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Summary for Tuesday, September 10th from


At the Grand Phoenix opening Summer canoodles with Theo and suggests they get a room later. He mingles and she grabs a drink. Kyle and Lola watch Rey get a woman’s number; she wants him to be happy. Sharon also notices him with the woman, and Mariah knows that can’t be easy. Sharon feels he’s entitled to move on, though it’s quick. They agree it’s good Sharon’s going out of town to decide what she wants. Tessa appears with drinks. Meanwhile, Phyllis assures Summer she’s proud of her and won’t do anything to ruin her evening. Zoe watches them hug. Nearby, Abby tells Nate she’ll keep an eye on Phyllis just in case. At the bar, Devon congratulates Chelsea while grabbing a signature drink. Zoe approaches Phyllis and urges her to try a Grand Sangria, but Phyllis declines. She looks around and notices people acting weird. She checks in with Abby and Chelsea at the bar and orders a Shirley Temple. Phyllis questions Victor’s absence and Abby snaps that he’s not feeling well.


After, Chelsea and Abby tell Nick that Phyllis isn’t giving them problems, which is suspicious. In another area, Devon takes another drink, as does Nate. Summer runs over to the billiard table to show Kyle their excellent numbers. Theo follows. Kyle offers Summer use of Jaboat as a bonus and Theo snarks. Lola challenges Theo to a game of pool as a distraction. Kyle and Theo spar verbally as they play, so Lola and Kyle go dance and Summer tells Theo she’s had enough of him. On the couches, Phyllis needles Sharon about Adam, then Rey. Sharon gets up slightly unsteadily and Rey presents her with sangria as he explains his sister playing cupid. They toast. In the middle of the room, Zoe surveys her handiwork as Theo plays air guitar and Tessa spins Mariah in a chair.


By the Grand Phoenix bar, Theo apologizes to Summer. They make out against a wall until Zoe interrupts with more drinks. She muses by tomorrow morning pictures of the party will be everywhere and they’ll have a ton of new followers. At the door, Nick kisses Chelsea goodnight. Elsewhere, Mariah and Sharon have a slurred conversation about Rey before Mariah and Tessa go to dance. Devon tells Elena he needs air before grabbing another drink. Abby peers questioningly at Nate as he zones out on the colored lights. In the middle of the room, Mariah and Tessa pat each other’s hair and kiss passionately. Summer and Theo watch, and he realizes they’re high on Molly – someone dosed them all. He goes to get a room. At the billiard table, Rey watches the blurring pool balls as Lola notices he’s off. They see Summer lolling, Mariah and Tessa swaying, and Kyle decides to find Theo. Rey spots Sharon crying and holds her as she rants, “Meaningless, meaningless…” Phyllis wonders, “What is going on with everyone.” Chelsea exclaims to Abby, “People are tripping!” They realize someone spiked the drinks.


Phyllis turns to see Zoe filming Tessa, Mariah and Summer stoned on the dance floor. Elena helps Devon who is having a panic attack. Nate chortles that he’ll get his medical bag and enthuses about Abby’s special drink. Chelsea grimaces. By the fireplace, Summer purrs to Kyle that there’s Molly in the sangria before kissing him. Lola gawps and Kyle helps Summer over to Phyllis. Abby shouts that India took her top off on the dance floor as Sharon agonizes to Rey about their relationship then kisses him before passing out from the drug mixing with her medication. In the corridor, Kyle grabs Theo, “What the hell did you do?” Theo protests – it wasn’t him. Rey calls in the medical emergency and mass drugging. Phyllis leaves Summer with Tessa, who sings to her as Mariah smiles dreamily. Abby declares this is a nightmare.


Later, Rey updates Paul that everyone was affected by the spiked sangria, including himself. Someone could have died. Paul hopes the security cameras caught the perpetrator. Lola worries to Kyle that Summer’s not over him. Elena updates Paul that Devon and Sharon should both recover. Nate pipes up he can take his own blood. Elena says, “No you can’t.” Paul wants to talk to Theo about the MDMA as Phyllis approaches Abby and Chelsea to tell them to find another scapegoat – she’d never knowingly harm her daughter. She joins Paul, Summer and Theo, who mentions Zoe, who put the photos on her blog. Kyle and Summer moan about the PR implications. Paul shuts the place down. Phyllis texts Zoe, “We need to talk.”


More: Watch Phyllis gloat after the Grand Phoenix debacle


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Paul follows up on a lead.

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[ Edited ]

Every other thing aside, what is with that pool table in the lobby of a supposedly high end hotel... Fine if they want a pool table, but in the lobby... 


The notion of Chelsea helping to run a 'tony' hotel is just laughable... Whatever happened to her dress design business... She must be mutl-talented... Whatever...


So Lola will be one ticked off 'executive chef' if the hotel draws customers away from the restaurant... Ahhhh... Pobrecito Lola... If she's an executive chef then how many of us are Cordon Bleu...


What the heck did Tessa have on her head... 


Rey, yes, whoever said it earlier, his polished look is a bit much... He looked like a vampire...


They're making an awful lot of Sharon's road trip... When does she leave... The bright yellow flattered her, but that hair...


Those three young twits, Zoe and the 'influencers', are on my last nerve... What are they there for... They serve no purpose... They all need to go and Zoe really needs to go...


Nothing about this nonsense is hanging together at all...




In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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[ Edited ]

Hope Nate hurries and does that blood test. Bad enough to be old, but, when you have to suffer needlessly because of your psycho son is beyond



Bet Nicki, kicks Adam into the next universe when it hits the fan.



