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When do kids in your area go back to School?

My Granddaughter goes back the last week of August.....

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

Begining of second week in August. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

After Labor Day.

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

After Labor Day here for most.  But a few schools go year round.

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

Two days after Labor Day

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

August 16th

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

Most of the kids go back after Labor Day!

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

August 8th

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?

August 28th.

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Re: When do kids in your area go back to School?


I live in Va.  It's getting so that in Va there is such a variety of when children start, it's crazy.


I only live maybe 20 miles from my daughter and her children go back earlier than the children in my area.  Her children got out at least 1 week later than in my area.


Just a few years ago all of Va went and got out of school AFTER labor day.  Now it varies.


I forget the exact number of days but where my daughter's children go to school they weren't allowed to get out earlier even though the school system had incorporated in (I think) 7 or more snow days.  They didn't use them but the district wouldn't give them credit for going so they actually went to school longer than where I lived.....more days would probably be a more accurate way of saying it.


My other daughter lives in Florida and her children go back in August also.


I know in Va the law says the children have to go to school a specific number of days.


Phew!  I've recently gotten criticism for posting long bla bla's.  I apologize, but I had to reason why it varies in my area....