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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/9/2015 Sooner said:

I think in some way Stephanie's ghost will finally scare Myrna out of H E R house! Or maybe Brooke will FOR Stephanie!

I definitely see this becoming part of the storyline.

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/9/2015 CarolinaLady said:

I want to say something about that portrait of Maya but don't want to offend anyone. My first thought was that it looks like a portrait of a "madam", if you know what I mean, that would be hanging in a particular kind of house. And I agree that it looks like her head was imposed over the original head. It just looks so odd. I wonder if it is a subtle way for Rick to say to everyone exactly how he really feels about Maya, that she's only a substitute while he tortures Caroline. I believe he still loves Caroline, but he is carrying this hurt thing too far, and it will be impossible for her to forgive him after all is said and done.

That's funnier than what I said the portrait looked like. On another soap site, I said that it reminded me of a portrait that should have Maureen O'Hara's face with Tyrone Power or that other guy in the swashbuckler movies (with th mustache..can't think of his name) standing close by with their swords drawn.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/9/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:
On 1/9/2015 CarolinaLady said:

I want to say something about that portrait of Maya but don't want to offend anyone. My first thought was that it looks like a portrait of a "madam", if you know what I mean, that would be hanging in a particular kind of house. And I agree that it looks like her head was imposed over the original head. It just looks so odd. I wonder if it is a subtle way for Rick to say to everyone exactly how he really feels about Maya, that she's only a substitute while he tortures Caroline. I believe he still loves Caroline, but he is carrying this hurt thing too far, and it will be impossible for her to forgive him after all is said and done.

That's funnier than what I said the portrait looked like. On another soap site, I said that it reminded me of a portrait that should have Maureen O'Hara's face with Tyrone Power or that other guy in the swashbuckler movies (with th mustache..can't think of his name) standing close by with their swords drawn.

Well then you are thinking of Bill. He's the only one with the sword or the wherewithal to use it. Liam? No. Wyatt? Mommie would have to use it for him? Eric. NOT! Rick? Myrna maybe but not whiney baby Rick. Charlie? Only after lemon bars. Deacon? He'd leave. Ridge? He's so greasy he couldn't hold onto it. Oliver? He'd have to go look for his tights and saddle up the horse first.

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/10/2015 Sooner said:
On 1/9/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:
On 1/9/2015 CarolinaLady said:

I want to say something about that portrait of Maya but don't want to offend anyone. My first thought was that it looks like a portrait of a "madam", if you know what I mean, that would be hanging in a particular kind of house. And I agree that it looks like her head was imposed over the original head. It just looks so odd. I wonder if it is a subtle way for Rick to say to everyone exactly how he really feels about Maya, that she's only a substitute while he tortures Caroline. I believe he still loves Caroline, but he is carrying this hurt thing too far, and it will be impossible for her to forgive him after all is said and done.

That's funnier than what I said the portrait looked like. On another soap site, I said that it reminded me of a portrait that should have Maureen O'Hara's face with Tyrone Power or that other guy in the swashbuckler movies (with th mustache..can't think of his name) standing close by with their swords drawn.

Well then you are thinking of Bill. He's the only one with the sword or the wherewithal to use it. Liam? No. Wyatt? Mommie would have to use it for him? Eric. NOT! Rick? Myrna maybe but not whiney baby Rick. Charlie? Only after lemon bars. Deacon? He'd leave. Ridge? He's so greasy he couldn't hold onto it. Oliver? He'd have to go look for his tights and saddle up the horse first., I was trying to think of Errol Flynn. He and Tyrone Power (might be Tyrone Powell) played in a lot of those swashbuckler type movies with Maureen O'Hara who dressed like the woman in that portrait. Did sword fighting, stuff like that.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Posts: 35,078
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/10/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:
On 1/10/2015 Sooner said:
On 1/9/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:
On 1/9/2015 CarolinaLady said:

I want to say something about that portrait of Maya but don't want to offend anyone. My first thought was that it looks like a portrait of a "madam", if you know what I mean, that would be hanging in a particular kind of house. And I agree that it looks like her head was imposed over the original head. It just looks so odd. I wonder if it is a subtle way for Rick to say to everyone exactly how he really feels about Maya, that she's only a substitute while he tortures Caroline. I believe he still loves Caroline, but he is carrying this hurt thing too far, and it will be impossible for her to forgive him after all is said and done.

