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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other


If you read quarterly financial reports and other releases from the CEO, he thinks it's "entertainment." I call it childish, rude, tacky, and unbecoming to viewers & hosts. I just can't watch because of host antics.  

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

I have been here for many years. I have never been able to understand why people continue to frustrate themselves by watching something they consider so offensive.  After awhile, when you see complaints not changing anything, what good does it do to keep complaining except to keep you in that state of mind. There are things in life I like and things I don't like.  The older I get the more I realize I don't have to participate in those I don't like.  If I do....that's on me!  

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

I cannot watch the newer hosts (except Steve) the voices are so whiny,silly ,etc. In the old days I would put the Q on sometimes just to listen. Not anymore.

I like Steve. I think he is adorable. I also think he is a good host. They should just let him fly on his own, he will do great.  If I was advising him, and I know I’m not, but if I was I would just say tone down the theatrics. They are not necessary.

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

I think it's the producers' fault, they apparently are very young. Some years ago, I noticed the camera people were failing. Very few close-ups on the offered items, the camera would dance all around and at times nothing would be in the view. I like shopping on QVC because I can sometimes catch a real view of the items; many times I watch on mute. I am not used to lots of hollering and speaking while others are...unless I'm at a party.

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

@lgfan wrote:
I cannot stand when a pair of hosts are constantly interrupting a vendor. I was watching a show with Jane and Courtney and they would not let the vendor who was selling the false eyelashes talk. I think she finally gave up and let them continue the presentation.

Some of the hosts are turning into the stereotypical TV infomercial salesperson. @lgfan  They are all over the place. Now add another host to the mix and it’s all kinds of crazy. Not the best look for QVC.

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

@pupwhipped wrote:

@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

The uncontrolled giggling fits are even worse.


Oh yes, @They Call Me MR Wilkes, the giggling fits with the insider joke that only the two "too cool for school" hosts are in on. Juvenile junior high antics and hard to believe two grown women continue to indulge in this behavior over and over. I'm embarrassed for them. Woman Frustrated   

That inside joke is a problem. @pupwhipped  We have all experienced that in our own life. It is uncomfortable and awkward. Why does QVC think this is a good tactic to use for selling. It isn’t.

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

@RespectLife wrote:

I would never let the antics 'stress' me!


I just turn it off.


I doubt they mean it in a literal sense.


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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

@jubilant wrote:

I have been here for many years. I have never been able to understand why people continue to frustrate themselves by watching something they consider so offensive.  After awhile, when you see complaints not changing anything, what good does it do to keep complaining except to keep you in that state of mind. There are things in life I like and things I don't like.  The older I get the more I realize I don't have to participate in those I don't like.  If I do....that's on me!  

Let me explain it. It’s called venting, and it is actually therapeutic.

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

@manny2 wrote:

@jubilant wrote:

I have been here for many years. I have never been able to understand why people continue to frustrate themselves by watching something they consider so offensive.  After awhile, when you see complaints not changing anything, what good does it do to keep complaining except to keep you in that state of mind. There are things in life I like and things I don't like.  The older I get the more I realize I don't have to participate in those I don't like.  If I do....that's on me!  

Let me explain it. It’s called venting, and it is actually therapeutic.

@manny2   I do understand venting but it just seems to me that when you see it doesn't work.... maybe flooding QVC with letters or phone calls would work better....especially if the venting is getting you no where.   Venting can become a bad habit just like anything else if you let it....especially if that's all we do and don't even try another action.

  I admit, that at one time, I just had to turn it off and change my actions. I'm much happier now.  We don't really know what QVC demands of their hosts either so that's another whole story I won't get into.     

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Re: Please Stop Yelling, Hollering and Trying to talk over Each Other

[ Edited ]

@jubilant wrote:

@manny2 wrote:

@jubilant wrote:

I have been here for many years. I have never been able to understand why people continue to frustrate themselves by watching something they consider so offensive.  After awhile, when you see complaints not changing anything, what good does it do to keep complaining except to keep you in that state of mind. There are things in life I like and things I don't like.  The older I get the more I realize I don't have to participate in those I don't like.  If I do....that's on me!  

Let me explain it. It’s called venting, and it is actually therapeutic.

@manny2   I do understand venting but it just seems to me that when you see it doesn't work.... maybe flooding QVC with letters or phone calls would work better....especially if the venting is getting you no where.   Venting can become a bad habit just like anything else if you let it....especially if that's all we do and don't even try another action.

  I admit, that at one time, I just had to turn it off and change my actions. I'm much happier now.  We don't really know what QVC demands of their hosts either so that's another whole story I won't get into.     

I agree with everything you said. @jubilant  I would apply your theory to important events in our own life.


But venting on this board, even if it is repetitive, it is healthy, and we need it. We can disagree, but there is nothing wrong with people saying what they feel. Even over and over.


I have no doubt QVC’s powers that be monitor this board. This is a valuable focus group for them. It all comes down to dollars and cents. If the offensive hosts are making them money everything will remain the same. If people stop buying because of the hosts antics. You can bet they would stop it.