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@sabatini, your post was really sweet (actually everyone's has been) but I was thinking about your scenario of us all being neighbors in RL and helping G'man recuperate and it had me laughing. Can you imagine all us smothering him with motherly attention and advice?

"Are you too hot/cold? Hungry? Bored? Want to play cards or watch TV? Need more pillows? When does the nurse come? Should we feed the cats? Clean the aquarium? Need groceries?" and on and on and on.

He'd be looking for a way to break his other leg just to get back in the hospital and away from us, lol. Smiley Very Happy


G'man, you've really been through a lot. I'm happy to hear the pain isn't too bad. I read about broken femurs and that they take 4-6 months to heal. I think you mentioned April in another post so that makes sense. The only broken bone I ever had was in middle school from playing softball. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you but your attitude is amazing. 

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@gardenman Annabelle here!  You've always been so patient with me and my Big Brother 'issues'.  


I was just talking to my best friend (over 51 years best friends).  She and her husband were inseparable with me and my late husband.  Anyway, he just got out of the hospital today.


He has severe diabetes and other problems.  The reason I mention him is because he takes the medicine that makes his blood thin due to a heart attack.  


Today my friend gave me a brief explanation of various numbers rating how thin the blood should and shouldn't be.  I had no idea about any of it.


Most people (I assume) are as ignorant as I am about all of this.  


At least now I understand (not how difficult life is for you) but a tiny bit about how important it is to keep one's blood a certain consistency.  Normally, the body does it, but when it doesn't, well, that's when it becomes very difficult.


I hope you continue to improve and please know we are all praying for you.  If it's possible for a group of people to WILL someone well, know we are trying our best to make that happen.


Not only are you important to us here on the QVC boards, but many other's want you well.


Take care and please continue to post here and let us know (even if it's a few words) how you are doing.


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@sabatini, your post was really sweet (actually everyone's has been) but I was thinking about your scenario of us all being neighbors in RL and helping G'man recuperate and it had me laughing. Can you imagine all us smothering him with motherly attention and advice?

"Are you too hot/cold? Hungry? Bored? Want to play cards or watch TV? Need more pillows? When does the nurse come? Should we feed the cats? Clean the aquarium? Need groceries?" and on and on and on.

He'd be looking for a way to break his other leg just to get back in the hospital and away from us, lol. Smiley Very Happy


G'man, you've really been through a lot. I'm happy to hear the pain isn't too bad. I read about broken femurs and that they take 4-6 months to heal. I think you mentioned April in another post so that makes sense. The only broken bone I ever had was in middle school from playing softball. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you but your attitude is amazing. 

You know me too well. I'm pretty independent and the nurses and techs all but have to beg me to hit the call light. I don't like to bother people and I tend to just go about things my own way. I figure a tech or nurse will come along on their own and I'll have them do what I need done then. I think on my busiest day I hit the call light three times in 24 hours. I kind of felt guilty for hitting it that much. They tell me, "Hit the light if you need anything," but they know I won't. 


The healing process is ten to twelve weeks to become weight bearing, then you move into strength building and flexibility. Somewhere between April and June I should be good to go. I'm hoping for April as that's when the yard work really picks up. Everything's feeling really good right now. Wednesday I see the surgeon and get the dressings off and whatever they used to close the incisions taken out. I'm not sure if I was stapled, sutured, glued, or held together with spit (unlikely, but who knows?) Then I'll just keep doing what I'm supposed to do until everyone's happy.


In a little while (maybe next weekend) I'll try out the battery powered carts at my local supermarket to see how much damage I can do with one of them. I'll go up early in the day so they can repair any damage I do before it gets busy. They can't be that hard to use, but I've never used one before, so it'll be interesting. I'm not sure if they have a place to hold my crutches, but I'll figure it out. I've shopped on crutches before on many occasions, but handling crutches and a cart together is a bit awkward.


 I may just order a lot more than normal through Amazon if the shopping gets tricky. They sell pretty much everything I need.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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We sound a lot alike when it comes to the nurses. I always said I don't want to bother you & they said it is our job but I knew they had other patients so did not call unless I had to. But most could wait until they came by. I also had a student nurse that was training & she could get me what I needed.

Just wondering do any of your grocery stores deliver if you place an order? Some do. They do not here as I checked.

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Re: Get Well, Gardenman!

[ Edited ]


@sabatini, your post was really sweet (actually everyone's has been) but I was thinking about your scenario of us all being neighbors in RL and helping G'man recuperate and it had me laughing. Can you imagine all us smothering him with motherly attention and advice?

"Are you too hot/cold? Hungry? Bored? Want to play cards or watch TV? Need more pillows? When does the nurse come? Should we feed the cats? Clean the aquarium? Need groceries?" and on and on and on.

He'd be looking for a way to break his other leg just to get back in the hospital and away from us, lol. Smiley Very Happy


G'man, you've really been through a lot. I'm happy to hear the pain isn't too bad. I read about broken femurs and that they take 4-6 months to heal. I think you mentioned April in another post so that makes sense. The only broken bone I ever had was in middle school from playing softball. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you but your attitude is amazing. 


