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Good evening

Walker: sorry to hear about the loss. Another road trip. You have certainly been on the move this year.

I heard a report of a school.djstrict. starts mid month and goes to end of June. Wow. Not in a weather prone area.

No news in my world. Just another hot day. Records being broken.

Yum corn on tge cob. Plenty of butter!

Double checked my apts. Glad I did has tge date wrong on my csldnder. Sigh. Have a stack of spt cards. Glad they text reminders.

Coffee pot ready

D: Dutch chocolate

E: next

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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~


kittyfan, I appreciate appointment reminders also.  I often forget to put them on my calendars or as you said - on the wrong date!🤔😃 You mentioned corn on the cob and brought back memories - we used to buy it at the local stands on the way home from the beach.  Great memories.  - double yum wih double butter!!😋


walker, you are now our the official Traveling Queen - wonder if there is a special crown for that🤣  If there is you can be sure I will find it😅  You are so right, this go- go life style is not for me either.  I sure don't remember signing up for old age and all the joys that come with it🤔  


Shout out to Tootie ~ ✨📢🌻


Passing the coffee ~


E - Eggs Benedict

F - next



There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,863
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... oh walker, another road trip but this one maybe not so fun ... make room on your shelf for your "Traveling Queen" Crown ... when cookie looks for one, she will find it ... 😁


kittyfan, I'm surprised school starts mid month ... like you said, in all this heat? I know the schools here go from September thru June ... and a lot of the schools don't have central air (they're looking into that now ...) ... another yum to buttered corn on the cob ... LG loves it too!!


cookie, I'm sure you're on the hunt for that crown ... have fun looking for it ...


We had heavy rains overnight with thunder and lightning ... it looks kind of gloomy now but supposedly the rain is over and we should have a nice 75 degree day ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


F ~ French Onion Soup ... yum!!


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Posts: 10,296
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸🙏....☀️


Happy Tuesday!  Laughing about the crown for traveling Queen, cookie!  My song is On the Road Again...Just Can't Wait to get On The Road Again...😂.  Have Crown Will Travel!  🤣  


I need those appointment reminders too.  Next week I have a doctor appointment.  I thought about your recent comment about questions asked, kittyfan.  Yesterday I was filling out my Pre-Check In-Check-In Now 🙄 form...(does this mean I WILL NOT have to wait when I get there?)  Better be EXPRESS check-in when I arrive.  Anyway....(I'm off track as usual..ha)......two questions..."Birth Gender" and "Sexual Orientation"...😵‍💫...there were a couple others that raised my eyebrows.  Give me a freakin' break!!  Do you have high blood pressure?  YES!  After filling out this form!! my soap box.....Tootie, when is party for LS...this week?  That should be fun.  Growing up fast...seems like LG was just born.


Hope you all have a good day....stay cool...don't happy...stick with SCC...they know how to have fun..😁....see you later.


G ..... Golden Grahams Cereal 


NEXT .... H 








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Posts: 7,863
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hello friends ... walker, in regards to the questions on the "Pre-Check-In-Check-In-Now" form (time it when you get there to see if the form actually got you in quicker ... hahaha!!) it's a crazy world now!!


LS's Party is on Saturday afternoon ... her actual birthday is the 4th!! we'll go over to see her then too!! I can't believe she is 1 already ...


cookie, any luck with that crown??😁

kittyfan, hope you're having a good day.


I'm waiting on my dryer so I can take those out and throw my last load in ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


H ~ Hard Boiled Eggs


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Posts: 10,296
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good idea, Tootie, time my visit!!  I will do that and let you know.  I am annoyed already that I could only get a LATE afternoon appointment (and I called in May) they shove off Medicare Insurance patients to later appointments because they do not get much money off our visits.  

Big day coming up for LS!  #1 is pretty special.  Is she walking?  Their house is getting busier.  Keep a good stock of running shoes, Tootie! 😆


No news from me....did get a pedicure this afternoon....always love looking at my pretty toes...HA!


See you tomorrow.....better get off before a I bump with kittyfan.


I .... Idaho Potatoes


NEXT ... J 







Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,076
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
God evening

I have also got later appointments. Not sure f it is tied to Mt Medicre. Interesting.

Oh the traveling crown.

Tootie seems like it was so recent that LG was expected and no LS.

Cookie: another HOT day. Just getting into August.
No news in my world.
J: jelly donuts

K: next
Valued Contributor
Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  


 walker - I FOUND IT!  I FOUND IT!!  The Traveling Crown✨  You can now travel as a Queen should😂


                     Q Traveling Crown.jpg

You're all set for your trip to NC - and in style! This one is lightweight for  more comfort😊 Nothing too good for our Queen!


Tootie, it does seem like LS was born yesterday.  Hard to believe she's going to be one!🎀🎂  Fun planning birthday parties for young ones.  They are lucky to have such a good Grammie🥰


kittyfan, I have often wondered why they shove off the afternoo appointments.  Fortunately I have not had that hahpen - yet.  I always ask for and usually get mornings.  Not a fan of afternoon appointments - I am tood tired by then🥱  Hope you are staying cool - temps warmer today.


Got a great haircut yesterday.  DD outdid herself!  I love the newer and easier look.  Just like a pedicure/manicure - a great and happy feeling!


Passing the coffee ~


K - Key Lime Pie

L - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,863
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... cookie, I knew you would find a traveling crown ... that one is perfect for our Queen!! ... glad you are happy with your new and easy cut ... I wear my hair short and love how fast and easy it is to take care of.


walker, I don't like later appointments either ... I try to be the first visit of the day. Hopefully, your doctor will take people on time ... LS is taking small steps here and there but finds it much quicker to get into things by crawling 😂 DS sent a picture of the aftermath of just her playing the other day... 😲 it looked like a tornado went through ... I forgot to ask him what LG did when he came home from daycare because most of the toys were his!! I don't know how DS gets any work done with her home, but come Fall, she'll be going to daycare too!


kittyfan, I hope you have been able to get some sleep.


We're in store for a hot and steamy day here ... high of 90 ... I know that might be a cool day for cookie and kittyfan.


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


L ~ Lemonade ... a big glass with lots of ice!!


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Posts: 10,296
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸🙏...☀️☀️🥵


Steamy here today....humidity high already!  Inside day for me!  Yesterday I ended up walking after dinner ...may not even do that today!  


cookie, THANK YOU for that great crown!  😁👍 I really appreciate the fact that it is lightweight too.  You gave me my first chuckle of the day!  

Tootie, pretty funny about LS and the toy mess.  I can just imagine reaction from LG...ha!  

kittyfan, you picked Jelly Donuts for J which I love but rarely treat myself to anymore.  However, when shopping for things to take to lake last week, I spotted a box of Mini-Jelly Donuts....yum!!!  I can eat those and feel a little less guilty....😋😆.


Have a cool (🙄) and delicious day everyone!


M .... 🤔...Mimosas with Jelly Donuts...🤪


NEXT .... N