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Summary for Wednesday, September 11th from


At Nick’s place, Summer has the hangover from hell. Chelsea moans about half the town getting dosed with Molly at her hotel. Summer insists she has to go to Jabot for damage control as Nick protests. Chelsea learns the cancelations are pouring in. Nick urges her to clear her name then try getting people back through the doors. Phyllis barrels in as they’re about to kiss. Summer reappears and talks to her mother alone. She worries about her job, then asks Phyllis if she sabotaged the opening. Phyllis vehemently denies it. Summer apologizes; she had to ask. Phyllis learns Summer kissed Kyle and feels humiliated. Nick joins them and tells Phyllis the police better find out who did this to their little girl. Phyllis adds, “They’ll have to deal with me.”


At Society, Lola helps Rey with his ‘Molly morning after’ and is glad she didn’t drink the sangria. She’s confident Rey will find the culprit. Abby wants the person nailed and gives him a list of who was there. Rey looks at Sharon’s name and says this is personal. Paul joins Rey and they do a ‘good cop, bad cop’ routine on Theo when he enters. Theo suggests Zoe Hardisty may have spiked the drinks and adds he and Kyle have a history with her. Abby appears and recalls Theo said the best scandals make the best parties. She asks if he sabotaged her. Theo urges them to find Zoe and they’ll get answers – she’s suddenly not returning his texts. Paul advises him not to leave town, then tells Abby the surveillance cameras may provide answers.


At the penthouse, Devon’s heart is still beating fast. Elena will give him a thorough check-up and soon gives him a clean bill of health. She explains the interaction between his medication and the Molly sent his blood pressure sky-high. Devon thought the feeling would never stop and was worried he’d soon join Neil and Hilary. Elena offers reassurance. While Devon sleeps, Elena checks on Nate by phone. Devon awakens and tells Elena he’s nowhere near ready to leave this life he has with her. He talks about her nature – caring and wanting to help people – she makes him feel everything is possible. Elena replies, “I love you.” Devon loves her too. She says it again and they kiss.


At Chancellor Park, Zoe asks Phyllis why she insisted on meeting her. Phyllis congratulates her – the hell she unleashed last night was epic. She was happy to see Abby and Chelsea get their just desserts but wonders what Zoe’s reason was for doing it. Zoe tells her it was the oldest reason in the world – revenge. She says Theo and Kyle did a number on her life and tells Phyllis the story. Theo said he wanted to make things right, but he was just using her. Phyllis understands her anger. Zoe smugly reports she’s getting hundreds of new followers and hopes no one hires Theo again. She laughs about Kyle swapping spit with his ex-wife – Phyllis’ rude, stuck-up daughter – then goes on about putting the Molly in the sangria and bringing out everyone’s naughty thoughts. After she leaves, Phyllis listens to her recording of Zoe’s confession and says, “Gotcha’.”


At Jabot, Kyle encourages Summer to go home and take the day off. She learns he and Lola didn’t drink the sangria. Summer wonders who would do this. Kyle suggests it was Zoe or Phyllis. Summer believes it was Zoe. She mentions the kiss. Kyle was hoping she’d forgotten. Summer apologizes. Kyle reveals it’s on social media and Lola saw it live. Summer’s embarrassed. Kyle’s glad he didn’t partake last night – who knows what he might have done? He assures Summer they’re fine and hugs her. Summer exits and looks in at him.


At Crimson Lights, Paul suspects Rey’s looking for Sharon. Rey is just tracking down everyone from the party. Paul gets the surveillance feed but there’s nothing on it. He decides to track down Zoe.


At the Grand Phoenix, Abby and Chelsea are amazed that people they’re calling are being so forgiving. Chelsea tells her they will rise from these ashes. Abby ignores a call from Phyllis.


In the park, Phyllis rolls her eyes at being put to voicemail and advises Abby to call her back – she’s the answer to her prayers. She disconnects. “Actually, I’m the answer to all our prayers.”


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Phyllis saves the day.

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Can;t believe Lola could have Summer's kiss on Kyle

bother her......the girl was drugged and then she actually says "i don't think Summer is over you yet??"........really...

she really believes that Summer who went through so much to be with Kyle would be "over" him that quickly.......


Hope that they see Zoe on the hotel video cameras..........


Sharon did a bit of overacting today....hahaha

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Hopefully , Zoe goes to jail and does not skip like most of them

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Wow! Missed yesterday and today's shows - I'm okay with that!Woman LOL  Just wondering where these writers are going with this?  Is there a point to these silly antics?  Never saw the point of Zoe, but all this to deep six the character?!!?  What am I missing here/Woman Frustrated


And as usual, sounds like GC's finast, Paul and Rey, exhibit great detective work and Phyllis had is all solved in a NY heartbeat!Woman Wink

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@eddyandme  Yes, What is the point of Zoe and her story if Phyllis and everyone is on to her so quickly?  Honestly, these writers can't write a soap story to save their lives!  Have the girl frame someone else like Phyllis or Summer.  Have something more than a kiss happen between Kyle on Summer on drugs.  Have some strange pair hook up and realize real feelings for each other.  Instead, we just get- blah!

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[ Edited ]

@Roni18 wrote:

@eddyandme  Yes, What is the point of Zoe and her story if Phyllis and everyone is on to her so quickly?  Honestly, these writers can't write a soap story to save their lives!  Have the girl frame someone else like Phyllis or Summer.  Have something more than a kiss happen between Kyle on Summer on drugs.  Have some strange pair hook up and realize real feelings for each other.  Instead, we just get- blah!

@Roni18  None of their stories, like their characters, has any depth. They're all oversimplified and superficial and that's probably one reason these pathetic excuses for professional writers always strives for 'over the top'. They must assume the supposed shock value to be a distraction and adequate to hold the audience's attention. That might be true were we all as brainless as they appear to be.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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I just watched today's show. Man, that was bad. The premise was lame enough but the acting was atrocious.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...