Posts: 57
Registered: ‎05-19-2015

@bebe777 wrote:

@WaterDragon wrote:

@bebe777 wrote:

@WaterDragon wrote:

Enablers!  *waterdragon slips out into the hot humid day, searching -- yearning really for some rum raisin ice cream*


*With @WaterDragon's  ice cream weakness in mind, bebe breaks out her Trader Joe's bag of organic raisins and lays a trail of raisins that leads toward @HappyDaze WEN forum Ice Cream stand. Today's flavors start with peppermint stick ice cream $0.05... * 

*waterdragon passes out due to the shear excitement of such delacacies... wait a minute - what you trying to pull here @bebe777?  No rum, no raisins???? passing out again...*


waterdragon, lol, I said that today's flavor list starts with peppermint stick ice cream... cause HD knows that's my personal favorite. 


*bebe crawls under the ice cream stand and rummages through various containers..*


winter vanilla mint, summer coconut mango, fall ginger pumpkin, spring honey lilac...???!!! aw geez, HD mixed her Wen in with all of this. Hold on waterdragon. Just let me check out this other container...


*bebe quickly opens it up, grabs the container of Haagen Daaz rum raison and scoops waterdragon a big helping... complete with serving container and spoon... after all this is a five star shack...* 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

@bebe777 *waterdragon thanks bebe profusely (((burp!)))  and wonders how she will get home, now that she has eaten the raisin trail.  At least she certainly hopes they were all raisins*  

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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Paging Bebe!!

[ Edited ]

@sailor moon wrote:

@bebe777 wrote:

@WaterDragon wrote:

Enablers!  *waterdragon slips out into the hot humid day, searching -- yearning really for some rum raisin ice cream*


*With @WaterDragon's  ice cream weakness in mind, bebe breaks out her Trader Joe's bag of organic raisins and lays a trail of raisins that leads toward @HappyDaze WEN forum Ice Cream stand. Today's flavors start with peppermint stick ice cream $0.05... * 

Will easy pay be offered? 🍦




*bebe rolls off of her bench and under the shack... probably in search of more peppermint stick ice cream*




Editor's Note: you should probably ask @HappyDaze ... it is her ice cream stand, after all...

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@sonechko wrote:

Enough about Food! Wen piglets should only think about Wen, too bad there is no edible Wen Yet!! Though.....hmmmmm.....that's an idea! Already a few names for a flavor come to mind...


I am paging Bebe, because I want to know - What Did Bebe Ordered on This TSV? We know your hair, we know what you like in Wen lately, the question is What Did You Order? Ummm?

 @sonechko , lol, honestly... er, I haven't decided yet... after everything I've said... yup, that's me... It's likey to be TT and either FIG or LAV...


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎06-08-2012


*rolls off the bench and under the shack where she finds a secret tunnel that leads to a hidden freezer stock full of peppermint stick ice cream...

bebe tries to distract sailor moon, by telling her to ask @HappyDaze about easy pay, meanwhile bebe is blissfully surrounded by pints and pints of peppermint stick ice cream*.🐷

☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

@sailor moon wrote:


*rolls off the bench and under the shack where she finds a secret tunnel that leads to a hidden freezer stock full of peppermint stick ice cream...

bebe tries to distract sailor moon, by telling her to ask @HappyDaze about easy pay, meanwhile bebe is blissfully surrounded by pints and pints of peppermint stick ice cream*.🐷


Meanwhile, on an unrelated Wen thread, oblivious to what has been happening at her ice cream shack, 


*Happy Daze kicks back on the recliner with her rum raisin ice cream and big spoon*

@bebe777 wrote:

@HappyDaze , you mean there was some left after @WaterDragon got a little tipsy on it? Smiley Wink Er,  have you got any extra? Smiley Happy


And @HappyDaze replied....

@bebe777hmmm I must have missed the tipsy @WaterDragon! I need to go through some posts and try to find what I missed! You are always welcome to share with me, you know that. ;o) I was looking at ice cream today and tried to find some peppermint stick like you like but couldn't find any. Any particular brand you like of that kind (sorry if you told me before- I forgot!)?





@HappyDaze unfortunately Friendly's is the only national brand that carries it, but they changed their formula a few years back and the new formula is nothing special. Last year I thought you had mentioned that there was a specialty ice cream store in your area that carried it. That would probably be your best bet. Smiley Happy


Oh and about @WaterDragon, errr oh... nothing you need to concern yourself with... she was just looking for raisins or something....


@sailor_moon , what are we going to tell HD??? !!





