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Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

I still have to wonder if either one of them knew how serious this was. I mean come on would they really risked everything if they new there was even a chance it would play out like this? And did the other 50 people have severeal FBI agents atht their houses at 6 a.m. with guns loaded ?

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Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

[ Edited ]

If their crimes were on the same level I'm sure they were arrested by gun carrying  agents.  Regarding Loughlin and Huffman knowing how serious this was, I don't think that really matters.  Not knowing the law or their false sense of entitlement is not an excuse for illegal activity.  Them and their kids too.


What matters is that they know now.   What matters is kids who were denied acceptance to a college now may have an answer as to why they were denied enrollment.  What matters is the rich will be fearful of doing this.  For at least a while.


They'll probably get a heavy fine and no jail time, because they're rich and famous. Loughlin and husband are worth 100 million I read.  Different set of laws. Basically they'll probably get off.  I wish they'd get 20 years in the pen, but I don't think that will ever happen.  Lawyers and judges are rich people too.


Regular people will forget, just like Martha Stewart and Paula Dean are back doing TV,  hawking their junk.  And even though they don't need to work another day, Huffman and Loughlin will likely work again.  People have short memories


Eta- The FBI normally apprehends criminals in the middle of night or early morning while their asleep, it's to their advantage to use that element of surprise.  And it's always a group of agents with guns drawn, just like the Huffman arrest.  I personally witnessed  8-10 FBI agents raid and arrest an ex neighbor about 5:30 am.  And they're whisper quiet too.

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Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

[ Edited ]

If you read the emails and the transcript of the phone calls, then there is no doubt they knew what they were doing.


He called them to "get their stories straight" about the "donations."


I'll be interested to find out how Lori found out about this scheme.  Because I'm guessing there aren't fliers at the college admissions office.


Because if this was a word of mouth thing, a lot of mud can be slinged at other people who have used this "service" but are outside the statute of limitations.


I have a feeling there is going to be a very long list of people coming out if this goes to trial.


Hopefully they will take a plea deal.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

What's interesting about the transcript of Singer's call with Lori is that she seems more concerned that USC was looking into the situation than the IRS.  He's telling her his "foundation" is being audited by the IRS and she's like, so it's just the IRS not USC?



QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

Lori Loughlin's body language looks as though she's saying, how dare you, don't you know who I am!!

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Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

@MW in Iowa wrote:

I still have to wonder if either one of them knew how serious this was. I mean come on would they really risked everything if they new there was even a chance it would play out like this? And did the other 50 people have severeal FBI agents atht their houses at 6 a.m. with guns loaded ?

@MW in Iowa 

Who had FBI agents at their front door with guns loaded??

I didn't know any of these people had that happen to them...

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Lori Loughlin Indicted on College Cheating Plot

I was listening to Nancy Grace on Sirius/XM and she said that it's standard procedure because you never know what's on the other side of the door.  She told some personal stories from her time as a Fed.  Someone on her show said Felicity was aware that this was coming down, but didn't know when.


Nancy also said that the Feds don't prosecute until they have a room full of evidence.


It was an interesting discussion.

QVC Shopper - 1993