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Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And a new day dawns in the BB19 house and if rumors/leaks are to be believed, things continue as before. (They killed the feeds yesterday so we have to rely on the rumors/leaks for now.) A relatively reliable leaker has reported that Alex was evicted by a split vote of 1-1 with Josh breaking the tie and evicting Alex. The tie vote was reportedly done for two reasons. One was so Paul could pretend to vote to keep Alex and keep his word to her, and the second reason was so Josh could prove to Paul that he was still loyal to Paul and obeying his commands. ("Good doggie! What a good doggie!")


With Alex out of the way, the HOH comp then took place and was reportedly the "What the bleep" comp where something said by past houseguests on the live show was partially bleeped out and the houseguests had to choose which of two options was correct. Rumors and leaks indicate that this was won by/thrown to Paul and Paul is the new HOH. Paul then reportedly put up Josh and Kevin (though it really doesn't matter who gets nominated as the POV winner holds all of the power.)


To the best of our knowledge the POV hasn't been played yet, but will be played later today or tomorrow. The POV winner will then have the power to evict whoever they chooose (other than Paul who's safe as HOH.) Was the HOH comp thrown to Paul? Probably. He's told them all for weeks he wants to win this one, so they probably rolled over and let him.


So, on tonight's show we'll see Paul win the last POV comp, him break the news to Alex that he's not using it, the POV ceremony, Alex going bye-bye, then the new HOH comp where Paul wins HOH. On tomorrow's show we'll see the Paul nominate his two pawns, the POV comp and then the POV winner will stand up and vote out someone (Josh, Christmas or Kevin, likely Kevin or Josh.) Then they'll start part one of the final HOH comp, which will likely be won by Paul as his two minions hand it to him. Then we'll have the season recap show on Friday where the final three have their champagne breakfast and demonstrate what bad actors they are as BB prompts them through the earpieces on what to say. On Saturday the second stage of the HOH comp will play out and then we have the wait until next Wednesday for the final stage of the HOH comp where someone will get to choose who sits besides them and the last member of the jury is sent packing.


There is still some minimal risk to Paul in that one of the minions could win part three of the final HOH comp and decide not to take him. All three of those left in the game beside Paul (Kevin, Josh and Christmas) have talked of giving Paul the boot at some stage of the game. Will they? Probably not given how this season has gone, but watching Paul walk out in third place would be kind of funny. A Kevin/Christmas final two would give the jury a nightmare in deciding how to vote. 


Paul's been not so subtly telling the house all season that taking him to the final two is a guaranteed win for anyone else since he's a vet and the jury would never vote for a vet. (Forgetting apparently that they just did last year in voting for Nicole over Paul.) We'll have to see if that messaging has stuck should one of the minions gets a chance to give Paul the boot.


So, our most predictable season ever is still following the script. Whatever Paul wants, Paul gets. There's really just one more chance for him to get derailed and that won't come until next Wednesday. Watching him leave in third place would be quite entertaining. It probably won't happen, but it would be entertaining.


By the way, all of those rumored lists of celebrities you're seeing for Celebrity BB are fake. I suspect most of those lists are being leaked by publicists for those celebrities to get their names out and in circulation. I anticipate the cast being made up of one of the women from "The Talk" (Julie's full time gig,) multiple actors from the various CBS series (especially their new CBS All Access series like their new Star Trek series) and a few cast-offs from Survivor or The Amazing Race. Possibly even one of the hosts of one of those shows in Probst (less likely) or Phil (somewhat more likely.) CBS will use the show to promote their own shows as much as possible. They may even toss in someone from the CBS Morning Show like their weather person who could do the live weather forecast from inside the BB house or the backyard until he gets the boot. I'd be shocked if more than half of the celebrities didn't have direct ties to CBS/Viacom. Chances are contracts for actors appearing in some of the new series have had a clause inserted requiring them to participate if called upon. Expect the cast to be heavily weighted in favor of people associated with CBS. 



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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Just a note for those questioning why anyone would vote for Cody as AFP (as some are on yesterday's thread.) It's because he's one of the few people in the house to actually play the game this year.


When you look back at this season there were only three people who played the game. Paul, Jessica and Cody. The rest didn't play. Paul's played the best game overall, but he's also played the nastiest game. 


The vast majority of the houseguests this season were either furniture that did nothing (Matt, Jillian, Mark, Elena, Ramses, Kevin, Dominique) or Paul's puppets (Alex, Jason, Raven, Christmas, Josh) and sadly many of the furniture players were also Paul's puppets when they actually did anything which was rare.