Posts: 57
Registered: ‎05-19-2015

@bebe777 wrote:

@sailor moon wrote:


*rolls off the bench and under the shack where she finds a secret tunnel that leads to a hidden freezer stock full of peppermint stick ice cream...

bebe tries to distract sailor moon, by telling her to ask @HappyDaze about easy pay, meanwhile bebe is blissfully surrounded by pints and pints of peppermint stick ice cream*.🐷


Meanwhile, on an unrelated Wen thread, oblivious to what has been happening at her ice cream shack, 


*Happy Daze kicks back on the recliner with her rum raisin ice cream and big spoon*

@bebe777 wrote:

@HappyDaze , you mean there was some left after @WaterDragon got a little tipsy on it? Smiley Wink Er,  have you got any extra? Smiley Happy


And @HappyDaze replied....

@bebe777hmmm I must have missed the tipsy @WaterDragon! I need to go through some posts and try to find what I missed! You are always welcome to share with me, you know that. ;o) I was looking at ice cream today and tried to find some peppermint stick like you like but couldn't find any. Any particular brand you like of that kind (sorry if you told me before- I forgot!)?





@HappyDaze unfortunately Friendly's is the only national brand that carries it, but they changed their formula a few years back and the new formula is nothing special. Last year I thought you had mentioned that there was a specialty ice cream store in your area that carried it. That would probably be your best bet. Smiley Happy


Oh and about @WaterDragon, errr oh... nothing you need to concern yourself with... she was just looking for raisins or something....


@sailor_moon , what are we going to tell HD??? !!






@I'm still stuck @ the ice cream stand after eating the raisins on the way here.  Good thing I brought a tent/pillow/blow up mattress/blower/toothpaste/toothbrush/water/WEN and can live on the icecream.  brought me own rum... Arrrrrrrrrrrgh


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Y'all have really gone, gone, gone on this ice cream binge!  


I'm still waiting for SOMETHING to come out of that shack with some Chocolate in it.  If I'm going to apply something directly to my thighs (where all really good stuff ends up) it better have chocolate in it!


Thas' all I'm sayin'.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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hahaha, I keep forgetting to check this thread and sometimes the notification doesn't let me know when someone has "paged" me!


Anyhoooziewoozie, let me get caught up.


@bebe777  it was the local, homemade ice cream place near my parents that carried it but I haven't gone back in awhile and when I was there last we didn't go by and get ice cream. I do call it "my" local ice cream place because it is my hometown but, alas, I'm about 500 miles from there now. *tear*

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

@WaterDragon wrote:



@I'm still stuck @ the ice cream stand after eating the raisins on the way here.  Good thing I brought a tent/pillow/blow up mattress/blower/toothpaste/toothbrush/water/WEN and can live on the icecream.  brought me own rum... Arrrrrrrrrrrgh


HAHA! NOW you are talking!


*HappyDaze thinks to herself that raspberry lambic poured over a bowl of homemade raspberry ice cream might make a really nice adult treat..hmmmmm....*

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Posts: 1,458
Registered: ‎06-08-2012

@bebe777 wrote:

@sailor moon wrote:


*rolls off the bench and under the shack where she finds a secret tunnel that leads to a hidden freezer stock full of peppermint stick ice cream...

bebe tries to distract sailor moon, by telling her to ask @HappyDaze about easy pay, meanwhile bebe is blissfully surrounded by pints and pints of peppermint stick ice cream*.🐷


Meanwhile, on an unrelated Wen thread, oblivious to what has been happening at her ice cream shack, 


*Happy Daze kicks back on the recliner with her rum raisin ice cream and big spoon*

@bebe777 wrote:

@HappyDaze , you mean there was some left after @WaterDragon got a little tipsy on it? Smiley Wink Er,  have you got any extra? Smiley Happy


And @HappyDaze replied....

@bebe777hmmm I must have missed the tipsy @WaterDragon! I need to go through some posts and try to find what I missed! You are always welcome to share with me, you know that. ;o) I was looking at ice cream today and tried to find some peppermint stick like you like but couldn't find any. Any particular brand you like of that kind (sorry if you told me before- I forgot!)?





@HappyDaze unfortunately Friendly's is the only national brand that carries it, but they changed their formula a few years back and the new formula is nothing special. Last year I thought you had mentioned that there was a specialty ice cream store in your area that carried it. That would probably be your best bet. Smiley Happy


Oh and about @WaterDragon, errr oh... nothing you need to concern yourself with... she was just looking for raisins or something....


@sailor_moon , what are we going to tell HD??? !!





@bebe777, I don't know about you, but I'm telling HD nothing, nada. I'm skeered of her big spoon. It looks just like the one Marie Barone, from Everybody loves Raymond, had hanging on her wall next to the big fork. 

I think you need to find a way to wrestle that bottle of rum from @WaterDragon. She won't stop singing pirate songs ...  fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum... or two *hic*... three *hic*...


☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️