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@Naturesbeauty wrote:

@Gorgf wrote:

The problem I have experienced is some items are shipped and received in  timely manner and others are in process for weeks. I do not understand why  there is not consistency in handling orders? 


So when I order I never know what will be a result? Clothing is all over the place. As someone said a Q issue. It seems to go on and on. For a long time Warehouse issues, then Covid?


I have had delays in Amazon orders but they are up front with the time frame and allow cancelling that same day. I know it is apples to oranges ,but Q has been in business 34 years so should be able to figure processing and expede shipping  Some factors are out of their control with shipping delays due to transfers or back  log of on line  orders.


I was happy with the 7 to 10 business days that used to be normal. Now we again have a new  Q normal a big ???I live in a small town  so appreciate on line ordering. I still order but who knows when it will actually be received????

I have found with some of my orders, that if they are shipped directly from the supplier (company) not from QVC I get them faster. (In most cases.)

Yes, exactly.  I've started to figure out what ships directly from supplies and what doesn't.  It appears, for example, that Lock n' Lock comes directly from the supplier; however, most clothing doesn't.  I've really become frustrated with QVC's shipping lately, too, and have really started to hesitate about ordering from QVC.  It's a shame because I've shopped with QVC for at least 30 years.  I am definitely looking for alternatives to QVC these days.  I understand that Covid has impacted many retailers, but after more than 3 months, you'd think QVC would have figured out how to deal with the impacts of the pandemic.

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Anything I order from QVC is a want not a need so it really doesn't matter to me how long it takes.

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Their shipping is HORRIBLE! When the woman on the phone told me that my last order will be delivered by the 19th,
I LAUGHED! Today is the 19th and NO PACKAGE! (The delivery date now has been changed to the 23rd) I am out of town ALOT and I try to make arrangements for my deliveries and I can't even do that. Not to mention orders being split up into 3 and 4 different packages and all arriving on different days. I had a package with 2 items in it from a bigger order that showed up weeks after all the other items had arrived. The straw(s) that broke the camels back was this.... I ordered 2 pair of boots, I was going out of town and both pair were supposed to be delivered BEFORE I left. Needless to say, no boots. The morning I left (at 3am) 1 pair was delivered (around 5pm) and it was a good thing my son was there because he was able to put them in the house. (I did put a hold on my mail delivery from 9/23 to 10/4) On 10/1 the other pair of boots were delivered, left on my stoop and it sat there for days. Then it was stolen! First of all, I didn't even know it was delivered, second, I had a hold on my mail so it should have never been delivered and third, if it arrived when it was supposed to all of this could have been avoided. Now, back to first pair of boots... I get home very excited to open my package but when I open them, they are the WRONG boots. Not even close to what I ordered. The only thing they got right was the brand.
So I called them to to let them know, only because this wasn't first or second time they sent me the wrong item, it was at least the fourth. Then I wanted to exchange them for the correct boot and I CAN'T! They are sold out of that boot in my size and color. They are also sold out in my size and color of my second choice. Ugh! So instead of an exchange I have to do a return. I know an exchange is free shipping but I had to pay for shipping to get a pair of boots I didnt order and then return. The second pair of boots, the package that was stolen, they did replace them for me. They sent me the exact pair and said it would arrive on Friday, which was 2 days away. LOL! They did not arrive on Friday but I did get them on Saturday so I am thankful for that and that I was able to be here to get the delivery.
I have also had alot of trouble with payments, in particular, paying items off early. I had many orders that I still had 3 or 4 payments left on and I was just trying to pay them all off. I guess I overwhelmed their system! I know this is about shipping so I won't get into that right now.
Long story short (well, shortened some what), I have not placed another order since those boots. I think I'm done. It makes me sad but bright side, I guess I'll save some money.
I would also like to add that their sister station HSN.... I've never had a problem, at all!!!! I even made a comment to one of the service representatives not to long ago about it. I told her that they are so organized and easy in every way. Shipping is great, payments are great, products are great!
Love it!

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I definately do not purchase as much as I did before from QVC and will not be purchasing christmas gifts from them due to the shipping issues.  I realize this last year especially,  has been trying for our nation, but I would expect QVC to tell their hosts to convey a delay in shipping when presenting an item. 


What I do not understand is how I can receive orders I did not place and the receipt inside is to another person, from another state. This has occured multiple times and I have complained to customer service.  It is an inconvenience and cost of gas to take the packages to the UPS. I told customer service I should send QVC a bill. LOL

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I haven't purchased anything from Q since April 2020. It had been nearly a year before then that I purchased something. I can't rely on Q's shipping and returns handling. Almost everything can be found elsewhere for less money, promo codes, and free shipping/returns.

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I used to order quite a bit from QVC but I am definitely slowing down. Agree with an earlier poster about some things are shipped directly from the supplier, example: Calista air glide Cool Breeze Style (awesome product btw). It came in days! Some Clarks Cloud steppers washable knit boots I ordered back in August as a TSV, I'm still waiting almost 2 months later!!!! Home Reflections sheets, also a TSV, took forever and they finally arrived, but sent the wrong size. Ordered a Queen, they sent Full. Maybe the answer is to figure out what ships reliably and quickly for ex: Kim Gravel, Belle, Denim and Company, Callista, IT make up, Vionic.  Ones I will not order again because of delayed shipping from are:  Isaac M., Home Reflections, and Clarks. They take forever. Some are cancelled or just never ship. I watch now and then check on Amazon.

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nope.... not buying anything. 

Amazon is the way to go.... free shipping and shipped right away,.

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@Sheila P-Burg wrote:



Seems like every day there is a new post from someone complaining about shipping delay, backorder, etc. So I was wondering. Those of you that are not happy right now with QVC are you still buying?

@Sheila P-Burg I am still buying and have made peace with the fact that for us that's the way most of our retail is now.  I'm not one to dig my heels in the sand and be mad.


It's no way to live.  So, I try to adjust to life as the world changes, situations change, and our economics are changing rapidly.  I think before long the complaints will change to what people can't afford now.  

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If you were sent the incorrect items, you do not have to pay for return shipping.  If the return is because of their error, there is no charge.  


If QVC charged you for it, call customer service for a credit.

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No. I stopped.