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Registered: ‎09-02-2010

@PeterDM wrote:

The moderators allow trolls to bully good people and pollute civil discussions.  When another contributor calls out the offending one for bad behavior, the moderators delete the post from the contributor who calls out the caustic one, and the caustic ones' comments remain.  The system in place on these forums is meant to protect these foul individuals who derail conversations and to punish those who put these jerks in their place.  It is institutional bullying.  Whoever is in charge needs to clean house, and rewrite the rules.  


Why not just ignore the obnoxious posts?   I don't always follow my own advice but I try to.


There's a fine line between a strong opinion and bullying when it's in print.  I know the 10 years I modded it's a judgement call by the mod, and rarely does one mod question another.  Sometimes we discussed it privately but never puplicly.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Registered: ‎07-30-2014

@debic wrote:

@PeterDM wrote:

The moderators allow trolls to bully good people and pollute civil discussions.  When another contributor calls out the offending one for bad behavior, the moderators delete the post from the contributor who calls out the caustic one, and the caustic ones' comments remain.  The system in place on these forums is meant to protect these foul individuals who derail conversations and to punish those who put these jerks in their place.  It is institutional bullying.  Whoever is in charge needs to clean house, and rewrite the rules.  


Why not just ignore the obnoxious posts?   I don't always follow my own advice but I try to.


There's a fine line between a strong opinion and bullying when it's in print.  I know the 10 years I modded it's a judgement call by the mod, and rarely does one mod question another.  Sometimes we discussed it privately but never puplicly.

I do tend to ignore most obnoxious posts, but I'm not talking about a difference of opinion.  I'm talking about individuals who always respond to contributors with one sentence insults which contain either thinly veiled or blatant vulgarities.  Ones whose intentions are to derail conversations, incite arguments, and get threads deleted.  At this point, they are not the bad guy, the moderators are, because they are enabling them.  They are cancers to this community, and their enduring presence both mocks the moderators, and is a blinding homage to their incompetency.