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Anyone Here ever worked @ a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

[ Edited ]

I'm starting to get paranoid.  As many of you know, my 15 yr. old Lab died 3 weeks ago.  To be blunt, I had her euthanized because of her limited kidney function and her overall deterioration.  I NEVER intended to euthanize my dog, but it seemed her quality of life s^ked.  Everyday, I never knew from one day to the next how she'd be -- vomiting, diarrhea, not eating, slipping & falling (she wore "boots" to keep from falling), etc ....  She got laser treatments, Vitamin B shots, Acupunture ... I tried everything under the sun until I couldn't spend any more money (close to $13K).  I even had a "Pet Healer" with "healing hands" come to my house to give her treatments.  She got better, and then she got worse.

I've put in applications at 3 different rescue organizations to foster, and been rejected by all of them.   I also put in an app. to adopt a dog.  The shelter told me I was rejected because of a letter I'd written 6 years ago complaining about their clinic.  I spoke to someone who used to work at the clinic, and I got the impression the receptionist might've told him I was a 8*t(h.


The Rescues:

#1 - Humane Society - Okay, I admit it.  I wrote a bad review about them on YELP, but removed it when I applied to be a foster.

#2- Lab Rescue- Spoke to a lady on the phone & never heard from them again.

#3 - XXXX Rescue (not printing their name) - Yesterday, I emailed pictures of my yard and the woman just sent me an email saying my yard wasn't the right shape.

On the Foster applications you have to list the vets you took your dog to.  Over a one year period of time, my dog had seen at least 7 different vets, yet her condition continued to worsen.  I wrote negative reviews on all the vets, except one.


I'm really paranoid now.  Do these animal organizations keep a database of people they don't like?





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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

@RinaRina wrote:


On the Foster applications you have to list the vets you took your dog to.  Over a one year period of time, my dog had seen at least 7 different vets, yet her condition continued to worsen.  I wrote negative reviews on all the vets, except one.




Just curious, did you write a good review about the one vet you did like?

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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

I would doubt they keep any kind of "list" of unsuitable people.  I have had many shelter dogs over the last 40 years and my experience is they almost shove the dogs in your car!  There must be some other reason. 

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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

You may be a lovely person and a wonderful pet parent, but it just doesn't come across in this post. You took a 15 year old dog to 7 vets in one year and gave each a bad review because they couldn't help your dog?!  He was 15 and he was dying -- what did you expect?  15 is a good long life for a lab.  I'm sorry, but you come across as obsessed and borderline unstable.  

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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

[ Edited ]

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@RinaRina wrote:


On the Foster applications you have to list the vets you took your dog to.  Over a one year period of time, my dog had seen at least 7 different vets, yet her condition continued to worsen.  I wrote negative reviews on all the vets, except one.




Just curious, did you write a good review about the one vet you did like?


Yes!  I did.  I gave her 5 stars, the highest rating.  She was very kind to me.  The other vets just didn't seem to care.  They always were telling me bad stuff.  Finally, one day, the "internist" called me to tell me he was going to examine my dog and I burst out into tears and told him, "don't tell me anything bad.  Just tell me she's going to get better.  Let's be positive."   She'd been hospitalized for 4 days.  When I went to pick her up, the internist gave me some cans of food for dog's with kidney disease and just said, "let's stay positive".


I finally bit the bullet and drove far away from home (I hate driving) to the vet, who as it turns out was very nice.

But she sent me to ANOTHER hospital.  My dog was hospitalized for 3 more days.  When the hospital vet called me, she was just saying bad stuff.  When she told me the medicine I'd been giving my dog seemed to have "attacked her kidneys", I broke down on the phone.  I started crying & screaming.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I told her to go ahead and euthanize her.  I'm crying as I type this.  As old as I am, I've never experienced anything this BAD in my life!  Everyday  I cry.

Anyway -- back to the nice vet.  I wrote her a stellar review.  A week later, she sent me an email explaining to me, my dog couldn't fight anymore.  She was too old and had too many things wrong with her.

I suppose the vet at the hospital must've told her I was a "loose cannon" & broke down on the phone.



