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Perhaps this has already been brought up so excuse me if I'm repeating but since Iris & Keith didn't consummate their marriage I think they can have it annulled.

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[ Edited ]

For me, the thought that any of this was real was put to rest when that blond who was married to John (who eventually started to date Jessica) stated that she was recruited by production to be on the show.  She never wanted to do it, didn't go in to "try out."  They found her on a dating site and recruited her so she agreed to be on the show.  

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@DustRose wrote:

In glad Iris held out.   It seemed X was the deal breaker. Didn't help Amber and Matt   On the other hand it wasn't a deal breaker for Jamie and Doug


I read Keith and Iris both agreed to not be intimate on camera because they both work with kids


So maybe that's why she was reluctant to participate in the dice game


We only see  what the producers show us


As some one posted - that's my 2 cents




@DustRose   In Keith and iris' case thaty may have been part of the reason, but I also think the fact that she was so immature played a large part in his decision. Every time they had to talk about sex or do anything remote intimate she acted like a child. Why should he have to put up with that? He wanted to marry a woman, not an immature little girl.

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@tends2dogs wrote:

@pattypeep  I wasn't really surprised with the decisions either.  I am glad that Amber said no to Matt.  Yes, he acted like a jerk at the after party.  When he walked in and opened a beer, it was as if he thought everyone was going to act normal when  they all knew what he had been up to the whole 8 weeks.  I couldn't believe when Iris said that if Keith made some changes, she would consider seeing him again!  She said this at the after party!  Keith make changes???  I think they may get together least that is what they want you to think when they showed the previews for next weeks show......two months after the decision.  According to that preview, Jamie and Beth separated for awhile....I think that will be the story for their marriage if they stick it out. Also, Greg and Dionna are going to have a baby.  I think that was the only good match that the "experts" made.  They acted so surprised when Keith said no to Iris.  What did they expect??  He knew he was dealing with a child.




@tends2dogs   I almost fell out of my chair when Iris started talking about how Keith being the one who needed to make changes. What about herself? She's the reason it didn't work out.

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After watching last night's episode and seeing Pastor Cal's reactions to Keith's answer, along with some of his past comments, IMO, he really crossed the line.


With his "cut the krap" statement while taking off his glasses to Keith and asking him if he was frustrated s*xually was ridiculous.  That was not needed IMO.  Then when Iris asked Keith a question and he began to answer her, there sits Pastor Cal rolling his eyes and moving back and forth like he couldn't take it anymore.  That is not professional and says a lot about his character or lack there of.


It was clear that the other 2 pros were sad for Iris, but at least they didn't act like he did.  Iris' statement at the after party showed she is not mature enough to understand Keith's reasoning.  With his kind of opening the door for something in the future was, I think, his way of trying to be kind.  She doesn't see any flaws in herself; only him and what's "important to her".  Keith deserves a mature woman; not a woman who acts like a teenager.


I hope Greg/Deonna have a long successful marriage.  As for Matt/Amber, he's a big jerk and that part of himself really showed at the after party.  She will find true love and someone who respects her.  He signed up for the show to get attention IMO and never took it seriously.  It's "all about him".


Jamie/Beth - if they do stay together, I suspect it may turn out like the movie many years ago called "The War of the Roses" with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner.

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On another board, someone posted a picture they took with Greg and Deonna in a mall, I think. They are still together, which is great.


I am glad Amber FINALLY got a backbone and just said that she wants a divorce. How humiliating it must have been for her teacher friends to stage an intervention and try to knock some sense into her head. She is NOT going to be happy in another relationship until she gets some help for her issues. She will continue to be the doormat she has been, unless she starts getting healthy and setting boundaries.


I think we all saw that Keith was checked out. He was recruited for the show and if Iris had been more socially and emotionally mature, they would have made a gorgeous couple and bautiful babies, but that was not the case. And, Iris seems very bitter and is blaming Keith, so she is not understanding her part in this. 


Still don't care about Jamie and Elizabeth. I don't like either one of them and even if they have some nice moments together, they can't communicate and go right to nasty when fighting. Jamie said some things that can never be erased and Elizabeth is just too much. And I don't think she is "quirky" at all - just annoying. They say they love each other, but I don't think they know what that means.


The "experts" and Pastor Cal were ridiculous. They were happy to have a win in their column, although they all agreed that Jamie and Elizabeth were toxic.

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I guess there were no major surprises.


I'm really glad for Dee and Greg, and would wish them all the best.


Amber - I really like her and would like to see her get more confidence.  She is a good person and would make a good partner as soon as she stops letting herself get stepped on.   But, hey, I remember being young and taking a lot of carp before having to get out of that merry go round.  I think she will get there and I hope she finds somebody who appreciates her commitment.   Best friend, maybe (assuming he's hetero)?


