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Registered: ‎10-04-2010
I have tried to be patient and understanding with the delays in shipping but this is ridiculous. What’s worse is you can’t cancel even though the orders have been in process for weeks. This is the worst customer service ever and i am beginning to doubt the delays are related to the Virus. HSN doesn’t seem to have these problems. I have received my orders in 3-5 days from date of order. At least let us cancel the orders
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So far I have not had any issues with my deliveries from the Q but I have seen so many complaints on Facebook.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Guess I've been lucky as I've had good experiences with the Q. I have had a delay with my most recent order but that's been  due to a prob with USPS not QVC.  And must say when I have had a long wait or didn't receive the right item CS has been wonderful about sending out another ASAP.

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I have an order from May 8.  One of the items shipped in the wrong color.  It also did not fit well.


The other item from the SAME order has NOT shipped yet, with an estimated delivery date of June 25, and I cannot cancel it!  It was never backordered.  


SO I know it will not fit, it will be shipped (they think) almost two months after ordered, they think, I know it won't fit and I can't cancel! 

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Posts: 88
Registered: ‎06-17-2010

QVC was having delivery issues long before "the virus".  I think this is their latest excuse because the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.  They have to shift the blame somewhere.

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010
@rae smith. I agree. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt at first but now not so much. We should at least be able to cancel. I think a letter to management bus in order
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I ordered a Lug crossbody bag Monday night watching PM Style. Amy described it as nylon which was the selling point for me. I went online right after placing the order to check the measurements of the bag and it clearly states all bags are polyester except for wine which is nylon.


Spoke to CS to cancel and even after explaining that the order was made given false info, no cancellation...order in process. How can a bag already be ready to ship w/ my name on it within an hour, but take three weeks to get here? Something's rotten in the state of PA. 

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Posts: 116
Registered: ‎07-05-2010

Customer service is not even answering the phone today.  I called and was told they were not able to take my call.  I called back as if I were going to make a purchase and was transferred to Customer Service.  I was on hold for over an hour when I finally got tired of listening to the awful music they play and I hung up.  I waited online to chat for about 15 minutes.  When they started chatting I asked why my order had not shipped in 3 weeks.  They said it was coming from their vendor location and the would e-mail me when it ships.  What kind of an answer is that?  I ordered something from that same vendor a week or so later and those items have been shipped.  I can't cancel the item either.  What gives QVC?!!!



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[ Edited ]

Yeah the delayed shipping excuses are lame. I've order from Chicos, J Jill and WHBM and received my orders from ALL within 7 DAYS, NOT BUSINESS DAYS, 7 normal fun filled days! Just using the virus as an excuse for SLOW Shipping. Really, is that Quality??? Quality is more than the content of an item, it is also in Service as well!

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Posts: 34,987
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

@Teddixat   I ordered a piece of furniture from Wayfair that arrived in 4 days. Why are other companies able to get products shipped?