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@sailor moon wrote:

@bebe777 wrote:

@sailor moon wrote:


*rolls off the bench and under the shack where she finds a secret tunnel that leads to a hidden freezer stock full of peppermint stick ice cream...

bebe tries to distract sailor moon, by telling her to ask @HappyDaze about easy pay, meanwhile bebe is blissfully surrounded by pints and pints of peppermint stick ice cream*.🐷


Meanwhile, on an unrelated Wen thread, oblivious to what has been happening at her ice cream shack, 


*Happy Daze kicks back on the recliner with her rum raisin ice cream and big spoon*

@bebe777 wrote:

@HappyDaze , you mean there was some left after @WaterDragon got a little tipsy on it? Smiley Wink Er,  have you got any extra? Smiley Happy


And @HappyDaze replied....

@bebe777hmmm I must have missed the tipsy @WaterDragon! I need to go through some posts and try to find what I missed! You are always welcome to share with me, you know that. ;o) I was looking at ice cream today and tried to find some peppermint stick like you like but couldn't find any. Any particular brand you like of that kind (sorry if you told me before- I forgot!)?





@HappyDaze unfortunately Friendly's is the only national brand that carries it, but they changed their formula a few years back and the new formula is nothing special. Last year I thought you had mentioned that there was a specialty ice cream store in your area that carried it. That would probably be your best bet. Smiley Happy


Oh and about @WaterDragon, errr oh... nothing you need to concern yourself with... she was just looking for raisins or something....


@sailor_moon , what are we going to tell HD??? !!





@bebe777, I don't know about you, but I'm telling HD nothing, nada. I'm skeered of her big spoon. It looks just like the one Marie Barone, from Everybody loves Raymond, had hanging on her wall next to the big fork. 

I think you need to find a way to wrestle that bottle of rum from @WaterDragon. She won't stop singing pirate songs ...  fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum... or two *hic*... three *hic*...



@sailor_moon , I think we're safe cause @HappyDaze always seems to forget to read this thread. You're right about those big spoons though. When they were little, a good friend of mine used to threaten to get the big spoon whenever her kids got too much out of line. lol, she had no idea what she was going to do with this big spoon, but the imagery always seemed to work. -- Maybe we could convince HD to just use the big spoon for the ice cream. What do you think? 


@WaterDragon is another issue entirely. Evidently she's hiding under her blanket... and claiming it has something to do with a cold... yeah, a 90 proof cold if ever there was one. Evidently she's just picked up some Rum "raisin" -- cause that's what she's calling it -- at the store on sale.  This could be a problem. I'd try to switch her over to peppermint stick ice cream, but in her current condition I'd worry that she'd switch to peppermint Schnapps... or maybe even Winter Vanilla MInt! Yikes!! 


*hums, what do you do with a drunken WaterDragon... *


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

@HappyDaze wrote:

hahaha, I keep forgetting to check this thread and sometimes the notification doesn't let me know when someone has "paged" me!


Anyhoooziewoozie, let me get caught up.


@bebe777  it was the local, homemade ice cream place near my parents that carried it but I haven't gone back in awhile and when I was there last we didn't go by and get ice cream. I do call it "my" local ice cream place because it is my hometown but, alas, I'm about 500 miles from there now. *tear*


@HappyDaze , I'm in the same ice cream boat. My peppermint stick sources are where my parents live as well... the well is dry where I live. Smiley Sad 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Paging Bebe!!

[ Edited ]



@HappyDaze sorry about that. I think I understand and I've removed the post. sailor moon was in this conversation and it just seemed like the easiest way to share the info. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy


P.S. you may want to edit you post as well. 

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Paging Bebe!!

[ Edited ]

Hm wonder why I couldn't just delete my post.

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@bebe777  I sent you an email. Heart

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Registered: ‎12-10-2012


@HappyDaze I just got it and emailed you back. Thanks again!! Heart


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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bebe777 wrote:


P.S. I'm really glad that the Q has been rethinking some of their decisions about individual forums. I know that I was having a hissy fit until we got our forum back.

@bebe777, hissy fits are not polite and civil.

Hissy fits should have epic full on tantrums complete with hair pulling, teeth gnashing and screaming, at the top of your lungs, like a banshee 👹

You were engaging in civil discourse, which is a far cry from having a hissy fit.Smiley Tongue

☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️