As for him, though, he's a bit of a short-for-Richard and it's sad that he treated her the way he did, and he should not be off the hook because she allowed it.  She tried and he didn't.  The way he swaggered out of that bbq was rather disgusting.   fu, too.  I even forgot his name already.  ha!  Smiley Very Happy


Keith and Iris -  I agree with others that he is not only very good looking but a good guy, near as I can tell from all of his behavior on the show.  I can't blame him for his decision and recognize that it's not just about s e x, rather about the fact that she really is emotionally immature all-around and how long should somebody wait for that.   I could see that it was hard for him, because of the fact that he's not a bad guy.


I don't dislike Iris, but also agree that she is kind of one-way with things (as mentioned, how HE needs to change - whaaa?) and just, apparently, not ready for this kind of partnership.   She's a lovely woman and I think she has gotten herself stuck.  I also wonder if she has suffered some sort of trauma - yeah, something bigger than the quarter thing.  *rolleyes*


Jamie and Red - wow, I don't think I knew for sure how this would go but I wish them the best and would like to see both of them get past the immature blow-ups.  If they don't make effort in THAT particular area, there will be one big blow-up and that will be it.


They are so much alike that it's almost creepy.   Depending on the characteristics, it's really not always the best thing to be with somebody who is so much like you.   This illustrates that with perfection.


The bbq at the end was a cool idea!  I also like that not only Amber, but everybody else, got to confront him.  Oh yeah, it's Matt.   duh!  I don't remember too well anymore.  Anyway, that was good.


I hope the group, maybe except Matt, remains friends.   I think they will all enjoy that because they have such a huge thing in common.


Next stop - well, after the reunion - New Orleans!  Smiley Tongue

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@HisElk1 wrote:

After watching last night's episode and seeing Pastor Cal's reactions to Keith's answer, along with some of his past comments, IMO, he really crossed the line.


With his "cut the krap" statement while taking off his glasses to Keith and asking him if he was frustrated s*xually was ridiculous.  That was not needed IMO.  Then when Iris asked Keith a question and he began to answer her, there sits Pastor Cal rolling his eyes and moving back and forth like he couldn't take it anymore.  That is not professional and says a lot about his character or lack there of.


It was clear that the other 2 pros were sad for Iris, but at least they didn't act like he did.  Iris' statement at the after party showed she is not mature enough to understand Keith's reasoning.  With his kind of opening the door for something in the future was, I think, his way of trying to be kind.  She doesn't see any flaws in herself; only him and what's "important to her".  Keith deserves a mature woman; not a woman who acts like a teenager.


I hope Greg/Deonna have a long successful marriage.  As for Matt/Amber, he's a big jerk and that part of himself really showed at the after party.  She will find true love and someone who respects her.  He signed up for the show to get attention IMO and never took it seriously.  It's "all about him".


Jamie/Beth - if they do stay together, I suspect it may turn out like the movie many years ago called "The War of the Roses" with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner.


@HisElk1   I agree. It was very strange how Pastor Cal kept taking Iris' side. Did he actually watch the footage and see the way she behaved when sex talks were taking place? They're not 15 years old. Keith shouldn't have to wait for her to get to his level (which will never happen considering how awkward it always seemed to be for her).


I could imagine Jamie and Beth end up on one of those ID Network shows where one murdered the other if they keep arguing the way they have so far. How they determined that staying together was the best thing is beyond me.

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[ Edited ]

Even though Amber and Matt didn't stay married- Amber is the biggest success story of the season. She has a backbone now!!


Greg and Dee are great! Heart


Jamie and Beth are toxic. Unless they learn to listen to each other -- and communicate calmly, openly and fairly. To quote Judge Judy [love her!] -  we have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason!!


Keith and Iris- wow. He was too kind  when he said he didn't want to be married- we're  'in different places' is so generic. He didn't bring up  how emotionally immature she was- on so many levels- that  was an issue the entire time.  He just mentioned the number of relationships she's had- her 'me, me' mindset probably thinks it has to do with  her virginity. I couldn't believe she said at the bbq  'if HE changes...' WOW!  I'm looking forward to the reunion special. The last few seasons it was held just weeks after decision day. I think someone mentioned it was 2 months from decsion day this season.  

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[ Edited ]

Yes, the reunion show is 2 months after decision day.  The clip showed Iris and Keith walking in, smiles on their faces.  She has on a tight red dress and her hair is straightened.  She looked quite se#y.  Maybe things rolled along after the cameras rolled out??  Beth's hair is black or really dark brown in the preview.  


Pastor Cal's facial expressions during the decision reveals was something else.  Yes, you could tell how he was on Iris's side.  I think when Iris told Keith about swallowing the quarter that was the turning point for him.  Oh, and the dice game.  He must have thought OMG I have married a girl child.  She has arrested development.  As one person said, she is delusional.  It is too bad that she thinks the only thing she has of value to give a man is her virginity.  Hopefully she will get therapy.

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!