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Oh, I agree about today's stars mostly lacking interest, and how, @SharkE !   And agreed, Catherine Zeta-Jones has some of that old Hollywood flair, and I'd read about her!

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One of my favorites is an oldie...."Miss Rona" by Rona Barrett.  I just went to Amazon and ordered a cheap copy because I want to read it's been many many years since I read it!


She talked about starting out as president of singer Steve Lawrence's fan club, and she fell madly in love with him (unrequited).  She dished on a lot of celebrities, some not named but you could figure out who she meant.  It was a great read!

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Oh, I can well imagine that would be good from Rona, @alicedee --  making a note to look up!

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Books on/by Debbie Reynolds and Doris Day are goo, too.


Both big stars and their husbands fleeced them, but, they kept getting married over and over. If you got your own money, date the men and send them home. You don't need them !


Liz Taylor of course read couple on her. I can see why her and Michael Jackson was friends.  Ginger Rogers, was good read. Her and Fred wasn't that palsy wowsy. Just money making companions. He acted like she couldn't dance worth a snot. LOL   Not to many books on Gene Kelly at all.

Read one on Bob Hope he was another skirt chaser and his wife was a martyr.  Bing Crosby was mean as hale. Kids hated him, wife put up with stuff as most wives do.


book on the cast of I Love Lucy was a good read. Fred and Ethel in real life couldn't stand each other ! I mean absolutely couldn't stand each other.

'Ethel', resented Lucy for always wanting her to look fat and dumpy while Lucy always told everybody she was a size 14. Now days that would be considered "fatty" girl.   LOL

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I've only read a few. "Tis Herself" - Maureen O'Hara's memoir. Her personality comes through making for a fun read. She and John Wayne really were good friends in real life and her third husband, Charles Blaire became good friends with John Wayne also. Her marriage to Charles Blaire was her only happy marriage but unfortunately he died in a plane crash after only ten years of marriage. (Maureen is buried next to him in Arlington National Cemetery). In her book, the director John Ford is not painted in a very good light.


I read Julie Andrews first memoir, "Home, A Memoir of My Early Years." She basically provided financially for her mother and step dad growing up. She definitely didn't have a normal childhood. 


I read one about Fred Astaire...don't remember the name of it. It's been several years but I do remember he said when he and Ginger Rogers were making "The Barkleys of Broadway," Judy Garland came to the set and acted terribly. She was mad because she was originally supposed to be in the movie with Fred instead of Ginger.


I also read "Natalie Wood, Reflections On a Legendary Life," which was released in 2016. It was the first family-authorized photographic book on Natalie. It's a coffee table sized book with a lot of pictures. But, there is a lot of writing too. Robert Wagner did the foreword and her daughter Natasha provided reminiscences. Also included in the book is a unpublished article written by Natalie.




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@SharkE wrote:
. . .

Read one on Bob Hope he was another skirt chaser and his wife was a martyr.  Bing Crosby was mean as hale. Kids hated him, wife put up with stuff as most wives do.


book on the cast of I Love Lucy was a good read. Fred and Ethel in real life couldn't stand each other ! I mean absolutely couldn't stand each other.

'Ethel', resented Lucy for always wanting her to look fat and dumpy while Lucy always told everybody she was a size 14. Now days that would be considered "fatty" girl.   LOL



"Going My Own Way," by Gary Crosby was an interesting one. So many people "love" Bing Crosby that I generally hesitate to mention it for fear of ruffling feathers.


Can't remember if the one I read about Vivian Vance was an autobiography or not, but it was a good one.



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I have read a few of these the past, both of the "tell-all" and "sweet reminiscence" variety.


Two of the ones mentioned in your original post, "Haywire" and "We Will Always Live in Beverly Hills" are two of the very best. Margaret Sullavan is one of those actresses that I find so interesting.


"The Ragman's Son" by Kirk Douglas is another good one.


May not be of general interest, but "Girl Singer"  and "This for Remembrance," both by Rosemary Clooney, are among my personal favorites. I get the two books confused, but both are in my library. I guess she thought her life was worth two autobiographies.

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Yeah, read the Kirk Douglas one. all these stars after their heyday is over sit and reflect how they were lousy parents (Not Dan Duryea, though his kids said he was the best) and now Michael admits he was less then great parent too. 

I don't understand why Joan adopted those 2 in first place. Just for the publicity I guess.  Katherine Hepburn, who , I never cared for she was homely and had that awful accent, but, she did have a point when she said "stardom or raising kids you can't do both" So, she skipped the kids. She did the right thing.


If you ever can catch Johnny Carson when he had Bette Davis on that was great watching. God, that woman smoked. She looked like a horror when she got old. In her secretary's book written on her she detailed life with her there at the end. Good read. They traveled, she was with her during her breast cancer ordeal (back then, it was different story) 


Amazon and Edward R Hamilton books online are great resource for Hollywood tell alls.   Library, of course ! FREE LOL

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The Lonely Life by Bette Davis was a great read. She starred in so many great movies and had an amazing life. Highly recommended
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@Highlands72,  "Ragman's Son" is one I enjoyed too-- what a ride to fame Kirk Douglas had...


I read one of Rosemary Clooney's books as well-- that whole Forties' "girl singer" thing is so fascinating.  She and Doris Day were such raw talents with so much potential, but turbulent personal lives....