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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

[ Edited ]

@x Hedge wrote:



My name is Hedge since 2016, but I became  x Hedge in July 2021.

  (edit Oops! Had misspelled my own new nick.)


A poster here named bebe777 used to send out sale alerts to WEN users. Her last post here is dated 2017.


I found a 2016 post from her, in the body of it my name appears as x-Hedge. (Edit..did it again. That should be x Hedge, without the -)



SPURT, I absolutely know your name was listed as SPURT earlier today.  Someone in WEN forum was having trouble changing her nick to all caps. System wouldn't accept it. I scrolled thru and in 60 seconds wrote down 6people.

Yours was the first one I wrote.



I'd bet my last dollar your name was in all caps this morning because SPURT is right here on my little yellow note pad. Lol!

@x Hedge 


I saw this in a Customer Care Post---




Heard from the Social Team, IT did a system update that caused the problem.  


@x Hedge 


Well I think the above is our answer, and thank you for your concern.


I had another issue with my browser and the Q's Forum. It took the IT Team awhile to get it corrected so I could even get on the Forums so Im not messing with trying to change it back since  its the same name but not in all caps.

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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

Oh you're not the first one to find a new name above your avatar without asking for it, @Spurt . 

Somehow they gave me a name that was at least a dozen letters long. This has been going on for weeks.


Apologies to OP @xryretriever .

And now, back to

 🎄   Christmas in July. 📆


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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

CIJ overload for sure..


To me, its on SO MUCH the selection is beginning to look more and more like Dollar Store stuff.



And, it's just more stuff to store.


And I think of all that battery operated need a second mortgage to pay for all those batteries, and I wonder how many people leave them in all year, only to find a corroded mess in the battery box next season.


I wish they would suggest that people remove the batteries at end of season.


I see a lot of that stuff that is supposedly Heirloom working one year at best.


Too Much.

Posts: 49
Registered: ‎08-01-2010

Re: Enough with Christmas in July

I agree, enough is enough. By the time Christmas gets here, I have had my fill of all items christmas. I used to love it but really? It started this year in JUNE!!!

Posts: 49
Registered: ‎08-01-2010

Christmas in June...July........

I agree, enough is enough. By the time Christmas gets here, I have had my fill of all items christmas. I used to love it but really? It started this year in JUNE!!!

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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

@xryretriever wrote:

Thank goodness they've brought Q2 back so I don't have to watch all these ridiculous shows.

@xryretriever   I have had enough also.  Crazy.  I just don't like Q2 as much. 

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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

I agree.  These shows are on overload.  All the merchandise looks like dime store junk at inflated prices.

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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

@xryretriever  I agree.  I can't stand the CIJ shows, never ever watch.  Food,vacuums,beds, are NO for me.  

You have a right to express your opinion here without being criticized for it.  If I'm tired of a certain post subject here, I just don't read it.  Good advice for the snipers here.

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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

@Jinlei wrote:

I agree.  These shows are on overload.  All the merchandise looks like dime store junk at inflated prices.

ITA!   I mean, how much of that Christmas decor----figurines, Santas, etc.--- does one need?   I don't watch either.

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Re: Enough with Christmas in July

Just a poor excuse to drum up sales.  Christmastime for some is a very difficult emotional and financial.  Bombarded with it and QVC has done it overload.  I do not watch.