That kind of limits the field for AFP rather dramatically. You have two players in Jess and Cody who despite serious character questions, actually played the game. They had the whole house turn against them (at least in part due to Cody's game mismanagement) but they played the game. Any real suspense we had this season came when they were in power. They were the only people who gave us some hint of the Big Brother we've come to expect. 


It's hard to come up with a reason to vote for anyone other than those three. No one else has played the game. Jessica has encouraged everone who would vote for her to vote for Cody so the vote isn't split. That's why Cody is getting so many votes. Was Cody a perfect human being destined for sainthood? No. not by a long shot, but he played the game. He never backed down and he gave us some of the best moments of the season. His "hold that thought" to Paul in the middle of one of Paul's diatribes to him and his then walking out the door to the hammock was hilarious. Paul just stood by the refrigerator dumb-founded. His walking out over the table when Paul and his petty minions were blocking his exit on his eviction also made me laugh. 


Make a good argument for voting for someone else and I'll listen, but I'm not rewarding Paul for his behavior and he's far, far from my favorite player. As of this moment, my vote goes to Cody. It's not like there are other good options. Only three people really played Big Brother this year. If you're rewarding a 'player' It's got to be Paul, Cody or Jessica. No one else played the game. They were either furniture or puppets. Jessica doesn't want the votes so that makes it Cody or Paul. Of the two, Cody is my favorite therefore he gets my votes. It's that simple. The fact that Paul's head would explode if Cody won is just a bonus.

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

My vote will go to Cody.  

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I never watched the live feeds but I did watch the night time show the whole time they were on every night.  


My opinion, which doesn't mean much, is that Cody and Jessica spent 3/4 of their time doing the deed.  They were shut up in that room alone.  Playing the game!  Are you kidding me!


i guess I totally misunderstood this game because I thought it was to win by getting everyone else to vote out everyone but yourself?  


I get get the feeling many are voting for the person ( or persons) they "like" rather than the one who played the game.  By like I don't mean personality-wise I mean anyone but Paul.


I've said all along I think this show is a study of humans and shows how through history large groups can be manipulated into following one course.  Paul did just that.  I also think we don't like being shown how it can happen.


This is just my opinion.  I realize it is different from others here. 

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Annabellethecat66, I completely agree with your statement that this is a study of how humans behave when in a controlled environment (no access to the outside) and shows how herd mentality develops. I haven't watched much this year but rather relied on Gman's summaries each day.  I have tuned in once in awhile and have my 'players' and have the people that I really don't like--Jessica and Cody.  Some of this cast came in with the intention of having showmances, including Jessica and Cody, and that's what they got.


It seems like all my summer guilty pleasures have terrible casts this year.

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I 100%+ agree with you @gardenman and I have always maintained your position. The reason I am now thinking Kevin has nothing to do with game play but sheer sympathy. His treatment by the cretins in the house came to an emotional head for me after what I saw on Tuesday morning's BBAD.

It was like watching them mistreat a special needs person and it was gut wrenching. He will know, at some point, what they have said about and done to him during the show and I think he will be very hurt. They have isolated and demeaned him and maybe knowing that America saw and cared will help him move on.

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@DrKelli Wow!  We do agree.  I get every cable channel you can get and yet I have trouble finding anything worth watching.


I get asked all of the time why I watch so much QVC.  Well, let me see....the people are always smiling and happy and I don't have to listen to all of the stuff going on that I can't do anything about.


I'm not talking about the hurricanes I talking about all of the other stuff.  However, the hurricane stuff had people standing out in it (which I thought didn't make much sense because all we saw was the tiny square they were standing in).  Ha!  My daughte lives in Florida and she'd send me video of her area and surrounding area.


I also read @gardenman and most other's comments somewhat.  He did a great job and I doubt if I'd have even been interested at all were it not for his excellent summations.


 I think that was also a study in human behavior.  In reading his summations one realizes just how talented he is.



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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

How is mauling each other 24/7 playing the game? AFP is not necessary about their game playing, it's about their likability . There is nothing likable about Cody. As to game, I submit that those still in the game at the end, no matter how they managed it, are the best players. 

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I still think that if Christmas and Kevin were the final 2 Kevin would win because I don't think Christmas has as good a social game as she thinks she does.

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Re: Wednesday 9/13/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@lovescats wrote:

I still think that if Christmas and Kevin were the final 2 Kevin would win because I don't think Christmas has as good a social game as she thinks she does.

That would be a very interesting final two. The jury deliberation and questions would be entertaining. Christmas is a professional talker so she might pull it out.

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