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I couldn't believe they made a show featuring them in the first place... Woman Frustrated...   I really detest Reality TV.  I know there are many who enjoy watching them and that's great, but I don't, they (and all the rest out there)  just aren't entertaining to me.  Bring back an old fashioned variety show and I'll be there....  Woman LOL

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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DooBdoo, I found it, lol. Turns out I had something there from a week or so ago. I never thought to look way to the left. Thanks so much DooBdoo.
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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It was only a matter of time before it happened.

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Not a reality TV fan, all it is is a cheap way to put on a show. It never fails to amaze me how naive viewers are or maybe they have tunnel vision due to their own beliefs.

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I admit it. I was completely addicted to this show. The way people will spout off about what is going on with 'The Real Housewives of xxx" or other reality type shows. I was able to spit out facts about the Duggars. 


I knew the names, how much they spent on groceries, how much food it took to feed, what it took for them to pack up to go on vacation. etc. etc. I Loved the show.


I was extremely disappointed to hear the news about Josh and the lack of action that the family took when these incidents happened. I was sort of hoping that the show could go on minus his involvement, but TLC made what was the probably the only decision that they could.

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Part of the training they all participate in is obligatory smiling. Each of the wives "looks up" to her husband both literally and figuratively and smiles constantly, and all the children smile.
The behavior is supported by a scriptural reference.
Michelle had difficulty with maintaining an appropriate affect during the Kelly "interview" because smiling was incongruous with the tone of the interview.
In group pictures all of the children are smiling a similar smile. It's part of Gothard training, available via google search.
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Mmsfoxxie wrote:
DooBdoo, I found it, lol. Turns out I had something there from a week or so ago. I never thought to look way to the left. Thanks so much DooBdoo.


You're welcome, @Mmsfoxxie!  Amid all the problems with this new platform, it's nice to have some features that are an improvement over the old forum.

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@violann wrote:
Part of the training they all participate in is obligatory smiling. Each of the wives "looks up" to her husband both literally and figuratively and smiles constantly, and all the children smile.
The behavior is supported by a scriptural reference.
Michelle had difficulty with maintaining an appropriate affect during the Kelly "interview" because smiling was incongruous with the tone of the interview.
In group pictures all of the children are smiling a similar smile. It's part of Gothard training, available via google search.

That's kind of creepy to me.  I have seen the wives all do that and thought it was odd but didn't know that they were trained to do it.  I think they take the whole "wives in submission" thing too far.  I guess if that's how they all choose to live their lives it's fine but I could never do it.  I choose to be my husband's partner and if I think he knows more about a situation than I do then I will "submit" to him (hope that makes sense). 

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It's for the best that they are gone.  I won't miss them.  I always felt there was something not quite right with that family and the whole idea of their way of life. 

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Registered: ‎08-04-2013

I find no joy or entertainment in being witness to the public humiliation and downfall of a family......many people criticize them for living by their beliefs and rubbed their hands in glee when the poop hit the fan ( with one child out of 19). I wonder how many children each of the detractors has and what their % of messed up kids is. 

Oh, sorry....this is 2015. We don't count people who have babies without benefit of marriage, being a drunk or a drug addict ( these are "diseases"), etc. as "mess-ups".