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Bebe!! I FINALLY found the Haagen Daaz Rum Raisin ice cream!! I bought some and can't wait to give it a try tonight. I instantly thought of you when I saw it. Can you believe it, like a year and half later or so and I finally found some!! Smiley Happy

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Bon Appetit HappyDaze! Woman Happy

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nom nom nom




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Nyam nyam nyam.....

....just finishing my regular, not fancy Haagen Daaz on a stick from Costco - Chocolade covered Vanilla with Nuts. No Rum for me Woman Sad

I am so upset....maybe I should get me another one, only from despair and NOT because I am a pig.

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You girls are too funny. Every time aI go to the supermarket I forget to look for it,  I've never had it so with all this talk about it fromBebe and Happydaze I want to at least try it but I'm a chocolate girl at heart.

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@HappyDaze wrote:

nom nom nom






LOL. So, how was it?

I Discovered That I Can Be Myself Without the Sky Falling In
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@HappyDaze wrote:

Bebe!! I FINALLY found the Haagen Daaz Rum Raisin ice cream!! I bought some and can't wait to give it a try tonight. I instantly thought of you when I saw it. Can you believe it, like a year and half later or so and I finally found some!! Smiley Happy


@HappyDaze congratulations!!! What a find!!! 


lol, don't keep me in suspense!!! How did you like the Haagen Daaz Rum Raisin? Did it live up to my billing? And how did you finally track it down?? 


I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!! Smiley Wink


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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@ANewHue wrote:

You girls are too funny. Every time aI go to the supermarket I forget to look for it,  I've never had it so with all this talk about it fromBebe and Happydaze I want to at least try it but I'm a chocolate girl at heart.


beaches, you have to search it out and try it. It's amazing!!! 


I still like chocolate a lot but, somewhere in the middle of menopause, something happened and now I can take it or leave it. A good friend of mine is a chocoholic. Whenever she finds a great new chocolate she's very generous and buys one for me too. lol, she'll wolf right through her chocolate bar and is amazed to find that sometimes, even a few weeks later,  I'm still slowly munching on mine. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎07-18-2015

Intriguing! I'm a HUGE fan of the Hagen Daaz Gelato in Salted Caramel. NOM! I will actually sometimes put it in my morning coffee. SO GOOD!

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@yisbuff2 wrote:

Intriguing! I'm a HUGE fan of the Hagen Daaz Gelato in Salted Caramel. NOM! I will actually sometimes put it in my morning coffee. SO GOOD!

I haven't tried Haagen Daaz gelato but I really like dulce de leche ice creams that have a caramel taste to them (I don't know what the phrase means in english). lol, I may have to check out thier gelatos! 


-- bebe Smiley Happy