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I just saw this movie with a group of friends. It's amazing. It's more of a story of two people trying to survive through the ravages of war.

No, not the kind of ravages that cause physical bodily harm, the kind that is more difficult to heal from, the emotional ravages.

Is it a story about war? Yes, but that's not (in my opinion) the 'body' of the movie. I think the fact that the main character is a soldier is what I'd call "what". The fact of what it does to him, his family and friends is the "who". Does that make sense? Probably not if you haven't seen it.

I hope everyone sees it. I have a childhood friend who's husband is a career (retired) soldier. She and her family also 'served'.

This movie shows some of what everyone goes through during their time in the military (and after).

I have always gone up to someone in uniform and simply said, "Thank you for your service", then just walked away.

Recently, I said that to a young woman in military fatigues. She had tears in her eyes. Maybe she just needed to hear it.

I know this is an especially difficult time for people who wear a uniform outside of the office (dangerous). I am a 68 year old grandma. I guess they don't feel like I'm a threat to them.

I know there are a lot of people who don't go to the movies. I'm not one of them. I invited my friend and his wife as a way of thanking them. He'd not been to the movies in at least 12 years.

I am looking forward to the day when this movie will be shown on "movie of the week" so more people will see it. Those who don't go to the movies but watch TV. It needs to be seen.

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Registered: ‎03-05-2014
Thank you for the review Annabelle. I want to see this movie and i'm glad it seems to be worth making the trip to the moviehouse. I have the book on my Nook but haven't had the emotional energy to read it. I saw him do several interviews 're the book and I liked him. Won't say anymore in order to avoid spoilers.
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My DH and I have plans to see this next week. I can't imagine all that Taya Kyle has had to endure, both with her husband's deployment and all that happened since, including what happened with the slimebag Jesse Ventura. She is one strong woman.

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It's in my Netflix queue. We very much want to see it. I love Netflix. As soon as I send my movie back, I get the next one in my queue. That's our big Saturday night at the movies.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I want to see the movie too but I'll wait for it to stream on netflix but I'm glad I bought the kindle book amazon recently had it for 2.50

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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

I am looking forward to seeing this on the big screen.

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

I was watching CNN's broadcast of the Oscar nominations. Nishelle Turner was giving the commentary afterwards. I was so upset with her because she told the ending of "American Sniper," and I have not seen it yet. She came right out and told the audience what happened after he comes home. Why would she do that? I'm not familiar with the story this is based on so I have no knowledge of the outcome.

I'll still go see it, but it sure ruined it for me.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
DARING GREATLY , Sorry that you felt that the movie was ruined for you. It's been pretty well publicized about what happened when he came home; that's partly why I want to see this movie.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I want to see it, but I will wait till it comes out on Netflix!

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Posts: 822
Registered: ‎04-13-2010

oh gosh such an amazing movie about what our military does for us and their family...It 's great everyone should go!