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@Kachina624 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Because QVC likes to make money.  Imagine that?  A retailer that shows products that women actually want to buy.

@chrystaltree.  Speak for yourself.  When a day of My Pillow is announced, there is a universal groan on this board from women who DON'T want to watch or listen to him.

@Kachina624  Besides having to watch him speaking to the "dazed" couple thru the medicine cabinet on the regular TV commercials......pass the Alka Seltzer.........d

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Fashion is what I watch for so no complaints here. Better clothing than full days of appliances, My Pillows, and old electronics they pass off as new that you can get elsewhere (and usually for cheaper too).

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Re: WHY.????????????????? Why????

@GG13 wrote:

And Why??? is Logo on every day, several times a day??

@GG13 LOGO is on several times a day when she has a TSV, like anyone else selling a TSV.  On what other days do you see her on "several times a day" other than on most Mondays when she has a one-hour show and presents one or maybe two items in Inspired Style and PM Style.  Please tell me which other days LOGO is on several times a day?  I'd like to know because I'd watch it.

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@bad4257 wrote:

Is there so many Fashion   shows....let's have  a little variety......I don't watch the  "Q" much anymore but seems everytime I do a "Q check" it's Fashions, Fashions, Fashions....


@bad4257@What would you rather see? How would you like the programing improved?

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Why?  Simple.  Because they SELL.

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I'm pretty sure that one day this weekend is beauty day, for all you complaining about the beauty shows.