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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

I thought it was brilliantly done.  It held my interest every second.

Probably next week they will get back to faster action, but sometimes savoring the time and taking time are good things.  

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

This was one of the best episodes that they have done. Eastman was Morgen's Hershal. As Hershal was to Rick and Dale was to Glenn. So moving and full of emotion.


Incredible and I disagree that it was a waste. This series is more then just action and gore. If you don't see that then you miss the human drama that is unfolding each week. The show has always been about emotion and the human spirit. Keep in mind the walking dead are not those who are already dead. It is the living and how they learn to survive and exist. 


That is why Fear the Walking Dead started so slow it was to show everyday boring and mundane life and then what happens when everything you know is all of a sudden gone and you have to learn to survive and protect the ones you love.


So glad they did this episode.



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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

Okay so I was bored watching this episode. It was interesting to see how Morgan got to where he is now (mentally, spiritually, etc) but I did not need to see a whole 1.5 hours of it. I agree with another poster who said they could have split it up showing his story and the group. I still think it is ridiculous how they keep spewing the mantra "all life is precious" concerning the walkers. They are dead. They are not alive and no, they are not precious by any means. I really liked the guy who trained Morgan- wish he was going to be a part of the show.  I was sad when he and the goat died. Smiley Sad


So regarding Glenn, I read that his name is not listed in the opening credits anymore. Hmmmm...I don't know if this is true but if so, that is may answer the question of whether ot not he is dead.


I haven't watched Talking Dead yet because I ran of time.


I can't wait until next week to get back on track with the group and see what happens. Looks like Maggie was going out to maybe look for Glenn. That is when we might see Glenn (or his parts, lol) in some form or another like the director indicated. It may not be good for Maggie...

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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

@HappyDaze wrote:

Okay so I was bored watching this episode. It was interesting to see how Morgan got to where he is now (mentally, spiritually, etc) but I did not need to see a whole 1.5 hours of it. I agree with another poster who said they could have split it up showing his story and the group. I still think it is ridiculous how they keep spewing the mantra "all life is precious" concerning the walkers. They are dead. They are not alive and no, they are not precious by any means. I really liked the guy who trained Morgan- wish he was going to be a part of the show.  I was sad when he and the goat died. Smiley Sad


So regarding Glenn, I read that his name is not listed in the opening credits anymore. Hmmmm...I don't know if this is true but if so, that is may answer the question of whether ot not he is dead.


I haven't watched Talking Dead yet because I ran of time.


I can't wait until next week to get back on track with the group and see what happens. Looks like Maggie was going out to maybe look for Glenn. That is when we might see Glenn (or his parts, lol) in some form or another like the director indicated. It may not be good for Maggie...

Beth's name appeared in the credits long after she was gone. So I don't think it answers anything.



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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

Poor Tabitha. 

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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

[ Edited ]

@HappyDaze wrote:

Okay so I was bored watching this episode. It was interesting to see how Morgan got to where he is now (mentally, spiritually, etc) but I did not need to see a whole 1.5 hours of it. I agree with another poster who said they could have split it up showing his story and the group. I still think it is ridiculous how they keep spewing the mantra "all life is precious" concerning the walkers. They are dead. They are not alive and no, they are not precious by any means. I really liked the guy who trained Morgan- wish he was going to be a part of the show.  I was sad when he and the goat died. Smiley Sad


So regarding Glenn, I read that his name is not listed in the opening credits anymore. Hmmmm...I don't know if this is true but if so, that is may answer the question of whether ot not he is dead.


I haven't watched Talking Dead yet because I ran of time.


I can't wait until next week to get back on track with the group and see what happens. Looks like Maggie was going out to maybe look for Glenn. That is when we might see Glenn (or his parts, lol) in some form or another like the director indicated. It may not be good for Maggie...


I understood the All life is precious reference to mean that each one of those roamer walkers was a person before they turned...they had a name, a life, a family, etc.   So it became Eastman's goal to give them proper burials....something they deserve instead of left roaming endlessly infecting/eating others.  


I thought this episode was brilliant....a pull back from the harsh reality of what is happeningwith Rick and really dove into the dark place that Morgan has come from and how he got to where he is today....not just a pysical survival story but a mental one.  


With that said....I'm ready to get back to Alexandria and the whole gang.....and I now have a better understanding of why Morgan made the choice to let Wolves go even though his captive doesn't appear willing to show Morgan the same compassion.  

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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)



I was pretty bored with it as well. It was interesting to find out how Morgan found his enlightenment, but for me 90 minutes was a bit too much.


I am ready as well to find out what happens to Rick and perhaps Glenn.

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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

@straykatz wrote:

@HappyDaze wrote:

Okay so I was bored watching this episode. It was interesting to see how Morgan got to where he is now (mentally, spiritually, etc) but I did not need to see a whole 1.5 hours of it. I agree with another poster who said they could have split it up showing his story and the group. I still think it is ridiculous how they keep spewing the mantra "all life is precious" concerning the walkers. They are dead. They are not alive and no, they are not precious by any means. I really liked the guy who trained Morgan- wish he was going to be a part of the show.  I was sad when he and the goat died. Smiley Sad


So regarding Glenn, I read that his name is not listed in the opening credits anymore. Hmmmm...I don't know if this is true but if so, that is may answer the question of whether ot not he is dead.


I haven't watched Talking Dead yet because I ran of time.


I can't wait until next week to get back on track with the group and see what happens. Looks like Maggie was going out to maybe look for Glenn. That is when we might see Glenn (or his parts, lol) in some form or another like the director indicated. It may not be good for Maggie...


I understood the All life is precious reference to mean that each one of those roamer walkers was a person before they turned...they had a name, a life, a family, etc.   So it became Eastman's goal to give them proper burials....something they deserve instead of left roaming endlessly infecting/eating others.  


I thought this episode was brilliant....a pull back from the harsh reality of what is happeningwith Rick and really dove into the dark place that Morgan has come from and how he got to where he is today....not just a pysical survival story but a mental one.  


With that said....I'm ready to get back to Alexandria and the whole gang.....and I now have a better understanding of why Morgan made the choice to let Wolves go even though his captive doesn't appear willing to show Morgan the same compassion.  

Well said straykatz too bad it goes over a lot of heads.

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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

If last week's show focusing on Morgan had been a stand-alone movie (either tv or in theaters), I think it would have been well-received.  It held my interest completely throughout.   I think it's unfair to judge it based on expectations of seeing more about other characters.


I felt the "all life is precious" was meant more to refer to living people, such as the psychopath who killed his family.  He learned that even though he killed that man, it gave him no relief, and therefore he began his creed of all life being precious.  That was what I took away from the episode.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Walking Dead- 11/1/15 (Spoilers!!)

@GingerPeach wrote:

I thought it was brilliantly done.  It held my interest every second.

Probably next week they will get back to faster action, but sometimes savoring the time and taking time are good things.  


I really enjoyed this episode too.  I'm usually one who DVRs stuff and ends up watching an hour show in about 20 minutes, but I never found myself bored with this episode.  Maybe I found some of Eastman's zen.


Morgan's no kill policy was getting on my nerves before this episode but to see what state he was in before put it in perspective.  I still think it's gonna backfire on him big time, but at least he's not out there "clearing" everyone and everything.  He almost got Rick killed by letting those Wolves go, and now he has one locked up in a house.  That has bad news written all over it.  Not every soul can be saved.