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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

Here's a link to Nadine's online store.

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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

[ Edited ]

I know many probably haven't seen Lemonade.  I watched it again this morning paying special attention to all the looks and there are a lot of looks.   I love Lemonade and I was in awe of Marni Senofonte's looks.


It's biographical, begins with her reciting her grandmother's recipe for lemonade while we see people in period clothes, goes through her life, there are lots of models and dancers in it, and really centers on Jay Z cheating on her, her anger, etc. and also the strength for which she credits her family.



Here are two iconic looks out of many:


This song is "Hold Up" and it expresses her anger and rage and frustration and betrayal at Jay Z for cheating on her.  (Spoiler alert: she breaks more than one windshield.) 


The dress is by Roberto Cavalli.  Off the runway.  It's hard to find a photo that shows the dress on her in all its glory.  I picked this shot because it shows the shoes.  Her hair is perfect too and the earrings.


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See it move:


Image result for beyonce hold up breaking windshield cavalli dress





Now she's let out her aggression and see how the dress moves in a totally different way OMG.  Like it was made for her only it wasn't.



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And this is near the end, "Sorry," when she she's recaptured the parts of herself she gave over to anger, etc..  Styled like Nefertiti in a bronze bikini.  And the earrings add the perfect touch of soft feminity



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And that's the genius of Marni.  Not all stylsts are that talented, but we have three on the judging panel which is awesome IMO,


I don't know how involved in the styling Christian's getting because awful covered shoe after awful covered shoe after awful covered shoe -- and I'd love to know if Marni was involved in that because they're horrible.




Meantime I'm so there for next week's unconventional challenge.  Woods!  Tents!  Someone stole my stuff!  The Blair Witch?

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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

Even though I loved Hester's look last night and think she totally deserved the win I don't think she has long for the competition and that's a-okay witih me.  


Also I didn't mind Kovid's mask because I'll always compare every mask to McQueen's fetish ones and as much as I loved McQueen is how much I detested the way he covered his models' faces in weird ways in some of his runway shows.  


I want Rakun gone next.  He hasn't done a single nice thing in three challenges except the back of the top of one garment.  His first one was a horror.  I don't like his stuff at all.  At least Hester is a new flavor.

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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

Hester is a cartoon character, dresses and behaves like one.

I like B's music but not her lack of good taste. The overexposure of her pregnancy was cringing.

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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

@occasionalrain wrote:

Hester is a cartoon character, dresses and behaves like one.

I like B's music but not her lack of good taste. The overexposure of her pregnancy was cringing.


One could describe Betsy Johnson in the exact same words.   Her designs are not to my taste and I've always rolled my eyes at her cartwheels and other antics on the runway --  but there's a market for it because Betsy Johnson has been more successful than most designers.  

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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

[ Edited ]

@momtochloe  I thought the EXACT same thing when I saw Hester choosing her fabric at Mood: Italian restaurant tablecloth! Hated that absurd outfit she made, and I agree with the posters here who noticed the hem of the skirt was a complete mess.
Loved the stylist! She made even the so-so outfits look great. Very hip. Thanks for posting Marni's work on Lemonade, @LoriLori. I am so glad she will be on all season.
I am in total agreement with @Ice Goddess - Sebastian for the win! His outfit was something I would love to wear and it was so sophisticated compared to the tablecloth disaster with the garter. I don't think there was anything fresh or new in Hester's was so derivative to me. A backpack, a crop top, a silly hat? Again, Hester needs to go home!
Christian is such a great addition to the show...I adore his point of view and he has such a fine critical eye when looking at other people's works in progress.
Sebastian All Day! Love him. Love his designs, his skill level and his attitude. I hope he goes all the way.
I am so jealous that you know how to sew, @Icegoddess ...and I now understand your screen name. 💚
I remember when Vera Wang first designed Nancy Kerrigan's skating was so modern, with transparent mesh, and it so radically changed
skating costumes from then on that it was featured in a front page story in The Wall Street Journal. She got rid of sequins and fringe and brought her elegant bridal aesthetic to the skating world.
I love to watch ice skating, but I can't stay upright on ice skates for more than 2 I salute you!
See you next week for the glamping unconventional challenge...Blair Witch, indeed! Hahaha
Thank you to all who posted...I love reading this thread and I love the new Project Runway. Bravo!

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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

@IcegoddessI guess the 1994 white outfit (on the far right) started the "illusion stretch craze," according to The New York Times.

Sorry if this is off topic, but here are some outfits Vera Wang designed for Nancy Kerrigan. I love ice skating - and I know we have the BEST discussions here when the Olympic ice skating and US National Figure Skating Championships are on. I am yearning for competitive ice skating!

Sorry all, back to Project Runway!


Vera Wang.jpg


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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

@MarnieRez3 , I found the episode with the bad ice skating outfit.  Project Runway Season 2, Episode 7.  There are links to all the looks here:

but Santino's was the one that drew the criticism about the exploding orangutan's a**. This is it:



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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

@Icegoddess Thank you for running these images down...the above outfit DOES look like an exploding orangutan's derriere! Fantastic!
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Re: Project Runway 3/28 - Back to Bravo! - SPOILERS

I have to disagree with who the winner was. I understand it was an editorial challenge.

The fabric was awful. The model looked like a walking picnic table.

I find Hester exhauting. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be in a full on character mode all day everyday. I understand being different, being hip or quirky. Plenty of the designers dress how they chose and what makes them feel good. To me she takes it too far.

Nadine was the one to go just for her behavior alone. I felt bad for the model. Nadine was not happy there, she missed her family. That could be how she acts out when she is stressed.

Sebastion creates impeccable designs. He should have won.


I am not sure how long Tessa will last. She does not seem to have alot of knowledge on many things fashion wise. She seems to cause herself a lot of anxiety. To me she is a poser.