You know me too well. I'm pretty independent and the nurses and techs all but have to beg me to hit the call light. I don't like to bother people and I tend to just go about things my own way. I figure a tech or nurse will come along on their own and I'll have them do what I need done then. I think on my busiest day I hit the call light three times in 24 hours. I kind of felt guilty for hitting it that much. They tell me, "Hit the light if you need anything," but they know I won't. 


The healing process is ten to twelve weeks to become weight bearing, then you move into strength building and flexibility. Somewhere between April and June I should be good to go. I'm hoping for April as that's when the yard work really picks up. Everything's feeling really good right now. Wednesday I see the surgeon and get the dressings off and whatever they used to close the incisions taken out. I'm not sure if I was stapled, sutured, glued, or held together with spit (unlikely, but who knows?) Then I'll just keep doing what I'm supposed to do until everyone's happy.


In a little while (maybe next weekend) I'll try out the battery powered carts at my local supermarket to see how much damage I can do with one of them. I'll go up early in the day so they can repair any damage I do before it gets busy. They can't be that hard to use, but I've never used one before, so it'll be interesting. I'm not sure if they have a place to hold my crutches, but I'll figure it out. I've shopped on crutches before on many occasions, but handling crutches and a cart together is a bit awkward.


 I may just order a lot more than normal through Amazon if the shopping gets tricky. They sell pretty much everything I need.

@gardenman, I'm sure you're a very independent guy, & totally understand that you don't like to bother anyone, like the nurses at the hospital. 

But SOMETIMES, in the direst of straits, it'd be nice to let yourself be fussed over. 

Or mothered!

You deserve it.


So, ... now that you're home, mister, there'll be no more jumping on the beds or running around the yard, willy-nilly.

Wear a sweater, eat your vegetables & say your prayers before you go to sleep!

Right, pillow-fluffing @SusieQ_2?


We're happy you're back, Gman!    Heart

Muddling through...
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I'm happy to hear you're at home. It sounds like you have everything under control. A lot more than I would, if I was in your place.  When I read your earlier message, about your kitties hiding out, I was worried about them. Cats are so sensitive to changes. I'm sure they're relieved and ecstatically happy to have you home.  


It's great that you have Amazon for grocery delivery, if shopping proves to be too difficult.  Please don't over do things. Having tall grass doesn't hurt anything. If it gets tall enough, maybe the neighbors will mow it for you. LOL.


I hope you're up and running as soon as you hope. Take care.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@gardenman  Hope you're feeling more settled down now, without all the fuss and bother. Or do you like fuss and bother? Yes, fuss and bother is good. It takes your mind off things. I don't watch BB, am not a sports fan (I'm still back with Johnny Bench and the Reds in '76) so I don't post in those categories. I've never broken a bone, 'cept in kindergarten, but I'm a cardiac patient, does that count for anything? All seriousness aside as Steve Allen used to say, I hope you will be getting around in the supermarket OK (that's where I take my walks) but might not be a bad idea to let that grass grow and go out and about only at night so the neighbors will think you are totally housebound and mow your lawn since you don't like to ask for things. We do what we have to do. It is so cool having a writer on our boards. I read most of your posts and I guess I'm supposed to end with Fly Eagles Fly? OK, I just did. Feel better.

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I have an advantage in having lots of experience in being hurt. I've been on crutches for over six months twice before with iliopsoas bleeds. I rehabbed my left knee replacement 24 years ago. The big issue right now is I'm still running a quart or two short on blood with my hemoglobin around ten instead of its normal sixteen to eighteen. That makes everything a bit harder but the blood volume should bounce back over the next week or so. You just get tired easily and have to take lots of breaks to get the pulse rate back down and recover. Simple things you could do in five minutes now takes a half hour and you feel like you've shoveled the driveway out after a snowstorm, but this is a tough old body and it takes whatever I throw at it. (Or has so far anyway!)

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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@gardenman, Just wanted to add a short "get better soon" note to you, so that you know I am thinking of you!   I am so glad you are home.  I completely understand about "doing things on your own" instead of asking for help, but be sure to take it slow and easy as you do those things.


Again, I add my thanks to you for your friendship on these boards, your uplifting spirit and your time to post to us BB fans!  I will be thinking of you and hoping your rehab goes great!



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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@gardenman, congrats on being home and I love that you're making witty comments already.  Your sense of humor has I'm sure stood you well through your many challenges.


I love @sabatini's scenario and @SusieQ_2's scenarios.


I can't cook, I could kill a fake fern, a glance at my pillows tells me I'm not a great pillow fluffer -- but the cats.  In our imaginary little village I'll take the cats.  I'm a cat whisperer.  But I know people will fight me for them LOL.  


I didn't even realize till reading the thread (and I'm glad we could make a "blubbering idiot" out of you because hopefully that was cathartic and it's always better to have a happy cry than a sad one) that the Eagles are in the Super Bowl.  Judaline's taken my line already so --


-- not yet, because femur and all, but in the course of time, as quickly as it can be, fly, Gardenman, fly!  And since I'm not a football fan -- did you just stop reading? LOL -- I am rooting for your team.


Team Gardenman.  We're all on it!!!!