That's funnier than what I said the portrait looked like. On another soap site, I said that it reminded me of a portrait that should have Maureen O'Hara's face with Tyrone Power or that other guy in the swashbuckler movies (with th mustache..can't think of his name) standing close by with their swords drawn.

Well then you are thinking of Bill. He's the only one with the sword or the wherewithal to use it. Liam? No. Wyatt? Mommie would have to use it for him? Eric. NOT! Rick? Myrna maybe but not whiney baby Rick. Charlie? Only after lemon bars. Deacon? He'd leave. Ridge? He's so greasy he couldn't hold onto it. Oliver? He'd have to go look for his tights and saddle up the horse first., I was trying to think of Errol Flynn. He and Tyrone Power (might be Tyrone Powell) played in a lot of those swashbuckler type movies with Maureen O'Hara who dressed like the woman in that portrait. Did sword fighting, stuff like that.

My mom saw Tyrone in person when she was in the Army in WWII. But I don't think he was interested in her! {#emotions_dlg.closedeyes}

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Posts: 11,273
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/10/2015 Sooner said:
On 1/10/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:
On 1/10/2015 Sooner said:
On 1/9/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:
On 1/9/2015 CarolinaLady said:

I want to say something about that portrait of Maya but don't want to offend anyone. My first thought was that it looks like a portrait of a "madam", if you know what I mean, that would be hanging in a particular kind of house. And I agree that it looks like her head was imposed over the original head. It just looks so odd. I wonder if it is a subtle way for Rick to say to everyone exactly how he really feels about Maya, that she's only a substitute while he tortures Caroline. I believe he still loves Caroline, but he is carrying this hurt thing too far, and it will be impossible for her to forgive him after all is said and done.

That's funnier than what I said the portrait looked like. On another soap site, I said that it reminded me of a portrait that should have Maureen O'Hara's face with Tyrone Power or that other guy in the swashbuckler movies (with th mustache..can't think of his name) standing close by with their swords drawn.

Well then you are thinking of Bill. He's the only one with the sword or the wherewithal to use it. Liam? No. Wyatt? Mommie would have to use it for him? Eric. NOT! Rick? Myrna maybe but not whiney baby Rick. Charlie? Only after lemon bars. Deacon? He'd leave. Ridge? He's so greasy he couldn't hold onto it. Oliver? He'd have to go look for his tights and saddle up the horse first., I was trying to think of Errol Flynn. He and Tyrone Power (might be Tyrone Powell) played in a lot of those swashbuckler type movies with Maureen O'Hara who dressed like the woman in that portrait. Did sword fighting, stuff like that.

My mom saw Tyrone in person when she was in the Army in WWII. But I don't think he was interested in her! {#emotions_dlg.closedeyes}

Oh, that man was sooooo handsome when he was young!! He died fairly young, I think...fifties maybe.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

I wish Caroline would stop begging Rick and saying she is sorry,he is carrying this too far,poor baby what a pig. I hope mrna gets hers and Ric too, Caroline should give in and have an affair with ridge and flaunt it in Rics face,and don't go back to him he has lost his chance with her.I thought the same thing about the portrait it looks like it belongs in a brothel, hideous picture. Tucka.

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

On 1/10/2015 tucka said:

I wish Caroline would stop begging Rick and saying she is sorry,he is carrying this too far,poor baby what a pig. I hope mrna gets hers and Ric too, Caroline should give in and have an affair with ridge and flaunt it in Rics face,and don't go back to him he has lost his chance with her.I thought the same thing about the portrait it looks like it belongs in a brothel, hideous picture. Tucka.

Tucka, I agree with you. I wish Caroline would stop begging Rick. It's demeaning to her, especially the way he treated her in front of everyone at the "meeting." I think if she gives him the cold shoulder, he'll have to face reality.

The picture of Maya is awful!!!

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

I can't stand the way these writers have taken these wonderful female characters and turned all of them into women who can't move without a male next to them.

They've (as Chihua just said) made them into beggars for love and any kind of attention.

When I think of how Katie was amazing. The way she always stood up to Bill.

Brooke would have never put up with all of Bill's shenanigans. She'd have told him to 'hit the road' a long time ago.

The only women who are strong would be someone like Quinn (psycho) and Maya (who knows what to call her).

I hate the way they turned Othello into someone who has no trouble supporting Maya in her quest for everything.

Phew! I'll go sit down now.

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- January 2015 (includes spoilers)

I agree about Othello, he was a good guy and I liked him. I was hoping he would talk some sense into ric instead of encouraging myrna.Tucka.