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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

She was a lab technician not a nurse
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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

@barrel racer wrote:

Sadly, they will probably end up divorced from the strain.

@barrel racer 

What a horrible thing to say.


What is wrong with some of your people.

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

Over the past year or so that she was on QVC she seemed to be struggling. Not always, but there were instances when she was disheveled and floundering. She seemed to lack confidence. It is no wonder she was not kept on. What I don't understand is why she is putting all of this personal information out to the impersonal public. Something isn't right.

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

@MUO wrote:

Over the past year or so that she was on QVC she seemed to be struggling. Not always, but there were instances when she was disheveled and floundering. She seemed to lack confidence. It is no wonder she was not kept on. What I don't understand is why she is putting all of this personal information out to the impersonal public. Something isn't right.

MUO in case you and others haven't noticed, millions of people now post every bit about their lives on social media. I don't and I also don't 'follow' or care about the lives of people I don't know- weather a celebrity or a former shopping channel host. Antonella is simply following the trend and loves the attention.


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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

[ Edited ]

I have close friends; a couple with one a school-aged son, who sold their house and lived on a boat in Haiti for several years. 


Their situation wasn't too dissimilar, their lives and family were somewhat in flux and they felt they could contribute and be self-sustaining in Haiti.


What they did not anticipate was how hard the rough seas would be, and how VERY difficult it is to simply sail.  Ideally, you need a crew, not just two people. I've known married couples who dreamed of sailing the world, bought the boat and ventured out, only to realize it's exhausting, like driving through the night would be, for just two people.  The wife in the above scenario got desperately sea-sick and HATED sailing, so the husband and the son had to do most of the navigating and actual sailing, while the wife wretched and suffered in the living quarters, below. Sailing is not for sissies.


The intercoastal is a nice, calm option, but you have to get there, first. 


Plus, anyone who thinks having a boat is cheaper than a mortgage, think again.  Mooring or docking fees can run in the thousands per month, depending on where you go.  It's why wealthy people tend to own boats and belong to yacht clubs. Even now that they have returned to dry land, the couple in the above scenario are paying several hundred dollars a month to keep their boat in storage.


Not saying Antonella isn't aware (I hope she is,) just that it's not as easy as taking off in an RV.  Hopefully, she is prepared and being realistic. I wish her well. 

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

@barrel racer wrote:

Sadly, they will probably end up divorced from the strain.

I predict they will always be together --- I'm sure they have many options - and they're, obviously smart. They just need a breather.

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

I think boats require a fair amount of maintenance.  An RV might have been a better choice but I guess their dream was a boat.  I don't think they have actually sailed yet, anyone know?

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

If you go on tv, make yourself a celebrity, share your life on air and internet, people will talk about you.  Making no judgment, but it is reality. 

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

I think you need a hobby!

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Re: Antonella answers questions in new video....

She had the tumor or whatever it was on her arm operated on. Everything was ok. The tumor was removed.