ever had.  it just radiated everywhere.  Even when he told me what I had I was skeptical.   He gave me a printout of the steps of frozen shoulder and what happened to me fit that to a "t".   


At one point I was even hospitalized because my doctor thought I had heart issues.

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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

Sorry, I don't believe your doctor "poo poo's" you.  If doctors ignored people over 70, they'd be throwing money out the window.  70 isn't even old today.   Pain is nature's way of telling us that something is wrong with our bodies.  No one here can diagnose or treat you and sympathy and personal experiences and doctor bashing can't help you.  I get it, you don't like going to a doctor but with pain as severe as you have; you need to go.  Why suffer if you don't have to?  Why let something treatable get worse and turn into something more serious?   So, make an appointment with your pcp.  Be assertive and tell them that you are on considerable pain so you need an urgent visit.  Sit down and write out all of your symptoms.  Document when the pain happens,  severity on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being unbearable.  Included what over the counter med you took and whether or not they helped.  Document when the pain first started.  You should give this to the doctor because, if you are like most people, when you get to the doctor, you forget half of what you wanted to say.  Four months is too long to let something like this go on.

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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands



I have told him on 2 appts. what is going on....I have another appt. on May 23rd.  I also have an appt. on June 4th.  I don't know what else to do.  He doesn't have any closer appts. and neither does the Orthopedic.  I will just have to endure.  I AM SUFFERING A LOT!! BELIEVE  ME!!  I have been with the GP for 7 years.  He thinks it is Fibro....I think this IS DIFFERENT.  The pain is MUCH WORSE!!  I CANNOT SLEEP!! (The pain at night is so much worse)

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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

@chrystaltree wrote:

Sorry, I don't believe your doctor "poo poo's" you.  If doctors ignored people over 70, they'd be throwing money out the window.  70 isn't even old today........  Be assertive and tell them that you are on considerable pain so you need an urgent visit.  Sit down and write out all of your symptoms.  


@chrystaltree assertive must be your middle name. Why would this person lie about how her doctor reacted?


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Posts: 988
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

[ Edited ]



Thank you Auntg....I don't need someone making me feel crazy!!!  The average amount of time the doctor spends with you is 5 min.

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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

@highmaintenancejan - I believe you.

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Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

@highmaintenancejan wrote:



Thank you Auntg....I don't need someone making me feel crazy!!!  

@highmaintenancejan, I am so sorry for your pain and the way your Dr. has treated you. Please ignore the rude and nasty poster who is always being hurtful to others. She is a very selfish and uncaring person who seems to get enjoyment from causing others pain. I truly hope that you can see a Dr. who wlll address your health issue properly and with compassion. I just wish you could be seen sooner. Best of luck.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands



Thank you RetRN for you caring words....I truly appreciate helps...Heart

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Any Ideas....Pain in shoulders at night and numbness in arms and hands

@chrystaltree wrote:

Sorry, I don't believe your doctor "poo poo's" you.  If doctors ignored people over 70, they'd be throwing money out the window.  70 isn't even old today.   Pain is nature's way of telling us that something is wrong with our bodies.  No one here can diagnose or treat you and sympathy and personal experiences and doctor bashing can't help you.  I get it, you don't like going to a doctor but with pain as severe as you have; you need to go.  Why suffer if you don't have to?  Why let something treatable get worse and turn into something more serious?   So, make an appointment with your pcp.  Be assertive and tell them that you are on considerable pain so you need an urgent visit.  Sit down and write out all of your symptoms.  Document when the pain happens,  severity on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being unbearable.  Included what over the counter med you took and whether or not they helped.  Document when the pain first started.  You should give this to the doctor because, if you are like most people, when you get to the doctor, you forget half of what you wanted to say.  Four months is too long to let something like this go on.






I've been at odds with myself as to whether to get involved in this thread, until I read the remark above highlighted in red.


For most of my professional life, I worked 60% in Ortho, so have a pretty decent knowledge base.  Last year I had a real need to address (1) post-surgical (Left knee replacement) ITB insertion pain caused by the surgeon's error during surgery; and, (2)  severe low back pain/spasms/radiating pain/left leg weakness.  After physical therapy was ineffective in both cases, I was told by both physician-surgeons that basically things with me were "so sad-too bad," as "you're 70 now, you know."  I looked at my spine doc and asked him how turning 70 had magically turned me into a hands-off patient vice a 69 year old patient.  He didn't answer my question - just stared at me.  I asked him, since he refused to answer my question AND since 2 weeks previously he had talked about a fusion at L4-5, that it sounded as though he was giving me the boot, so should I just leave?  Pretty much so, was his answer.


My sports/knee doc - HA!  After therepy only served to increase pain, as had spine therapy, I asked him for one, yes one, ITB insertion injection.  He refused!  I have 2 fabulous insurance policies, so have yet to make sense of any of this.


Some of us who have just turned 70 or turned 70 several years ago may already have experience some type of healthcare discrimation.  I know I have and it's not pretty.