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Re: Anyone Here ever worked @ a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

We foster cats from one of our local shelters and have done so for years.  I only remember a very simple application and a mandatory series of fostering classes.

Your discussion sounds to me that you may be a bit over the top concerning your pets. Maybe explore your opportunities again, after you have had a chance to deal with your loss.

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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

@Citrine1 wrote:

You may be a lovely person and a wonderful pet parent, but it just doesn't come across in this post. You took a 15 year old dog to 7 vets in one year and gave each a bad review because they couldn't help your dog?!  He was 15 and he was dying -- what did you expect?  15 is a good long life for a lab.  I'm sorry, but you come across as obsessed and borderline unstable.  



I was hurt by your comment.  But in retrosepct, you're right.  I was obsessed.

When I went over all my vet bills 2 weeks ago, honestly, I thought to myself, "I must've been temporarily insane."  I couldn't believe how much money I'd spent. 

So, you're right. 

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

Most humane soceties are easier to adopt from.   Many rescues do home studies, check vet references, and require a fenced yard.

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Re: Anyone Here ever work at a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

@RinaRina wrote:

@Citrine1 wrote:

You may be a lovely person and a wonderful pet parent, but it just doesn't come across in this post. You took a 15 year old dog to 7 vets in one year and gave each a bad review because they couldn't help your dog?!  He was 15 and he was dying -- what did you expect?  15 is a good long life for a lab.  I'm sorry, but you come across as obsessed and borderline unstable.  



I was hurt by your comment.  But in retrospect, you're right.  I was obsessed.

When I went over all my vet bills 2 weeks ago, honestly, I thought to myself, "I must've been temporarily insane."  I couldn't believe how much money I'd spent. 

So, you're right. 

I am sorry you were hurt by this remark, however I must agree with Citrine2.  It is not the money you spent, it comes down to your willingness to accept vets assessments.  As with any medical issue, you often have to look at it with both your head and your heart.  15 years for a lab is a very long life, you need to be be grateful as well as proud of yourself for getting him that far.  Saying goodbye is always the most difficult decision we make for our pets. 

When you foster pets (I could never do it) you are always saying goodbye.  You never know if they will be there for days or months.  They are looking for stable environments to temporarily take care of the dogs.  Difficulty letting go of them can cause problems for shelters and rescues. 


I would suggest volunteering at a local shelter for now.  You can see how you would handle the constant leaving of dogs you may have become attached.  Then you can determine if fostering is for you.  While there you may just find one you just have to bring home for good.

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Re: Anyone Here ever worked @ a Shelter or Animal Rescue?

[ Edited ]

Yes.  I have worked with several excellent Rescue Groups.  I worked with the local Humane Society, with a specific breed rescue group, and with a charity that runs a huge home for animals that aren't able to be placed - gives them a forever home in a ranch type setting. They have at least 100+ animals at any given time. Any animal needing care gets it, no matter what the cost - they are well funded.


The Humane Society does keep records, as they should. One of the families in our area had a boy who deliberately injured their cat. They then tried to adopt a dog and were declined, as they should have been.  The breed rescue group is very particular. They will come to your home to inspect your facility for an animal, check all your references as far back as you can get them, and try to determine your financial ability to care for a dog.  The charity group does adopt out puppies and a few adult dogs that are able to go out. They take a two page sheet of information and they go to your home to check your facilities. They question whether you have a private yard?  Do you have a fence capable of holding this animal, will you allow the animal inside to avoid dangerous weather conditions, i.e. excess heat, cold, rain. (Electric fences are unacceptable.)


I am very glad that the organizations with which I am familiar are careful and conscientions about placing animals.  And I would have to say that all your negative postings and comments have definitely hurt you in the adoption process. I am sure that some of these animal lovers comunicate. Can you blame them?  


If you know you did all you could do for your pup, you didn't need to demean others who were unable to do anything for an older dog. A 15 year old Lab is very old, as almost any large breed would be. Stop pointing fingers and acknowledge that when God calls your beloved pet home, they will cross that Rainbow Bridge willingly and with the joy and energy they felt as a pup. Perhaps you could volunteer for an organization near you and show them by your actions (not your words) that you would be a good march for a lonely animal.